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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
Videos:the Skinhead Cult & the Skinhead Movement
"It is necessary that I shall die for my people.But my spirit will rise from the grave and the world shall know that I was right." - Adolf Hitler The neo-Nazi skinhead movement encompasses some 125,000 youths from 33 countries on six continents. Columbine High School Skinhead Massacre Videos ... *Columbine Skinhead Massacre:Air Space Closed *Columbine Skinhead Massacre:Evacuation *Columbine Skinhead Massacre:Students *Columbine Skinhead Massacre:Bomb Squad *Columbine Skinhead Massacre:Explosins *Columbine Skinhead Massacre President Clinton Address *Columbine Skinhead Massacre:Inside the School *Columbine Skinhead Massacre Cafeteria Surveillance Tape the Killers ... Eric Harris Dylan Klebold “So thats the only way to solve arguments with all you fuckheads out there, I just kill! God I cant wait till I can kill you people...” (Extract from a website of Eric Harris) “I will sooner die than betray my own thoughts, but before I leave this worthless place, I will kill whoever I deem unfit…” (Diary entry of Eric Harris) Tim McVeigh If you hate getting tied down in just one version of reality, you should love the case of Timothy McVeigh. The convicted Oklahoma City bomber was either the patsy of white extremists, the patsy of Islamic fundamentalists, the patsy of a vast government conspiracy, a psychotic remorseless mass murderer, or some of the above, or all of the above. Oklahoma City Bombing In 1985 it was discovered that the White Patriot Party of North Carolina was successfully recruiting Marines and soldiers. According to the New York Times, a number of the neo-Nazi sympathizers within the military were identified after they sold Claymore mines, rockets, grenades, and small arms to undercover agents in a sting operation. In a book based on interviews before his execution, American Terrorist, McVeigh stated he decapitated an Iraqi soldier with cannon fire on his first day in the war, and celebrated. But he said he later was shocked to be ordered to execute surrendering prisoners, and to see carnage on the road leaving Kuwait City after U.S. troops routed the Iraqi army. The Washington Post says that senior officers with the U.S. Central Command in Riyad became worried that what they saw was a growing public perception that Iraqi forces were leaving Kuwait voluntarily, and that the U.S. pilots were bombing them mercilessly, which was the truth. So the U.S. government, says the Post, played down the evidence that Iraqi troops were actually leaving Kuwait. (Retreating from Kuwait in school buses, taxis, trucks, cars, anything that would carry them, the Iraqi army including many civilians retreating from Kuwait were slaughtered in the desert. The Killing Field was carefully chosen by the American Air Force which bombed and strafed for up to six hours the retreating columns. Estimates vary but at least 40,000 dead is assumed.) McVeigh traveled to Waco, Texas during the March-April 1993 standoff between the Branch Davidians and federal agents, and was said to have been angry about what he saw. He sold firearms at a gun show in Arizona and was heard to remark on one weapon's ability to shoot down an ATF helicopter. On the morning of April 19, 1993, we watch as tanks mounted with boom structures rip holes in the compound walls and insert the tear gas. Still the Davidians do not come out, and the FBI reports gunfire coming at them from within the compound. The gassing and demolition of the building continues until late morning. FBI and ATF agents' standoff with cult leader David Koresh and his Branch Davidian followers in Waco, Texas results in a fiery confrontation (left) when government tanks are eventually used against the compound. After being shelled, the main building, a flimsy warren made of plywood and aluminum siding erupts in flames, and 72 people, including women and children, are killed. Among the hundreds of sight seers who witnessed the deadly, heavy handed confrontation is a disaffected ex-Gulf war veteran... Timothy McVeigh. ATF Rape of Liberty Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms This rogue agency has committed such heinous acts as burning to death over 80 men, women and children at Waco; murdered a Mother holding her baby at Ruby Ridge; killed unarmed home owners at various illegal raids nationwide; destroyed honest gun dealers by illegally confiscating millions of dollars of inventory nationwide, and even lying under oath in court! Federal Sniper targets and kills woman holding baby! The BATF operates outside of the law, acting as the "arm breakers" of the US Government, forcing honest gun dealers out of business on a daily basis and attacking their dissenters on trumped-up charges they generically title "firearms violations".) In interviews following the Oklahoma city bombing, McVeigh said he began harboring anti-government feelings during the Gulf War. McVeigh was soon to indicate that he had acted in retaliation for what had happened at Waco, (he had even picked the second anniversary of the slaughter April 19, (Hitler's birthday) for his act of retribution). Timothy McVeigh met with TIME months before the start of the trial in which he would be convicted of the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City that killed 168 people. In an extensive conversation with TIME correspondent Patrick Cole in Oklahoma's El Reno Federal Correctional Institute on March 30, 1996, McVeigh talked about his problems with the federal government, his service in the Gulf War, and the case against him. other references ... *Interview with Timothy McVeigh *Declaration by Professor Charles Moskos *Biography *Bad Day Dawning Skinhead Origin Ian Stuart The original Skinhead subculture emerged in working class Britain during the 1960s as a 'memetic drift' from the Mod subculture. Integrating vibrant aspects of Jamaican Ska and Reggae music. Early Skinheads were different from the racialist stereotypes that dominate contemporary mainstream media coverage. By the early 1970s, the skinhead subculture had significantly weakened partly due to police crackdowns. The movement was not revived until the end of the decade, in the midst of the punk explosion. The British economy had fallen into its worst crisis since World War II and the country was beset by social problems. Meanwhile, the almost forgotten skinhead cult had returned to the scene, but in contrast to its original apolitical conception, some of the new skinheads had started to move toward the radical right. The politicization of the skinheads was an apparent reaction to the growing unemployment rate among young, unskilled men. Some people started to blame the unemployment rate on the immigrants, who were said to be "stealing" jobs from native Britons. Furthermore, various extremist right-wing political groups capitalized on the potential inherent in the physical prowess and patriotic inclinations of the skinheads. Ian Stuart Donaldson played a key role in the transformation of the skinheads from a subculture into an international political movement. In 1977, Donaldson established the rock band Screwdriver to ventilate his uniquely right-wing philosophy based on violence, survival, and rebellion. Two years later, this talented musician set up the political group White Noise, which soon caught the attention of the British National Front. After just two albums, Screwdriver assumed a leading role in the creation of white power music -- a right-wing extremist and racist offshoot of the rock scene. The wave of nationalistic feeling was accompanied by an increase in the number of racially motivated crimes committed by skinheads. The ultraright branch of the movement immediately became the focus of media attention and social condemnation. Meanwhile, the apolitical skinheads distanced themselves from the xenophobic attitudes of the ultraright, eventually giving birth to a left-wing and decidedly anti-racist rock music movement right at the heart of the British music scene. "Hard Mods" were the first British subculture to embrace Jamaican reggae and ska music as well as soul. The first enclaves of immigrants from the British colonies in the Caribbean established a group known as the Rude Boys, characterized by their clothing, slang, and especially disrespect for convention and authority. These gangs fascinated the Mods, who saw the lifestyles of these immigrants as a possible way out of their own oppressive working-class conditions. Thus, two apparently irreconcilable culture groups, Jamaican immigrants and white working-class youths, gave birth to a subculture that exists to this day -- the skinheads. These "Hard Mods" were the first British subculture to embrace Jamaican reggae and ska music as well as soul. The first enclaves of immigrants from the British colonies in the Caribbean established a group known as the Rude Boys, characterized by their clothing, slang, and especially disrespect for convention and authority. These gangs fascinated the Mods, who saw the lifestyles of these immigrants as a possible way out of their own oppressive working-class conditions. Thus, two apparently irreconcilable culture groups, Jamaican immigrants and white working-class youths, gave birth to a subculture that exists to this day -- the skinheads. These early skinheads, originally know as the Boot Boys, borrowed much from the external appearance of the Mods but were set apart by pride in their working-class origins, patriotism, and Puritanism. They distanced themselves from hippies, drugs, and intellectualism. Their favorite music was reggae and ska. One of the most important characteristics of these early skins was their rejection of hippie values such as long hair as a symbol of peace and eroticism. Some commentators note that in its clothing, proletarian chauvinism, patriotism, and love of beer, boxing, and football, the skinhead subculture was an attempt to recreate the English working-class community. The main Skinhead "organization" is Blood and Honour, a loose sort of structure founded in 1987 by Ian Stuart Donaldson - professionally (and hereinafter) "Ian Stuart" - a Skinhead musician who was killed in an automobile crash in Derbyshire late in 1993. Stuart's band, Skrewdriver, has been for years the most popular Skinhead group in Britain and throughout the world. Under the name The Klansmen, the band has made records for the United States market - one of their songs was titled "Fetch the Rope." Stuart always preferred being called a Nazi rather than a "neo-Nazi." He once told the London Evening Standard: "I admire everything Hitler did, apart from one thing - losing." Displaced by the sociopolitical trauma of the late 1960s, including Hippies, Skinheads again came to prominence during the turbulent 1970s in Britain. During a time of high unemployment and growing economic stratification, many young people found a positive personal identity and surrogate tribe in the thriving subculture. Skinheads adopted a myriad of forms, from Trads to Red & Anarchist Skins (RASH). They spawned new music genres, including Street-Punk, Two-Tone and Oi! However, groups like National Action became notorious for violent street protests, and fear of Neo-Nazi Boneheads prompted strongly negative reactions from the general public. Racialist and White Power groups spread to the United States. As a reaction to the racialist stereotype and divisive opposition politics, a grass-roots movement called Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice (SHARP) emerged during the late 1980s. SHARP argued that the racialists had fed members false history and used the subculture's aesthetics and personal identity for its own nefarious purposes. In a splintering post-Cold War environment where the search for cultural identity is simultaneously more difficult and more dangerous than ever, Skinhead subculture uniquely probes the different forms and reasons why racialism and historical revisionism exist within society. They provide a haven for disenfranchised working class voices. The Skinhead phenomenon had its birth in the United Kingdom, arising as a youth cult in the early 1970's, and Britain is still regarded as the fountainhead of the movement worldwide. It was there that the Skinhead aspect and regalia developed - shaved heads, boots, tattoos - designed to symbolize tough, angry, rebellious working-class youths. (The steel-toed Doc Martens boots, de rigueur for Skins everywhere, are manufactured in Britain.) Along with the style went fixed attitudes: an extreme nationalism, a brash male chauvinism, a glorification of brute violence. Before long, a large number of British Skinheads were also displaying hostility towards non-whites, Jews, foreigners and homosexuals. Filling out the format was "oi" music ("oi" is a Cockney greeting), which - for the racist Skins - meant the threatening sound of "white power." Today Skinhead rock is one of the most popular recruiting tools used to attract young people to the American white power movement. The Skinhead American Neo-Nazi Evolution Tom Metzger was once considered one of the most powerful men in the white supremacists movement. Metzger started out as a leader in the John Birch Society, in California. Metzger was also a Christian Identity minister. Christian Identity teaches that white people are the true Israelites, and that the Jews are the spawn of Satan. Metzger then joined the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which was led by David Duke, out of Metarie, Louisiana. Metzger was a dynamic recruiter and quickly rose to the position of Grand Dragon (State Director) of California. He first gained national fame when he initiated the U.S. Border Patrol controversy in the 1970's. Metzger was fed up with the U.S. Government's failure to patrol the U.S.-Mexico border, in which thousands of illegal aliens where flooding the shores of America, taking jobs away from U.S. citizens. Tom Metzger Metzger decided that if the U.S. Government was not going to do anything about the situation, then he and the Klan would. Metzger announced that the K.K.K. would begin patrolling the border for illegal aliens, and brought David Duke to California, to kick off the campaign. This drew headlines all over the world, and angered Mexico. The U.S. Government's answer to the problem, was not to patrol the border for illegal aliens but to patrol the border to arrest Klan members caught harassing anyone attempting to cross the border. This would backfire on the Government, because many Californians sympathized with Metzger's efforts because the public was outraged at the Government's refusal to control the illegal alien problem. When David Duke arrived in California, Metzger met him at the airport, all prepared for business, when Duke took off his sunglasses, looked around and said to tom, "Hey Tom, where's all the women at? Fix me up!" Metzger blew his top, because he considered this a serious matter and here Duke was being only concerned with getting a chick for the night! Metzger broke away from Duke's Klan right after that, and took the members of California, and formed the California Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Riding on the waves of his new found popularity, Metzger decided to run for U.S. Congress. He entered the state primary and ran as a Democrat. Metzger won with 55,000 votes and became the Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress. This shocked the nation that the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan actually was the Democratic nominee. The Democratic Party renounced Metzger and endorsed the Republican incumbent. As a result, Metzger was defeated in the general election. Metzger continued to organize Klan events and demonstrations and garnered national publicity again as he led a Klan march in Oceanside, Ca., against the Communists, the Progressive Labor Party and I.N.C.A.R. The Communists vowed to attack and that they did, but, Metzger was waiting for them. Metzger had ordered the Klan to not wear the traditional white robe and hood, and had everyone dress in black t-shirts and helmets with face shields. White Knights Ku Klux Klan Armed with baseball bats and guard dogs, Metzger led the Klan on a counter attack against the anti-Klan demonstrators. The anti-Klan forces were defeated and ran away from the Klan. Metzger's popularity soared, and after running for Congress, he entered the race for U.S. Senate and received over 70,000 votes but was defeated again. Around this time, a rival K.K.K. leader by the name of Elbert Claude "Bill" Wilkinson, Imperial Wizard of the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, came to California and began to raid Metzger's membership. Wilkinson was formerly with David Duke's Klan, but he broke away from Duke and formed a rival Klan, taking over 3/4ths of Duke's members with him. Wilkinson set up National Klan headquarters in Denham Springs, Louisiana, and even had the Mayor of Denham Springs cut the ribbon on the new national office building. Wilkinson began setting up offices in many major states, by raiding the rival Klan's memberships, and Tom Metzger's Klan was not spared. Wilkinson was a very outspoken charismatic leader, and had a strong national base which Metzger did not have. A large portion of the members of Metzger's California K.K.K. opted to join Wilkinson. Metzger decided to resign from the Klan. It would later be revealed that Wilkinson was a paid F.B.I. informant, and was funded by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, to start a rival Klan, so they could keep track of who were members. Wilkinson later talked people into committing illegal acts, and many members were jailed and sent to prison. When this all came out, Wilkinson resigned from the Klan, and entered the Federal Witness Protection Program, where he remains to this day, whereabouts unknown. Metzger then decided to form a new organization, and called it the White American Political Association, or W.A.P.A. Metzger was following the agenda set forth at the Aryan Nations congress held annually in Hayden Lake, Idaho, under Pastor Richard Butler. In the early 1980's a group of revolutionaries met at the Aryan Nations congress and decided to declare a revolution against the government. One of the plans was to create different organizations just like the Klan, but under names that would not have the negative connotations that the Klan and the Nazi Party has. The leader of this revolution was a man by the name of Robert J. Matthews. He initiated bank robberies, assassinations, declared war on the Federal Government, and counterfeited money in an effort to overthrow the government, and install an all-white homeland. In 1984, Matthews and his gang robbed an armored car in Ukiah, Ca., and netted $3,000,000.00. In the robbery, Matthews dropped a gun, which was registered to Andrew Barnhill. The F.B.I. traced the gun, and then a nation wide manhunt ensued, with Matthews getting killed in a fiery shootout with Federal agents in Whidbey Island, Washington. The Federal agents then captured Bruce Pierce, who was 2nd in command of this gang that they called "The Order", or "The Silent Brotherhood". In a signed, sworn statement to Federal agents, Pierce told the agents that the money from the robbery was distributed to various white supremacists leaders, among them Richard Butler, Bob Miles, and Tom Metzger. Pierce said that they had given Metzger around $500,000.00. Metzger of course denied he had taken the money, but it was right about this time that Metzger bought thousands of dollars worth of TV equipment and took a local TV show that he hosted in the San Diego, Ca., area, called "Race and Reason" on the national circuit. Metzger's TV show was on in over 100 cities across the nation, via public access television. Metzger helped many white supremacists across the United States set up 24 hour hotlines with recorded racist messages. He began to publish a large newspaper called White American Resistance. He then changed the name of his organization from White American Political Association, to White American Resistance. Then he changed the name again, to White Aryan Resistance, and renamed his newspaper W.A.R. Over in the United kingdom, there was a racist skinhead band leader by the name of Ian Stewart, who formed a band called "Screwdriver". They put out an album that was sold in a lot of record stores across the U.K. as well as the U.S., and on the album cover, Stewart dedicated the album to Metzger. Skinheads are known for never having any money, and for being lowlifes that live off of the system by stealing, committing robberies, dealing drugs, drawing welfare and food stamps, or just plain living off of mom and dad. It was strange that a bum like Stewart all of a sudden had the money to put out an album, and dedicated it to Metzger. So Metzger didn't take the money huh? Right, and Bill Clinton never cheated on Hillary either! Metzger then got in touch with yours truly, Johnny Lee Clary in Oklahoma, and named me Heartland Director of W.A.R., and began a recruitment drive through the Heartland of the U.S.A. Metzger and I appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, and then Metzger assigned me to appear on Morton Downey Jr. twice. Aryan Fest 88, held in Oklahoma was organized in which hundreds of white supremacists from all over the U.S. came to Oklahoma to participate. Originally, W.A.R. was set up as a union to organize all the different white supremacists groups under one umbrella, where it was hoped that all would work together to promote Aryan supremacy. One thing about hate groups is that whenever something is founded on hate, that hatred of others spills over to their fellow comrades when there is no one else around for them to hate. Unity among the ranks is a thing of the past. Several white supremacist leaders and members were standing trial in Ft. Smith, Arkansas in 1988 on federal charges of Seditious Conspiracy to overthrow the United States Government. Metzger was not indicted, although news reports were circulating over the A.P. that we were. Thom Robb, or Slobb as he is now referred to, tried to grandstand during the trial, by holding marches and asking the crowd for donations, which he often does as he is known as a "patriot for profit". Metzger went to Ft. Smith and stood in support of the men who were standing trial. Metzger and myself exposed Thom Slobb for what he was, and pointed out Slobb's true agenda. This resulted in a large defect of his membership, and reduced Slobb's Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, (which he had illegally stolen from Don Black, David Duke's successor,) to down to almost nothing, with less then 100 members nationally. Metzger was now highly respected among the hate mongers. Metzger was now the most powerful Aryan leader in the U.S., since Robert Shelton had recently met his demise. Robert Shelton was Imperial Wizard of the United Klans of America. The U.K.A. was organized in the early 1960's and was by far the largest Klan in America. No one could rival Shelton in strength and numbers, with the exception of the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, led by Imperial Wizard Sam Bowers, of Mississippi. The White Knights was the most militant and violent of all the Klans ever to exist. In the 80's, two U.K.A. members killed a black man and hung him from a tree in Alabama. Morris Dees, an attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center in Alabama, filed a civil suit against the U.K.A. on behalf of the mother of the young black man that was murdered. The jury decided in against the U.K.A. and rendered a $7,000,000.00 judgment against them. The U.K.A. turned over their headquarters and property to the mother of the slain black man, and thus signified the end of the U.K.A. with Robert Shelton retiring. Now Metzger began his downfall. It was time for Aryan Fest '89 and Metzger had changed big time. Metzger came to Oklahoma, and ordered the Confederate flag and the American flag removed from Aryan Fest, and put up a Nazi flag and a skull and crossbones flag in place of the flags he ordered removed. He then made it clear that he no longer believed in God, and that he would not tolerate Christianity in his W.A.R organization. Metzger had began associating with a skinhead that was involved with LaVena LeVey, daughter of Anton LeVey, founder of the Church of Satan. Metzger began to listen to satanic music and partying with the skinheads. He told the Klan to take a hike and said he did not like Southerners, calling them rednecks. He said he could not stand cowboys or the Klan, and that the Skinheads were the only true warriors. He then told the skinheads to get on welfare and food stamps and milk the government for all they could get. The Klan all walked out. Grego then told all the skinheads in Dallas and Tulsa to start committing illegal acts, which resulted in the arrest of dozens of skinheads who were sent to prison. Grego abandoned his troops and disappeared from site. Metzger soon had more problems with another one of his leaders. He sent a skinhead to Portland , Oregon named David Mazzella, to organize skinheads there. One night, several of them took a baseball bat and beat an Ethiopian black student to death. This resulted in prison sentences for Metzger's skinheads. Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center, went to Portland, and filed a civil lawsuit against Metzger and his son John, and against their organization, on behalf of the family of the Ethiopian student that was murdered by Metzger's skinheads. Metzger, with his giant ego, chose to defend himself and to act as his own attorney. The result was the jury found in favor of the black student's family, and rendered a judgment against Metzger in the amount of $12,000,000.00. Metzger was living on Sunbeam Drive in Fallbrook, California, at the time of the judgment against him. He had a very large house, where he lived with his wife Cathy, who was battling cancer. Metzger also had other troubles. He had been appealing a decision that was rendered against him several years before for charges of burning a cross, and he lost that appeal and was sentenced to the L.A. County Jail. Metzger lost his house, his TV equipment, his computers, and his automobile, due to the Portland judgment. All of this proved too much for his wife Cathy, as she lost the fight against cancer and died. Metzger was released from jail early because of his wife dying. Metzger had lost everything, but his van, in which he was allowed to keep for his TV repair business. He began living out of his van, which he parked down by the river. He washed his clothes in the river, and strung a clothesline up to hang them on. His meals mainly consisted of fish that he was able to catch and some cans of pork-n-beans. Metzger lived in the van down by the river, until he met a woman who allowed him to move in with her. This woman lets Metzger drive her car and feeds and supports him. Metzger hooked up a phone machine and started a hotline again, and his girlfriend has a computer that she lets him use where he now has a web site. The once powerful Tom Metzger, who is near 70 years old, is now a poor old man, who has nothing left but what people give to him to help him out. He tries to fool people into thinking that he is still powerful, but is glory days ended long ago. He still has his TV repair business, but he barely gets by these days. Thus ends the story of Tom Metzger, John Birch Society organizer, turned Christian Identity minister, turned Knights of the K.K.K. organizer, turned Grand Dragon of California Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, turned candidate for U.S. Congress, turned candidate for U.S. Senate, turned White American Political Association leader, turned White American Resistance leader, turned White Aryan Resistance leader, turned Public Access TV Show host, turned TV repairman, turned Jailbird, turned van living vagabond, turned live-in gigolo! German Skinheads Shock Mom and Dad Become a Neo-Nazi German young people, faced with liberal parents who are tolerant about sex, drugs and rock and roll, are increasingly rebelling by turning to right-wing extremism. Neo-nazi fashion, music and ideology have become an ever important part of German youth culture. They believe that if foreigners left there would be more jobs and fewer unemployed Turks getting money from the government. There would be no Albanian drug dealers on the streets and no macho Islamic guys hitting on their girlfriends. They would also no longer run the risk of being beaten up by large groups of "Russians" on a Friday night in front of their favorite bar. They say it is always "the Russians" who attack first. While media attention is focussed on German neo-Nazi skinheads, left-wing, anti-racist skinheads have been largely ignored so far. The lines between the two groups are blurring as far as fashion goes. The movement's origins in the 1960s came out of England and were based largely on British nationalism and the influence of rude boys, West Indian immigrants known for the sharp dress and ska music. It started gaining ground in Germany during the 1980s, when Steph "shaved up." Back then, being a skinhead had more to do with "sharp" clothes and aggressive music than racist beliefs, she said. "You listened to the music and had your fun," she said, naming the band Skrewdriver as an example. "But no one took the lyrics seriously. No one would go out and grab the first person they saw and beat him up because they didn't like his nose or because he looked different. It was just about the music." Skinhead Variety Since then, the skinhead movement in Germany has split off into a variety of factions. The anti-racist skinheads include the Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice, or S.H.A.R.P. skins, and the Red or communist skins. There are also racist and fascist groups, which are often the ones that find their way into television and radio stories. Those who don't get any coverage include people like Daniel, a 28-year-old man who works for a software company and describes himself as left-wing. "I'm interested in politics, mainly in local politics and also world-wide -- seeing how globalization is destroying other poor countries in the third world," said Daniel, who has been a skinhead for 13 years. Russia has 55,000 Skinheads In the mid-1980s, a rivalry arose between the Nazi skinheads of the West and the Trads (traditional skinheads who tried to keep the original purity of the movement and were indifferent to fascist and any other policy for that reason). The Nazi skinheads also met with a rebuff from anti-fascist skinheads who can roughly be divided into three groups: ordinary anti-fascists (members of SHARP, or skinheads against racial prejudice), anti-fascists holding left views (including anarchists and communists who joined the association Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH), and even anti-fascists of the social democratic and liberal orientation from the Skinhead Liberation Organization (SLO). In the West we find a colourful mixture of traditions and subcultures – Trads, Mods, RASHES, SHARPS, punks, Nazi punks and Nazi skinheads. In Russia we see almost only Nazi skinheads (99 percent). They are stupid and glum. This subculture is a subculture indeed. Not all gangs are undesirable. We must first understand what a gang is, decide what characteristics make a gang bad for society and adopt a special definition for the particular type of gang we are addressing. There are many definitions of a "gang." Independent Gangs and Idealistic Gangs. Some of these include ... Motorcycle Gangs White Supremacists Asian Gangs White-supremacist groups are moving aggressively to recruit new members by promoting their violent, racist ideologies on billboards, in radio commercials and in leaflets tossed on suburban driveways. Watching with mounting alarm, civil-rights monitors say these tactics stake out a much bolder, more public role for many hate groups, which are trying to shed their image as shadowy extremists and claim more mainstream support. Skinhead Free Online Videos ... Skinhead Music Mp3's ... The Twin Cities is one of the top music towns in the nation. But the same local scene that gave birth to Hüsker Dü, Prince, and the Jayhawks has also spawned one of the nation's biggest labels for "white power" music. Panzerfaust Records operates quietly from its home base in St. Paul, sending out racist CDs and merchandise for more than 300 bands. A look at one of Minnesota's lesser known exports. *Top "white power" music label prospers from Twin Cities *Skinhead Mp3 Streams *FreeWhite Power Mp3's *Rare White Music Archive *Music Archives *the 4 Skins Featured Mp3 Clips Top Skinhead Websites ... *White Aryan Resistance (top site featuring War Radio Archives) *Skinhead Top Sites Archive *White Power Radio *Blood & Honour USA *Blood & Honour Radio *Nuke Israel *Skinheads *American Renaissance *West Virginia Skinheads *Salem Anarchist *Ukraine World Skinhead Links & Info *Ukrainian Archive *Bulgarian National Alliance Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
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