The Coming Global Plague
![]() Research has now confirmed that the 1918 flu pandemic -- which killed 50 million people -- was caused by a bird flu virus that jumped directly to humans. Read more ... *1918 Killer Pandemic Caused By Bird Flu *Avian influenza - the evolving situation *Are We Ready? The Avian Flu It could kill a billion people worldwide, make ghost towns out of parts of major cities, cripple economies, bring international trade and travel to a standstill and even jeopardize political stability, and there is not enough medicine to fight it. It is called the avian flu. ![]() Rapid Mutations The Avian influenza infection now has a highly pathogenic form which spreads rapidly through flocks of poultry. This form may cause disease that affects multiple internal organs and has a mortality rate that can reach 90-100%, often within 48 hours. It mutates rapidly and now has a history of being able to acquire genes from viruses infecting other animal species. It has caused severe disease in humans. Laboratory studies have demonstrated that isolates from this virus have a high pathogenicity and can cause severe disease in humans. Birds that survive infection excrete virus for at least 10 days making it easier to spread the virus at live poultry markets and by migratory birds. The public has been misinformed. The issue has been barely mentioned by the media. ![]() Economic Global Collapse Family doctors say they aren't prepared for a flu pandemic. Facemasks will be impossible to purchase during a pandemic - "During a pandemic ...we will see a collapse of the global economy as we know it which means that we're going to run out of those things ...things like medical supplies, drugs, masks, whatever." Read more ... *The Next Pandemic ![]() Top influenza official Margaret Chan said the outbreak in poultry is historically unprecedented. She said the deadly virus presents a greater challenge to the world than any other emerging infectious disease. Read more ... *World Health Organization Meeting *Types of the Influenza Virus The catastrophic potential of an avian flu pandemic ranks just below that for thermonuclear war. To date, more than 300 million chickens have been culled or killed in an attempt to contain the virus. Meanwhile, human-to-human transmission has been confirmed in Thailand and Vietnam, where it has been 55 percent lethal, so far. ![]() No Immunity If the virus, known as H5N1, mutates into a form that passes easily from person to person, the world would be hit with a catastrophic pandemic because virtually no one would have immunity to the new virus. The global economy will literally shut down. Pharmaceutical supplies, including drugs and very important childhood vaccines not intended for influenza but for our everyday lives, will be in extreme short supply, if available at all. Healthcare systems will be overwhelmed and, frankly, panic will reign. ![]() Governments worldwide have spent billions planning for a potential influenza pandemic: buying medicines, running disaster drills, developing strategies for tighter border controls. But one piece of the plan may be missing: the ability of corporations to continue to provide vital services. Most people don't understand how overwhelmed the health-care system would become if there were a flu pandemic. Flu would hit health-care workers as well. What is troubling is the ignorance of people in the public who assume that if they get sick there'll be something there for them, and they don't realize the devastation this could be. ![]() Avian Flu Pandemic Videos *Video Clips Presentations *H5N1 Killer Flu *USA Infection Timeline Video *Pandemic and Avian Influenza Videos *Science Now *Avian Flu & Pandemic Influenza IICA/PAHO Meeting *Pandemic Avian Flu News *Public Health News Center *Influenza Video Clips *Plain Talk About Pandemic Influenza *Who Gets the Bird Flu Vaccine? President Bush suggests the enactment of Martial Law in the case of an avian flu outbreak. In other words, the Military rather than the country's civilian health authorities would be put in charge. See the video ... *Bush On Natural Disasters Video ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Monday, July 24, 2006
Pretext For War On Lebanon
![]() News Ignored by the American Press Israel's Pretext For War Intial Israeli propaganda ... We have all been told that Hezbollah breached Israeli borders and captured Israeli soldiers from behind the Israeli lines and this has been the justification for the annihilation of Lebanon and the killing but the truth ... now it has emerged that the Soldiers were captured near the town of Aitaa al-Chaab well inside the Lebanese border ... ![]() Read more Link ... *Hezbollah Captures 2 Israeli Soldiers then again ... The story was quickly changed to imply that the soldiers were captured along the border, and then changed again to suggest that hezbollah had captured the soldiers from within Israel then again the truth ... ![]() Read more Link ... *TWO ISRAELI SOLDIERS WERE CAPTURED IN LEBANON The fact that Israel was the aggressor in this incident completely removes all possible justification for Israeli's bombing campaign in Lebanon and now the case is perfectly clear, Israel is in gross violation of international law and should be immediately sanctioned. Israel Using White Phosphorus Against Civilians Lebanese President Emile Lahoud accused Israel on Sunday of using banned weapons against Lebanese civilians in its military offensive against the country. Lahoud said Israeli forces have fired "phosphorus incendiary bombs, which are a blatant violation of international laws. ![]() Warning Graphic Violence See and Read Links below ... *Children were playing when killed photos *Israel Using Prohibited Weapons Against Civilians *Four children and the cost of war ![]() Medical sources are convinced that Israel is using white phosphorus missiles and bombs in its attacks against Lebanon. Those weapons are banned by international agreements. Read more Link below ... *the world has left us to be slaughtered ![]() Video link below ... *Headlines for July 18,2006 Video 07/26/06 It looks like an eco-nightmare is taking place on the beaches of Lebanon. Reports coming in say beaches are being clogged with oil because five out of six oil tanks at the electricity plant in Jiyeh were destroyed by Israeli bombs. ![]() Read more Link below ... *Israeli Bombing Results in Massive Lebanon Oil Spill July 27, 2006 Isolated by conflict, locals (Lebanese) use the Web to communicate with the world Read more Link below ... *Beirut blogs (and more) ![]() War On Lebanon Photos ... *Israeli War on Lebanon Photos *Who Are the Real Terrorists? ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Israeli Bombs Massacre Lebanese Civilians
![]() Warning Graphic Violence ... *Israeli Bombs Target Civilians (scroll down the page) ![]() The Forgotten Facts ... *Israel’s Palestinian Prisoners "Every time we do something, you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel; we, the Jewish people, control America. And the Americans know it." Read more ...--Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 3 October 2001 *Bush Puppet Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The Satanic Cult of Military Mind Control "Psyop"
![]() The Satanic Cult of Military Mind Control "Psyop" Background - Fox News is owned by NewsCorp. NewsCorp. owns HarperCollins book publishers. Fox news has a military analyst named Paul Vallely, a retired general, as a military affairs commentator. While in the US Army, he co-authored a tract with a Col. Michael Aquino, who was a practicing satanist and leader of an offshoot of the Church of Satan that created the so-called bible of theirs. The title of the tract was Mindwars and was on "deep psyops" directed at the target country's civilian populations ... like ours, maybe? ![]() Featured Videos ... *American Nazi Mind Control Project *Hidden Agenda For World Government *Secrets of the Illuminati Revealed From PSYOP to MindWar The Psychology of Victory by Colonel Paeul E. Valley with Major Michael A. Aquino The 12 page Army report is undated but it outlines the use of "Psychotronics," intelligence and operational weapons systems employing the use of mind control, commonly known as Psychological Operations (PSYOP). ![]() PSYOP Sometime in late 1980, then Col. Paul E. Vallely, the commander of the 7th Pschological Operations Group, United States Army Reserve, Presidio of San Francisco, Ca., co-authored a discussion paper, which received wide and controversial attention within the U.S. Military, particularly within the Special Operations community. "From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory," presented a Nietzschean scheme for waging perpetual psychological warfare against friend and enemy populations alike, and even against the American people. The "MindWar" paper was provoked by an article by Lt. Colonel John Alexander, which appeared in the December 1980 edition of Military Review, advocating the introduction of ESP,(extra-sensory perception),tele-pathetic behavior modification, para-pschology, pschokenesis(mind over matter), remote viewing, out of body experiences, and other New Age occult practices into U.S. Military intelligence. The paper was entitled,"The New Mental Battlefield:Beam Me Up,Spock." But the subsequent paper co-authored by Vallely went way beyond ESP and other paranormal techniques advocated by Alexander. "Strategic MindWar must begin the moment war is considered to be inevitable,"the document stated. ![]() It must seek out the attention of the enemy nation through every available medium, and it must strike at the nation's potential soldiers before they put on their uniform. It is in their homes and communities that they are most vulnerable to MindWar." Leaving nothing to the imagination, the document concluded by emphasizing that MindWar should employ subliminal brainwashing technologies, and weapons that directly attack the targetted populations central nervous system and brain functioning taking full advantage of such phenomena as atmospheric electromagnetic activity,air ionization, and extremeely low frequency waves. The "MindWar" paper was disturbing, for reasons beyond its fascist and occultist content. Colonel Vallely's co-author was a PSYOP Research and Analysis Team Leader named Major Michael Aquino. Five years before the circulation of the MindWar paper, Special Forces Reserve officer Aquino founded the Temple of Set, a Satanic organization which was successor to Anton LeVay's Church of Satan. ![]() Vallely and Aquino's MindWar scheme is remarkably similar to the Total Information Awareness (TIA) program launched by the Donald Rumsfeld Pentagon, under the direction of Irangate figure Adm. John Poindexter. The TIA global propoganda mega-mining plan was reportedly scrapped after a series of negative news stories, but Pentagon sources reported that the program was merely,"taken into a black box." On Aug.16,2005, The New York Times Philip Shenon revealed that the super secret Pentagon "special action program" called Able Danger had tracked Mohammed Atta and three other Sept.11,2001 hijackers a year prior to the attacks. But, Pentagon lawyers with the Special Operations Command refused to allow the information to be shared with the FBI, for fear of exposing the data-mining program to any public scrutiny. Reference Link ... *Psychological Operations ![]() Aquino and Psychological Warfare Wrote Aquino, "In 1967 and 1968 alone, a total of 29,276 armed Viet Cong/NVA (the equivalent of 95 enemy infantry battalions) surrendered to ARVN or MACV forces under the Chieu Hoi amnesty program the major PSYOP effort of the Vietnam War. At the time MACV estimated that the elimination of that same number of enemy troops in combat would have cost us 6,000 dead." Aquino argued that the U.S. lost the war in Vietnam "not because we were outfought, but because we were out PSYOP'ed. Our national will to victory was attacked more effectively than we attacked that of the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong, and perception of this fact encouraged the enemy to hang on until the United States finally broke and ran for home." ![]() The lesson, according to Aquino, was not to ignore U.S. PSYOP capability, but rather to change it and strengthen it "so that it can do precisely that kind of thing to our enemy in the next war." To begin, there would be a name change from Psychological Operations to "MindWar." Noted Aquino, "We must reach the people BEFORE they resolve to support their armies, and we must reach those armies BEFORE our combat troops ever see them on battlefields." Aquino went on to compare his proposal with the definition of Psychological Warfare first introduced by General William Donovan of the OSS in his World War II era "Basic Estimate of Psychological Warfare" in which Donovan discussed the need to destroy the will of the enemy. But an attendant 1947 letter stressed the need for a "synonym which could be used in peacetime that would not shock the sensibilities of a citizen of democracy." Aquino indicated contempt for the U.S. Army's inability to accept PSYOP in its "most effective configuration," adding that "the reluctance with which the Army had accepted even an `antiseptic' PSYOP component" was well documented. ![]() Having read about General Donovan's "behavioral control" program in the MKUltra book, I didn't perceive it to be exactly "antiseptic." Aquino's report, obviously written after the Vietnam war, suggested that future MindWars should be fought through "skillful use of communications media." "MindWar," noted Aquino, "states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States ... A MindWar message does not have to fit conditions of abstract credibility as do PSYOP themes; its source makes it credible." Aquino continued, " ... The MindWar operative must KNOW that he speaks the truth, and he must be PERSONALLY COMMITTED to it. What he says is only a part of MindWar; the rest and the test of its effectiveness lies in the conviction he projects to his audience, in the rapport he establishes with it." As I read the document it was difficult not to recall Oliver North's diary in which he called his associates, "The True Believers." Aquino noted that the recipient of the statement by the MindWar operative would judge such messages not only by his conscious understanding of them, but also by the mental conditions under which he perceived them. "For the mind to believe its own decisions," wrote Aquino, "it must feel that it made those decisions without coercion. Coercive measures used by the MindWar operative, consequently, must not be detectable by ordinary means ..." Aquino's basis for his report came from various publications which were listed at the back of the document. "More effective configurations" of MindWar as noted by Aquino may well have included the following (taken from the back of the document): "ELF (extremely low frequency) waves (up to 100 Hz) ... are naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artificially ... ELF waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well." ![]() So, the human brain can be aligned to infrasound through media broadcasts. Was that technology used on Manuel Noriega when he was forced to surrender in Panama under blaring radio broadcasts? And hadn't the Branch Davidians been subjected to loud music and chants for extended periods of time? Another section of the Aquino report noted that "ionization of the air" could be used to control an individual's emotions. "An abundance of negative condensation nucleii (air ions) in ingested air enhances alertness and exhilaration, while an excess of positive ions enhances drowsiness and depression. Calculation of a target audience's atmospheric environment will be correspondingly useful." After his retirement from the Army, Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, an ex-Green Beret, was later written up in the San Francisco Chronicle as the head of the Temple of Set, a satanic, devil-worshipping church. The November 1987 headlines read as follows: "Army Says Constitution Lets Satanist Hold Top-Secret Job," by reporters John Whittinger and Bill Wallace. The story went on to say that "the high priest of a San Francisco based satanic church is able to keep his top-secret security clearance because his activities are constitutionally protected, Army officials said yesterday. "Lieutenant Colonel Michael A. Aquino, a highly decorated Vietnam veteran, is the founder and president of Temple of Set, a satanic church headquartered in Aquino's Russian Hill home ... "Aquino, a psychological warfare officer who has worked in military intelligence, holds a top secret security clearance that allows him to handle information whose release would gravely damage U.S. security, according to Defense Department regulations. "He maintains the clearance even though he has performed Nazi occult rites and has described himself as the `Anti-Christ' in literature published by the Temple of Set ..." Temple of Set literature described a coming apocalypse in which only followers of Satan would be saved. Readers were encouraged to read such works as "Mein Kampf," "Hitler: The Occult Messiah," and "The Occult Roots of Nazism." ![]() Aquino conducted occult rituals patterned on ceremonies performed by Nazi leader Heinrich Himmler in a German castle once used by the Nazi SS for black magic ceremonies during the Third Reich. Nazis considered the black arts and satanic worship part of an ancient Germanic tradition. Aquino, in his book, "Crystal Tablet of Set," wrote that he performed the rituals to recreate an order of Knighthood for followers of Satan. He even encouraged his followers to study the beliefs of the Nazi terrorist group, the Vehm, the Thule Gesselschaft, and the Ahnenerbe, two fanatic rightwing Aryan groups that existed before and during Hitler's reign. When the two reporters from the Chronicle inquired about Aquino's security clearances, Major Rixon declared that "to the best of his knowledge, there was no part of the liturgy of his church that caused any (security) problem." Aquino admitted to being involved in devil worship for 22 years. Ted Gunderson's box contained reams of literature written by Aquino along with other documents pertaining to identical subject matter. It was no secret that Gunderson lectured on the subject of Satanism, as I learned from a July 1993 Colonel Bo Gritz newsletter which advertised Gunderson as a featured speaker on one of Gritz's national radio broadcasts. But it was not the Satanic aspect of Aquino's writings that caused me to scrutinize his earlier writings for the Army. Shortly after the Waco incident in Texas, a secret "classified conference" was held at the Los Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico. An official copy of the speaking agenda for the November 1993 conference, the subject matter under discussion correlated with not only the original Aquino Army report, but also with the MKUltra behavior research underway during the 1950's and 1960's. ![]() The title of the conference was "Non-Lethal Defense" and just a few of the speakers included such dignitaries as the Honorable U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno; Dr. Edward Teller who had helped develop the nuclear bomb; Dr. Milt Finger from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Mr. Andy Andrews, Non-Lethal Project Leader at Los Alamos National Laboratory; LTG William H. Forster from Army Research, Development and Acquisition; Dr. Clay Easterly from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Dr. Henry Brisker from U.S. Army Research Laboratories; Ms. Astrid Lewis from the U.S. Army Chemical Research & Development Command; Lt. General Richard G. Trefry, former Military Advisor to President George Bush; and many more. The most noteworthy "non-lethal" technology presentations included the following: "High Power Microwave Technology" "Application of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields to Non-Lethal Weapons" "Voice Synthesis" "Incremental Aggression: Requirements for the Future" "Chemical/Biological Anti-Terrorism" "Biological Challenges" "Non-Lethal Research: Fracture & Dynamic Behavior, Biotechnology & Structural Ceramics, and many more. Interestingly, the opening address was given by General E.C. Meyer (Ret.), former Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army the very same General Meyer who had set up the Department of Defense conference in which Michael Riconosciuto had been the principal speaker from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. to a group of senior level national security research and development officials. The objective and scope of the 1993 Los Alamos conference included exploring a non-lethal approach to apply force against not only wartime enemies (the Soviet Union had already fallen) but against "terrorists" and "international drug traffickers" as well. The introduction noted that the purpose of the conference was to bring together "industry, government, and academia to explore the potential of non-lethal defense and identify requirements so that the defense community can work together in leveraging the non-lethal concept." "Industry [law enforcement], particularly, will benefit from a more precise understanding of requirements and operational constraints regarding non-lethal defense technologies," noted the conference's sponsors, The American Defense Preparedness Association. Additionally, non-lethal defense was described as "an emerging technological option being developed conceptually with a sea of technical opportunity." ![]() Based upon the technical presentations listed in the brochure, it didn't appear to me that such technology as acoustical, high power microwave, laser, ELF/RF weapons and "psychotronic" systems were particularly NEW in the field of military or intelligence applications. Obviously, what was occurring at this conference was the presentation of these formidable weapons to law enforcement for domestic (U.S.) applications. In late November 1993, a letter discussed the abovementioned conference. The letter had been written to U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno by a former CIA employee, Julianne McKinney, on letterhead stationary originating from the "Association of National Security Alumni, Electronic Surveillance Project, P.O. Box 13625, Silver Spring, Maryland 209113625." Portions of the letter read as follows: " ... In December 1992, when "Microwave Harassment and Mind Control Experimentation" was published, U.S. Government representatives routinely took the position that directed energy technologies were nothing more than mere figments of physicists' imaginations, still on the drawing boards. Shortly following publication of this report, information concerning these technologies began to appear in such noteworthy organs as The Wall Street Journal, Defense News, Aviation Week & Space Technology, Tactical Technology, Defense Electronics and, most recently, The Washington Post. "In a flurry of activity these past 10 months, directed energy based surveillance and antipersonnel systems have suddenly leaped off of physicists' drawing boards into the world of reality, thus obviating the criticism, it would appear, that the attached publication [Los Alamos conference brochure] concerns nonexistent technologies. "Indeed, directed energy technologies appear to have evolved at such a rapid rate that they are now being promoted as the `Final Solution' to crime preliminarily, at a classified conference sponsored by the Los Alamos National Laboratory ..." ![]() McKinney's concern focused primarily on future law enforcement application of "psychotronic" tools, or directed energy weapons technologies. "What, so far, has prevented this government and its contractors from testing these technologies on U.S. citizens under involuntary circumstances?," she asked. The letter went on to outline various instances in which people had complained to her organization of alleged symptoms of directed energy technologies in such areas as the United States, England, Canada and Australia. ****** After reading "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate," was Danny Casolaro subjected to some form of hypnosis? ![]() Any such far-reaching scenarios were outside the boundaries of normal human experience, indeed no mainstream journalist would pursue such a theory. But, then Robert Booth Nichols, Michael Riconosciuto and the CIA were not within normal human experience. And, who would have believed, ten years ago, that the CIA would be investigated by Congress in 1996 for drug trafficking in Los Angeles? At one point in time Danny had signed an agreement with Nichols in which Nichols was to give Danny a $25,000 loan against his home in Fairfax, Virginia. Nichols had offered to take Danny overseas to find the answers to his questions and Danny had needed the money to make the trip. Where had they planned to go? What possible motive could Nichols have had for enticing Danny to go overseas for several months? A private installation at Alice Springs, Australia which Michael had visited with Nichols had upset Riconosciuto to such a degree that he had become ill and cut the trip short. Nichols later confirmed the trip, and recalled that Michael had indeed become anxious and ill, but would not discuss the purpose of the trip. The Australian installation was an underground facility had been built during World War II to be used as a bomb shelter. It was capable of housing thousands of people and was completely self-contained. Riconosciuto said he had, it was owned by a private corporation; inside was a city of sorts, containing sophisticated communications equipment, laboratory equipment and other items which he would not define. He chose not to discuss it further, but concurred that what he saw made him realize that it was time to terminate his relationship with Robert Booth Nichols. Both men had confirmed that the Australian trip marked the end of their 20-year association. It was confirmed that the installation existed, that it was leased by a private corporation, and that it was heavily guarded, but no one seemed to know what it was being used for. ![]() Reference Links ... *Michael A. Aquino Lt. Colonel, Military Intelligence, U.S. Army (Retired) *Aquino Profile *Satanic Subversion of the U.S. Military *American Corporate Satanic Symbols *CHILD ABUSE AT THE PRESIDIO ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Thursday, July 06, 2006
War For Profit
![]() As oil, arms, private security and many other industries plundered Iraq’s economy, it became clear that companies often profit from war and conflict. Claims of corporate influence at Washington suggest that some companies go so far as to fuel conflict for their own ends. And even those companies which may believe they are merely restoring commerce and production to a war ravaged economy are unable to deny that they themselves are dependent on security apparatuses complicit in human rights abuses, in turn fuelling violence and poverty. ![]() Reference Links ... *Making a Killing: Corporations, Conflict & Poverty *Advocates of War Now Profit Of important Bush appointees, 32 have ties to top weapons contractors as former executives, consultants, or major shareholders. These include the secretary of the Navy, previously a General Dynamics vice president, and the undersecretary of the Air Force. These men, who will return to private industry in a few years, have an indisputable material interest in pushing ever-greater military spending. It is estimated that by 2007 the "defense" budget will be $469 billion, 11 percent more than the Cold War average. ![]() Reference Link ... *The Profit-Driven War on Iraq The offices of the Carlyle Group are on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington DC, midway between the White House and the Capitol building, and within a stone's throw of the headquarters of the FBI and numerous government departments. The address reflects Carlyle's position at the very center of the Washington establishment, but amid the frenetic politicking that has occupied the higher reaches of that world in recent weeks, few have paid it much attention. But since the start of the "war on terrorism", the firm - unofficially valued at $13.5bn - has taken on an added significance. Carlyle has become the thread which indirectly links American military policy in Afghanistan to the personal financial fortunes of its celebrity employees, not least the current president's father. ![]() Reference Links ... *The ex-presidents' club *Bush Sr. Could Profit From War *Bush adviser quits in conflict over profit from war The 2003 war was not only about Saddam's regime and weapons of mass destruction, but about who will control the second-largest oil reserve in the world. U.S. oil reserves (at current production levels) would only last only a decade if the U.S. was cut off from all other oil sources. Iraqi oil reserves (at their current use levels) would last about 526 years. Iraq has a reserve of about 112 billion barrels of oil. Now that Saddam Hussein has been removed from power, the Iraqi oil industry is up for grabs. It will depend on a new Iraqi government to decide how it will distribute the oil. ![]() Reference Link ... *Oil Connections to War Soldiers have lived for months in primitive shelters without windows or air conditioning. Some are without fresh food and showers and telephones and toilets. For a time they weren't even getting their mail. Although news stories say conditions have improved, soldiers continue to write the Stars and Stripes and David Hackworth's web site with tales of deprivation. "Units spend their lives preparing for 2 week warfighters and one month NTC rotations and never think, "okay, how are we going to live out here for six months or a year." Its just not part of the Army's thinking anymore and it s a shame." ![]() Reference Link ... *War and Profit We had a war because there are powerful interests in our country that are geared toward making money from war. There are companies that fix what gets broken, such as Bechtel and Halliburton. There are companies that protect people as they break things and as they fix what's broken, such as Blackwater and Vinnell Corp. There are companies that want our government to smash across borders so they may bring new products and infrastructure, companies that we will see set up shop in that country. There are companies that want our government to smash across other countries' borders so they may suck the resources out from underneath the people there, such as the big oil companies. There are companies that like the US to attack other countries so they may have something entertaining to tell their audiences in the time between commercials: ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN. This is war profiteering! ![]() Reference Link ... *The Profit-Driven War Every step toward war fills Bush pockets quite literally with gold. That's the way they operate, these liars and thieves in thousand-dollar suits, these secretive fronts who profit from war, fear, blood and greasy palms. ![]() Reference Links ... *War is Golden for the Bush Administration *Bush ally set to profit from the war on terror Because of the bombing there is going to be the need for a massive amount of rebuilding, an undertaking that will very likely be considerably more than the $100 billion that has been estimated as the cost of the war. The opportunity to bid was put out in secret under rules that permit U.S. agencies to avoid open and competitive bidding procedures when deemed necessary to meet emergency needs. The companies that are being permitted to bid include Kellogg Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Dick Cheney's Haliburton Co., Bechtel Group, Inc. Parsons Corp., Louis Berger Group and Fluor Corp. (As an aside, and not wanting to suggest anything inappropriate, the Journal notes, as should I, that those companies made political contributions of more than $2.8 million between 1999 and 2002, more than two-thirds of which went to Republicans.) ![]() Reference Link ... *Who Will Profit From War in Iraq? Even before the Iraqi war, the Pentagon was spending about 8 percent of its overall budget -- at least $30 billion -- on private military companies. Gone is the familiar World War II template of our self-sufficient Armed Forces defending our shores and beleaguered friends in distant lands without much outside help. With the downsizing of the American military came a quiet Pentagon reaction: outsourcing every thinkable job to the private sector. ![]() Reference Link ... *Bush Cronies Profit from War in Iraq Of the 67 countries which have received or are set to receive U.S. military aid, 32 have been identified by the State Department as having "poor" or worse human rights records. Congress has approved a staggeringly large sum of military aid for regimes fighting an ill-defined "war on terror," and is working to ensure that there will be little or no public scrutiny of how such aid is spent. ![]() From 1991 to 2000, the U.S. delivered $74 billion worth of military equipment, services and training to countries in the Middle East. "Foreign [military] assistance to the Middle East," noted West Virginia Democratic Senator Robert Byrd in 2001, "virtually ignores the spiraling violence in the region." ![]() Reference Links ... *New World Disorder *The Perpetual War Portfolio Other War Fraud "Brand new $85,000 trucks that were left on the side of the road because of a flat tire and then subsequently burned. 25 tons, 50,000 pounds, of nails ordered by Kellogg, Brown & Root (KBR), the wrong size, that are laying in the sands of Iraq. 42,000 meals a day charged to the taxpayers by Halliburton and only 14,000 are actually served." ![]() Reference Link ... *GOP Kills Senate Bill to Police Halliburton ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
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