Murdered For Challenging Big Oil - Water Car Inventor
![]() Stan Meyers Stan Meyers invents a way to split water into oxygen and hydrogen using a similar process to electrolysis. He was murdered for his ideas and all his research lost. See His Video *Water Car Invention Stanley's life was terminated because he developed the technology to run cars (and planes) on water, but made the unfortunate mistake of believing that the government was his friend. Dennis Lee and Stanley Meyers drove a water-fuel-cell powered car California to New York burning only the hydrogen in 28 gallons of water using Stanley's super productive hydrogen separator. See the Videos *It Runs On Water *Water Powered Cars *Stan Meyer's Water Powered Dune Buggy *Water Engine: plans, video, politics Meyers was snared in the government fish net and sworn to secrecy for the "safety of national security". Dennis tried to convince Stanley that the government (or shadow government) wasn't his friend, but Stanley trusted them anyway. After the "Gov" pretended to support his research by building for him an institute for the research of water power technology, Stanley was poisoned and died at the institute dinner commemoration event. So much for why you never heard of Stanley Meyers. If your government had your best interests in mind, Stanley Meyers might have been a household name by now, and you wouldn't be fretting about how much gasoline is costing. These technologies are the biggest threat there is to the Petrochemical industry and as a result are all suppressed. There have been many people to come forth with these types of inventions. To my knowledge either the inventor is bought out or mysteriously dies without exception. So what is happening with Stan's Great Invention of the 20th Century? Absolutely nothing. Are they manufacturing his invention? NO, Because it would solve all the world's problems today. Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
New Uncoverd Truths - Uncovered Lies Videos
Monday, November 20, 2006
The Rising Cost of War
Bush Daddy Iraq War (Desert Storm) cost $7 billion Bush Junior Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom) cost $2.6 Trillion The first war against Iraq (1990-1991) was cheap. The Gulf War cost was 61 billion, but in the end it cost the US only $7 billion, less than 12%. A full $54 billion was offset by contributions from members in the Coalition. Two-thirds of the $54 billion was provided by the Gulf States ($36 billion) with the remaining one-third mostly provided by Japan and Germany ($16 billion.) It was the unforeseen long term costs (veteran health and disability) that would skyrocket. See * Depleted Uranium - An American War Crime That Has No End Second Iraq War 2.6 Trillion Estimate Early estimates of the current Iraq war costs by the Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan body set up by the US Congress, the war and occupation of Iraq by 130,000 US troops would cost about $4 billion -5 billion per month, or $48 billion -60 billion per year. Overall it was estimated then, the occupation could cost more than double the cost of the war, adding between $150 billion -300 billion compared to the $150 billion that had been appropriated by Congress. Creative Away From View Financing The Bush administration chose to finance the war by off-budget emergency supplemental appropriations, rather than include Iraq spending in the budget sent to Congress. It was only after the war began, on 25 March 2003, that President Bush asked for $75 billion extra to pay for the initial costs of the war. And it was more than six months later before the next supplemental appropriation, for another $87 billion, was made. That has reduced the political flack over appropriations for the war - and has also meant that the war spending does not formally count as part of the budget deficit in the future. The major problem is the Bush administration's unwillingness to face up to the need to finance any of the additional costs, whether the war in Iraq, homeland security, or most important of all the new Medicare provisions. Like a teenager who gets further in debt on a credit card, the Bush administration is racking up costs that will have to be paid in the future in higher taxes or lower government programs. ![]() The fiscal irresponsibility is really awesome. That number includes military and non-military spending, such as reconstruction, but soldiers' regular pay is not included, however combat pay is included. Potential future costs, such as future medical care for soldiers and veterans wounded in the war, are not included. It is also not clear whether the current funding will cover all military wear and tear. It also does not account for the Iraq War being deficit-financed and that taxpayers will need to make additional interest payments on the national debt due to those deficits. The Rising Economic Cost of the Iraq War By 2010, war expenses might total $600 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Much depends on when - and how many - US military personnel can be withdrawn from the Iraqi theater of operations. Fighting in Iraq "is lasting longer, and is more intense, and the cost to keep troops in the theater of operations is proving to be much greater than anyone anticipated," wrote Rep. John Spratt (D) of South Carolina, ranking minority member of the House Budget Committee, in a recent Democratic report on war costs. The final true cost of the Iraq War could be well over 2 trillion dollars after factoring in long-term health care for wounded US veterans, rebuilding a worn-down military, and accounting for other unforeseen bills and economic losses, according to a new analysis up to 10 times more than previously thought. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), has difficulty obtaining data on war obligations, the supplemental requests do not provide enough detail to determine how war funds were obligated, and the DoD is deficient in its financial-management systems, relies heavily on estimates versus actual costs, and provides little documentation. Iraq War Could Cost $2.6 Trillion US taxpayers will be burdened with costs that linger long after US troops withdraw. Unforeseen costs include recruiting to replenish a military drained by multiple tours of duty, slower long-term US economic growth and health-care bills for treating long-term mental illness suffered by war veterans. Read more ... *Iraq war could cost $2.6 trillion *Iraq War Will Cost More-than-$2-Trillion *The cost of Iraq war is out of control *Iraq War Costs by state *The Neocons' Nine Spectacular Mistakes Where Your Income Tax Dollars Really Go Pie chart of who owns the National Debt Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Sunday, November 19, 2006
New Bionics For the New Robotic Army
General Douglas MacArthur once said "Old soldiers never die; they just fade away." not so anymore ... Today, it is the devastating injuries suffered by soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan that are driving research for new and better limbs. Most military patients say they want to return to active service using prostheses. If they are going to jump out of airplanes, they need a limb that can withstand such forces, said Brian Hafner, research director for Prosthetics Research Study. *Seattle researchers at the forefront for amputees Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Unveils World's First "Bionic Woman" Claudia Mitchell, the first woman to be successfully fit with RIC's original Bionic Arm technology. The most advanced prosthesis of its kind, the RIC neuro-controlled Bionic Arm allows an amputee to move his or her prosthetic arm as if it is a real limb simply by thinking. ![]() *World’s First Bionic Woman ![]() Much like the human foot , many of today’s prosthetic feet can store and return some of the energy generated during walking. Other key attributes include toe and heel springs that allow more natural movement at the ankle, shock absorption, multiaxial rotation, adjustable heel heights and waterproof materials. *Prosthetic Feet New prosthetic feet are so advanced, they may even allow amputee soldiers back into battle. *Bionic Man ![]() Advances in prosthetics include the development of new, tough, but lightweight materials, better shapes and designs, and most recently the increased use of computers embedded within artificial limbs. They allow prostheses to more closely mimic the movements and agility of real limbs. ![]() Science Fiction Becomes Reality ![]() The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA is the central research and development organization for the Department of Defense (DoD). It manages and directs selected basic and applied research and development projects for DoD. It pursues research and technology where risk and payoff are both very high and where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional military roles and missions. See *DARPA 2006 News Releases Also see *Fighting Military Robots Military Medical Technology Links *Revolutionizing Prosthetics *New Center Offers Renewed Hope for Military Amputees *New High-tech Prostheses Being Developed for Amputees ![]() Pentagon Plans to Draft Robot Army The military plans to invest tens of billions of dollars in automated armed forces; a program designed to build heavily-armed robots for the battlefield. The Pentagon is spending $161 billion on *Future Combat Systems, which is the largest military contract in American history and will help to drive the defence budget up by almost 20 per cent in five years' time. The costs of that transformation will help drive the Defense Department's budget up from a requested $419.3 billion for next year to $502.3 billion in 2010, excluding the costs of war. The annual costs of buying new weapons is scheduled to rise 52 percent, from $78 billion to $118.6 billion. "They don't get hungry," said Gordon Johnson of the Joint Forces Command at the Pentagon. "They're not afraid. They don't forget their orders. They don't care if the guy next to them has just been shot. Will they do a better job than humans? Yes." Robots in battle, as envisioned by their builders, may look and move like humans or hummingbirds, tractors or tanks, cockroaches or crickets. With the development of nano technology they may become swarms of "smart dust." The Pentagon intends for robots to haul munitions, gather intelligence, search buildings or blow them up. "The lawyers tell me there are no prohibitions against robots making life-or-death decisions," said Mr. Johnson, who leads robotics efforts at the Joint Forces Command research center in Suffolk, Va. The Pentagon predicts that robots will be a major fighting force in the American military in less than a decade. Hunting for guerillas, handling roadside bombs, crawling across the caves and crumbling towns of Afghanistan and Iraq; all of that was just a start. Now, the Army is prepping its squad of robotic vehicles for a new set of assignments. And this time, they'll be carrying guns ... "This opens up great vistas, some quite pleasant, others quite nightmarish.On the one hand, this could make our flesh-and-blood soldiers so hard to get to that traditional war -- a match of relatively evenly matched peers -- could become a thing of the past," he said. "But this might also rob us of our humanity. We could be the ones that wind up looking like Terminators, in the world's eyes." If battle bots ever do take on the bulk of frontline fighting, the results could transform military strategy. none repeat *Battle bot: the future of war? A Future Horizons' report contends that "the electronics industry is on the cusp of a robotics wave, a period in which applications are aimed at human labour saving and extending human skills. It states that the market need, technology and economical justification have coincided to create a new electro mechanical robot system." And here is the key prediction: "By 2010 the $59.3bn worldwide robotic market will equate to 55.5 million units made up of domestic robots accounting for 39 million units; domestic intelligent service robots accounting for 10.5 million units; professional intelligent service robots accounting for 5.8 million units; and accounting for heavy industrial robots." ... Settle on your jet pack, hitch up your blaster, and tune in the videotron as we tour Future Past! Have you ever met a real robot? You might have if you work in a factory, nuclear power plant or military facility where people are not allowed to go. Nevertheless, robots are turning up in new places every day. Chances are good thatyou will meet one of them sometime soon ... The US military's current armoury of unmanned spyplanes and weapons is to be vastly expanded through the addition of armies of robot soldiers, replacing and/or supplementing the real grunts, In future wars, robots may drop from the sky by the hundreds from unmanned aircraft, swarming like giant insects over battlefields in coordinated, terrifying assaults. Future wars could be fought by robots commanded by humans. We could withdraw from war completely and let robots shoot it out. The SWORDS, short for Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection Systems, will be the first armed robotic vehicles to see combat, years ahead of the larger Future Combat System vehicles currently under development by big defense contractors such as Lockheed Read more ... There are more than 100 Talon Robots at work in Iraq and Afghanistan ... *Talon Military Robot One measure of how effective battlefield robots have become, says a top Pentagon robotics official, is that the enemy has begun to target them ... *Battlefield robots saving lives The U.S. military has been developing robotic systems for all sorts of jobs for years now. References ... *How Military Robots Work *Military Robots the Next Step *Robot Soldiers *Looking to Iraq, Military Robots *Rugged Robots Help Troops Technocrati Tags Prosthetics Research, Military Robots, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Bionic Woman, Prosthetic Feet, Bionic Man Future Combat Systems, Defense Department , Joint Forces Command, Battle Bots, Robotic Market, Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection Systems Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Friday, November 17, 2006
Bush In Vietnam
![]() ![]() Ho Chi Minh 37 years after his death, once again towers over another American President. Similar to Iraq, Vietnam then saw U.S. support of a corrupt, tyrannical ruler; made up propaganda about an attack on US forces in the area - *Tonkin Gulf Lie Launched Vietnam War or threat of attack; an American Invasion, 15 years of war, sanctions, mass bombardment (US planes dropped 15 million tons of bombs on Vietnam); mass slaughter of civilians; torture, assassination and imprisonment of dissidents, cities and agricultural areas bombed to total destruction, three million dead, illegal weapons (agent orange, white phosphorus, depleted uranium) intense and calculated management of the news about the war. (Vietnam Then) Vietnam Today Most Vietnamese have no memories of the war. The majority of the country was born after 1975, when the war ended. In the early 1970s Vietnam had a population of about 40 million. That number has more than doubled: 82.7 million in 2004. Vietnamese actually like Americans. Read ...Vietnam is "socialist," only in the name of the country: Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Socialists don't invite the most aggressive of the multinational corporate elite into their country. The country is seeing rapid industrialization and along with it pollution and traffic congestion. It is evolving! *Viet Nam News (English language Viet Nam News Daily) ![]() Streaming Vietnam Photo Album *Vietnam Today (Click Vietnam 2000) And now another American President visits a former deadly enemy, which according to the propaganda then threatened the very survival of the USA. Well business is business! ![]() Remembering Vietnam Videos ... *Vietnam Era Video *From Vietnam to Iraq *Soldiers Ride Shotgun In Vietnam *Far East in Words and Pictures *Dear America Letters Home from Vietnam *Song from Vietnam *Vietnam War Footage 1960's *Journalists Under Fire: Vietnam & Iraq ![]() Vietnam War Special Music Videos *A Vietnam Story ft R.A. The Rugged Man *Orange Crush (Agent Orange Music Video) *Patriotic American Vietnam Music Video *Remembrance Vietnam Journals *Vietnam Diary *Timeline: Vietnam *Ho Chi Minh *History of Ho Chi Minh ![]() Technocrati Tags Ho Chi Minh, Remembering Vietnam , Agent Orange, White Phosphorus, Propaganda, Vietnam Today ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
American Empire of Debt - The Great Bust Ahead
![]() The Great Bust Ahead The Greatest Depression in American History is just several short years away. It will be much worse than the 1930s, beginning perhaps as early as 2009-2010,and last up to thirteen years. On the Horizon In the next few months, a financial crisis will arise somewhere in the world which will jolt the American economy and trigger a swift and precipitous decline in the value of the dollar. This is not speculation; it will happen and there is nothing that the Bush administration can do to stop it. All of the traditional supports for the dollar have been removed by a shrinking economy, a massive $800 billion account deficit, dramatic increases in the money supply, and the reckless manipulation of interest rates. Now, the noose is tightening. Our foreign trading partners can see that we are bobbing in an ocean of red ink and are refusing to buy back our debt in the form of US Treasuries. This is a death sentence for the dollar. It means that in a matter of months the once-mighty greenback will crash through the floor and free-fall through open space. Read more ... *Bush’s Chernobyl economy; hard times are on the way ![]() The Historical Pattern The Great Bust Ahead is based on a simple common sense recognition that the long-term trend of the economy must always be determined by consumer spending. Why? Simply because we know consumer spending accounts for about 60% to 70% of the economy as expressed by the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and more like 90% when indirect spending of our income as taxes by the government(s) is included. See these Videos ...History shows that the economy always declines when the number of big-spending 45 to 54 year-olds in the population declines, a full 11 to 20 years before they retire. This happened rapidly in the early 1930s, slowly thank goodness in the 1970s, and will happen again from 2013 to 2025, rapidly, relentlessly and catastrophically. This must not be confused with Baby Boomers retiring. They retire 11-20 years after their peak spending years end. While their retirement independently creates major unprecedented problems with social security and Medicare, the inevitable depression they cause by stopping their big-spending, happens first. If you accept their inevitable, later demographic impact on social security and Medicare, you must, for the same underlying reasons, accept their earlier bigger impact on the economy, even though tragically virtually no one is talking about it - yet. Focusing on who does the “big spending” within the population, the economic past, stretching back for about a century, is almost effortlessly accounted for with stunning accuracy. Also revealed in stark Technicolor for anyone who wants to see, is the unavoidable coming economic abyss that we are now headed for, and most of the world along with us. It’s nobody’s fault. It’s simply the inevitable result of our demographics. It cannot be fixed or wished away. The federal and state governments cannot solve it. It’s just as unstoppable as a tidal wave. We just have to accept the reality that it is coming, and plan for it as best we can. *On the Verge of an Economic Meltdown *The Economic Hitman Fesses Up *The Debt Trap Special Music Video *Hymn Against Empire Listen to these Radio Reports ... *The Great Bust Ahead *Religion, oil, debt and American politics American National Debt Graphs ![]() ![]() ![]() Picture this Our great American economy is an ocean whose total depth is made up primarily of the combined spending of all the various age groups. The heaving waves on the surface of this deep ocean are always the big-spending 45 to 54 year old group. These waves produce the peaks and troughs of the economy - the long-term booms and busts. They can and have both raised and sunk ships. We will soon have to man the lifeboats as the greatest demographic wave in American history crashes down with a thunderous roar! Like the great Titanic, there will not be enough time nor enough lifeboats on board, and only very limited rescue available. The Current National Debt Military power comes from the wallet. A country is not rich because it has a large defence force - but it may have a large defence force because it is rich. There is a growing concern about what the increasing US national debt will do to the nation's ability to influence world affairs. The current size of the national debt is almost US$7 trillion (that is seven million, million dollars). This is a sum of money beyond the understanding of most people. For example, if a person spent a US$1 million a day for every day since Jesus was born, then it would take until about the year 2737 to spend just the first trillion dollars. The US National Debt is about seven times that amount. The national debt started in 1791 and it was US$75 million. In the 1830s, the national debt went down to its lowest ever level: US$37,513. Generally speaking the national debt has gone down in times of peace and gone up in times of war. The national debt increased by 21 times in World War I and six times in World War II. The True Size of the ProblemThe longest sustained period of debt reduction occurred after the Civil War (1861-65) to 1893, when the US government ran a budget surplus every year and cut the debt to about a third of initial value. This resulted in more money in circulation for private expenditure and so contributed to the booming US economy. By the beginning of the 20th century all this growth meant that the US had become one of the world's main economies. Only $20 per citizen was spent on the federal government in 1800, by 2003 that had grown to $7,800. The growth in state and local government has grown by twice the rate of GDP since WWII and there are now 6.5 state and local government employees per 100 citizens compared to 2.3 per 100 in 1946. Now 21.5 million people work for governments at all levels compared to 4.5 million back in 1940. If unfunded liabilities are included, *the federal government owes $43 trillion. Households and businesses have also joined the borrowing party. Total debt per family of four is $500,000, and increasing at an accelerating pace. Also See ...*The government's $43 trillion secret The USA’s national debt is increasing by $2.43 billion everyday. People expect the state debt to top the ten trillion dollar mark in the next few years. Read more ... *USA's National Debt Clock The combined effects of the trade, current account and budget deficits will eventually destroy the dollar, a currency that has lost an astounding 90 percent of its value versus gold, and 70 percent versus the cost of living. Three Scenarios Three likely scenarios of what will happen when the dollar implodes. The first, similar to the 1930’s, has gold being confiscated and the emergence of a bigger, more authoritarian government. The second has virtually all markets collapsing and a new generation of politicians demanding a return to gold. In the third scenario, as currency markets around the world collapse, the market chooses gold and "The Age of Paper" ends with a whimper rather than a bang. ![]() American Debt History The Depression of the 1930s was another turning point because the national debt started a dramatic increase even though there was no war. The US government was spending its way out of the Depression, such as through the creation of roads and other public works. Then the US ran into all the financial problems of World War II. In the aftermath of the war, the US embarked upon its biggest period of economic growth – as did most of the rest of the world as it recovered. For two years during the eight years of the Eisenhower government in the 1950s, the US government even ran at a surplus. ![]() From the 1960s, US governments started to fall back into increasing the national debt. For example, the Vietnam War was politically unpopular and could not be financed from traditional methods (compulsory saving and increased taxation) and so the government borrowed to pay for it. The Reagan Administration (1982-88) had the largest military build-up in peacetime US history and this added to the national debt. The late President Reagan left office with a budget deficit larger than the combined total of his 39 predecessors. By the time of the Clinton Administration (1992-2000), the Cold War was over and the President was reluctant to get the US involved in further wars. Additionally, the US economy was booming again. In the late 1990s, Clinton was speculating on what could be done about the first lot of budget surpluses since the Eisenhower Administration. In June 1999, Clinton said that if the current rate of annual government budget surpluses could be maintained, then the entire national debt could be paid off by 2015. Reducing the level of annual government budget deficits was one of the Clinton Administration’s greatest achievements. It ran four consecutive budget surpluses. In May 2000 Clinton announced the largest paydown on the national debt in US history. The national debt was US$2.4 trillion lower than it was projected to be when he entered office in 1992. He said that the US could “pay off the entire national debt by 2013 for the first time since Andrew Jackson was president”. But that optimism has now gone. President George W Bush has increased the annual government deficits by both introducing tax cuts and raising defence expenditure. The War on Terrorism and the cost of rebuilding Iraq are adding to the national debt. The US government is now back with record government budget deficits. ![]() The Big Bang The central banks of China, Japan, and other countries are deliberately buying dollars in order to keep their currencies from rising against the greenback. But they won't keep doing this indefinitely. The U.S. is borrowing more than $600 billion a year from the rest of the world, and it can't go on much longer. Sometime within a decade, and most likely in the next couple of years, foreign investors will see that a steep decline of the dollar is unavoidable and will begin to unload them and U.S. Treasury securities. As with any bubble, it will be better if this one bursts sooner rather than later, when it would be even bigger. But adjustment and pain will still occur, including higher interest rates and consequently slower growth. Slower growth will also mean larger federal budget deficits. And one event that will certainly slow growth and increase federal government borrowing well beyond current projections is the bursting of the housing bubble. Housing prices have seen an unprecedented run-up since 1995 of more than 35 percentage points above the rate of inflation. That has created more than $3 trillion in paper wealth that –- just like the illusory wealth of the stock-market bubble -- is programmed to disappear. This, too, is almost certain to happen in the next few years. The economic impact will be at least equivalent to that of equities popping in 2000-02, which caused the last recession. Another slump is, therefore, likely in the near future, and with it a further ballooning of the federal budget deficit, as tax revenues fall and automatic countercyclical spending rises. ![]() American Empire Not Affordable CHINA RISING. The combination of unsustainable public debt and foreign debt is a deadly and explosive mix by itself. Rising real interest rates and a looming housing bubble bursting make it all the more dangerous. Financial markets will exert the necessary discipline if politicians refuse to do so, but either way the U.S. can't afford even the $486 billion a year that it's currently spending annually on the military and homeland security. And even these spending levels are a lot less than would be necessary to maintain America's power in the world. Over the next decade or so, the Chinese economy will actually surpass the U.S. in size. America has 100,000 troops in East Asia. If the U.S. were to try to maintain its current dominance of the region -- something that will probably prove impossible -- it would boost our military spending even further. The bottom line is that the American empire just isn't affordable. Within a decade or so, the U.S. will be forced to be much less preemptive and outward-looking and to engage in scaled-back foreign policy -- even if the foreign-policy Establishment never changes its views or ambitions. In the meantime, the segment of American society that would like to see advances in health care, education, poverty alleviation, or any other positive economic or social goals will get bad news. The foreseeable future is a lot different from most of the post-World War II era, during which the U.S. added such programs as Medicare and Medicaid while spending literally trillions of dollars on cold and hot wars. This time, little or no federal money will be available for any of these things until U.S. foreign policy changes. The most likely scenario is that most areas of nonmilitary discretionary spending will be squeezed relentlessly before anything gives in the realm of superpower ambitions. China – the emerging economic super power and an American creditor – may have to instruct the US to stop living on credit and start living responsibly. References *Great Bust Ahead *Empire Falls *The Empire of Debt *The Most Feared Book In Washington *America's Glorious Empire of Debt Technocrati tags:Great Bust, Economic Depression, Gross Domestic Product , Baby Boomers, Economic Meltdown, American National Debt, Trade Deficit, American Economy, Demographic Wave, Unfunded Liabilities, Budget Deficit, Economic Growth, Clinton Administration, President George W Bush, Stock Market, American Empire, Discretionary Spending Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
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- Name: EuroYank - Virginia Hoge
- Location: United States
Euro Yank is an internationally famous blogger, an American born in Germany that left for the USA with family at age six and has lived in Luxembourg for the past ten years. He is a committed anti-fascist and a student of history who is politically progressive and believes in the ideals of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights for all Americans. He is also an American war veteran. He was active on American Talk Radio, and has been prominent online with 26 blogs with over 25 million hits. His investigative journalism has exposed top international news stories no one else has reported on. He is also a well-known political commentator. He has been repeatedly censored and banned, but despite these setback continues nonstop. Virginia Olive Hoge is an artist and writer living in Pasadena, California. As a progressive whistle-blower, she conducts investigations into corrupt media and outs the harm it causes to the poor and important social services. She is has been conducting an 11-month investigation of, she is the first one in the nation to do so.
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
Murdered For Challenging Big Oil - Water Car Inventor
![]() Stan Meyers Stan Meyers invents a way to split water into oxygen and hydrogen using a similar process to electrolysis. He was murdered for his ideas and all his research lost. See His Video *Water Car Invention Stanley's life was terminated because he developed the technology to run cars (and planes) on water, but made the unfortunate mistake of believing that the government was his friend. Dennis Lee and Stanley Meyers drove a water-fuel-cell powered car California to New York burning only the hydrogen in 28 gallons of water using Stanley's super productive hydrogen separator. See the Videos *It Runs On Water *Water Powered Cars *Stan Meyer's Water Powered Dune Buggy *Water Engine: plans, video, politics Meyers was snared in the government fish net and sworn to secrecy for the "safety of national security". Dennis tried to convince Stanley that the government (or shadow government) wasn't his friend, but Stanley trusted them anyway. After the "Gov" pretended to support his research by building for him an institute for the research of water power technology, Stanley was poisoned and died at the institute dinner commemoration event. So much for why you never heard of Stanley Meyers. If your government had your best interests in mind, Stanley Meyers might have been a household name by now, and you wouldn't be fretting about how much gasoline is costing. These technologies are the biggest threat there is to the Petrochemical industry and as a result are all suppressed. There have been many people to come forth with these types of inventions. To my knowledge either the inventor is bought out or mysteriously dies without exception. So what is happening with Stan's Great Invention of the 20th Century? Absolutely nothing. Are they manufacturing his invention? NO, Because it would solve all the world's problems today. Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death |
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
New Uncoverd Truths - Uncovered Lies Videos
Monday, November 20, 2006
The Rising Cost of War
Bush Daddy Iraq War (Desert Storm) cost $7 billion Bush Junior Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom) cost $2.6 Trillion The first war against Iraq (1990-1991) was cheap. The Gulf War cost was 61 billion, but in the end it cost the US only $7 billion, less than 12%. A full $54 billion was offset by contributions from members in the Coalition. Two-thirds of the $54 billion was provided by the Gulf States ($36 billion) with the remaining one-third mostly provided by Japan and Germany ($16 billion.) It was the unforeseen long term costs (veteran health and disability) that would skyrocket. See * Depleted Uranium - An American War Crime That Has No End Second Iraq War 2.6 Trillion Estimate Early estimates of the current Iraq war costs by the Congressional Budget Office, a non-partisan body set up by the US Congress, the war and occupation of Iraq by 130,000 US troops would cost about $4 billion -5 billion per month, or $48 billion -60 billion per year. Overall it was estimated then, the occupation could cost more than double the cost of the war, adding between $150 billion -300 billion compared to the $150 billion that had been appropriated by Congress. Creative Away From View Financing The Bush administration chose to finance the war by off-budget emergency supplemental appropriations, rather than include Iraq spending in the budget sent to Congress. It was only after the war began, on 25 March 2003, that President Bush asked for $75 billion extra to pay for the initial costs of the war. And it was more than six months later before the next supplemental appropriation, for another $87 billion, was made. That has reduced the political flack over appropriations for the war - and has also meant that the war spending does not formally count as part of the budget deficit in the future. The major problem is the Bush administration's unwillingness to face up to the need to finance any of the additional costs, whether the war in Iraq, homeland security, or most important of all the new Medicare provisions. Like a teenager who gets further in debt on a credit card, the Bush administration is racking up costs that will have to be paid in the future in higher taxes or lower government programs. ![]() The fiscal irresponsibility is really awesome. That number includes military and non-military spending, such as reconstruction, but soldiers' regular pay is not included, however combat pay is included. Potential future costs, such as future medical care for soldiers and veterans wounded in the war, are not included. It is also not clear whether the current funding will cover all military wear and tear. It also does not account for the Iraq War being deficit-financed and that taxpayers will need to make additional interest payments on the national debt due to those deficits. The Rising Economic Cost of the Iraq War By 2010, war expenses might total $600 billion, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Much depends on when - and how many - US military personnel can be withdrawn from the Iraqi theater of operations. Fighting in Iraq "is lasting longer, and is more intense, and the cost to keep troops in the theater of operations is proving to be much greater than anyone anticipated," wrote Rep. John Spratt (D) of South Carolina, ranking minority member of the House Budget Committee, in a recent Democratic report on war costs. The final true cost of the Iraq War could be well over 2 trillion dollars after factoring in long-term health care for wounded US veterans, rebuilding a worn-down military, and accounting for other unforeseen bills and economic losses, according to a new analysis up to 10 times more than previously thought. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), has difficulty obtaining data on war obligations, the supplemental requests do not provide enough detail to determine how war funds were obligated, and the DoD is deficient in its financial-management systems, relies heavily on estimates versus actual costs, and provides little documentation. Iraq War Could Cost $2.6 Trillion US taxpayers will be burdened with costs that linger long after US troops withdraw. Unforeseen costs include recruiting to replenish a military drained by multiple tours of duty, slower long-term US economic growth and health-care bills for treating long-term mental illness suffered by war veterans. Read more ... *Iraq war could cost $2.6 trillion *Iraq War Will Cost More-than-$2-Trillion *The cost of Iraq war is out of control *Iraq War Costs by state *The Neocons' Nine Spectacular Mistakes Where Your Income Tax Dollars Really Go Pie chart of who owns the National Debt Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death |
Sunday, November 19, 2006
New Bionics For the New Robotic Army
General Douglas MacArthur once said "Old soldiers never die; they just fade away." not so anymore ... Today, it is the devastating injuries suffered by soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan that are driving research for new and better limbs. Most military patients say they want to return to active service using prostheses. If they are going to jump out of airplanes, they need a limb that can withstand such forces, said Brian Hafner, research director for Prosthetics Research Study. *Seattle researchers at the forefront for amputees Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Unveils World's First "Bionic Woman" Claudia Mitchell, the first woman to be successfully fit with RIC's original Bionic Arm technology. The most advanced prosthesis of its kind, the RIC neuro-controlled Bionic Arm allows an amputee to move his or her prosthetic arm as if it is a real limb simply by thinking. ![]() *World’s First Bionic Woman ![]() Much like the human foot , many of today’s prosthetic feet can store and return some of the energy generated during walking. Other key attributes include toe and heel springs that allow more natural movement at the ankle, shock absorption, multiaxial rotation, adjustable heel heights and waterproof materials. *Prosthetic Feet New prosthetic feet are so advanced, they may even allow amputee soldiers back into battle. *Bionic Man ![]() Advances in prosthetics include the development of new, tough, but lightweight materials, better shapes and designs, and most recently the increased use of computers embedded within artificial limbs. They allow prostheses to more closely mimic the movements and agility of real limbs. ![]() Science Fiction Becomes Reality ![]() The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA is the central research and development organization for the Department of Defense (DoD). It manages and directs selected basic and applied research and development projects for DoD. It pursues research and technology where risk and payoff are both very high and where success may provide dramatic advances for traditional military roles and missions. See *DARPA 2006 News Releases Also see *Fighting Military Robots Military Medical Technology Links *Revolutionizing Prosthetics *New Center Offers Renewed Hope for Military Amputees *New High-tech Prostheses Being Developed for Amputees ![]() Pentagon Plans to Draft Robot Army The military plans to invest tens of billions of dollars in automated armed forces; a program designed to build heavily-armed robots for the battlefield. The Pentagon is spending $161 billion on *Future Combat Systems, which is the largest military contract in American history and will help to drive the defence budget up by almost 20 per cent in five years' time. The costs of that transformation will help drive the Defense Department's budget up from a requested $419.3 billion for next year to $502.3 billion in 2010, excluding the costs of war. The annual costs of buying new weapons is scheduled to rise 52 percent, from $78 billion to $118.6 billion. "They don't get hungry," said Gordon Johnson of the Joint Forces Command at the Pentagon. "They're not afraid. They don't forget their orders. They don't care if the guy next to them has just been shot. Will they do a better job than humans? Yes." Robots in battle, as envisioned by their builders, may look and move like humans or hummingbirds, tractors or tanks, cockroaches or crickets. With the development of nano technology they may become swarms of "smart dust." The Pentagon intends for robots to haul munitions, gather intelligence, search buildings or blow them up. "The lawyers tell me there are no prohibitions against robots making life-or-death decisions," said Mr. Johnson, who leads robotics efforts at the Joint Forces Command research center in Suffolk, Va. The Pentagon predicts that robots will be a major fighting force in the American military in less than a decade. Hunting for guerillas, handling roadside bombs, crawling across the caves and crumbling towns of Afghanistan and Iraq; all of that was just a start. Now, the Army is prepping its squad of robotic vehicles for a new set of assignments. And this time, they'll be carrying guns ... "This opens up great vistas, some quite pleasant, others quite nightmarish.On the one hand, this could make our flesh-and-blood soldiers so hard to get to that traditional war -- a match of relatively evenly matched peers -- could become a thing of the past," he said. "But this might also rob us of our humanity. We could be the ones that wind up looking like Terminators, in the world's eyes." If battle bots ever do take on the bulk of frontline fighting, the results could transform military strategy. none repeat *Battle bot: the future of war? A Future Horizons' report contends that "the electronics industry is on the cusp of a robotics wave, a period in which applications are aimed at human labour saving and extending human skills. It states that the market need, technology and economical justification have coincided to create a new electro mechanical robot system." And here is the key prediction: "By 2010 the $59.3bn worldwide robotic market will equate to 55.5 million units made up of domestic robots accounting for 39 million units; domestic intelligent service robots accounting for 10.5 million units; professional intelligent service robots accounting for 5.8 million units; and accounting for heavy industrial robots." ... Settle on your jet pack, hitch up your blaster, and tune in the videotron as we tour Future Past! Have you ever met a real robot? You might have if you work in a factory, nuclear power plant or military facility where people are not allowed to go. Nevertheless, robots are turning up in new places every day. Chances are good thatyou will meet one of them sometime soon ... The US military's current armoury of unmanned spyplanes and weapons is to be vastly expanded through the addition of armies of robot soldiers, replacing and/or supplementing the real grunts, In future wars, robots may drop from the sky by the hundreds from unmanned aircraft, swarming like giant insects over battlefields in coordinated, terrifying assaults. Future wars could be fought by robots commanded by humans. We could withdraw from war completely and let robots shoot it out. The SWORDS, short for Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection Systems, will be the first armed robotic vehicles to see combat, years ahead of the larger Future Combat System vehicles currently under development by big defense contractors such as Lockheed Read more ... There are more than 100 Talon Robots at work in Iraq and Afghanistan ... *Talon Military Robot One measure of how effective battlefield robots have become, says a top Pentagon robotics official, is that the enemy has begun to target them ... *Battlefield robots saving lives The U.S. military has been developing robotic systems for all sorts of jobs for years now. References ... *How Military Robots Work *Military Robots the Next Step *Robot Soldiers *Looking to Iraq, Military Robots *Rugged Robots Help Troops Technocrati Tags Prosthetics Research, Military Robots, Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Bionic Woman, Prosthetic Feet, Bionic Man Future Combat Systems, Defense Department , Joint Forces Command, Battle Bots, Robotic Market, Special Weapons Observation Reconnaissance Detection Systems Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death |
Friday, November 17, 2006
Bush In Vietnam
![]() ![]() Ho Chi Minh 37 years after his death, once again towers over another American President. Similar to Iraq, Vietnam then saw U.S. support of a corrupt, tyrannical ruler; made up propaganda about an attack on US forces in the area - *Tonkin Gulf Lie Launched Vietnam War or threat of attack; an American Invasion, 15 years of war, sanctions, mass bombardment (US planes dropped 15 million tons of bombs on Vietnam); mass slaughter of civilians; torture, assassination and imprisonment of dissidents, cities and agricultural areas bombed to total destruction, three million dead, illegal weapons (agent orange, white phosphorus, depleted uranium) intense and calculated management of the news about the war. (Vietnam Then) Vietnam Today Most Vietnamese have no memories of the war. The majority of the country was born after 1975, when the war ended. In the early 1970s Vietnam had a population of about 40 million. That number has more than doubled: 82.7 million in 2004. Vietnamese actually like Americans. Read ...Vietnam is "socialist," only in the name of the country: Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Socialists don't invite the most aggressive of the multinational corporate elite into their country. The country is seeing rapid industrialization and along with it pollution and traffic congestion. It is evolving! *Viet Nam News (English language Viet Nam News Daily) ![]() Streaming Vietnam Photo Album *Vietnam Today (Click Vietnam 2000) And now another American President visits a former deadly enemy, which according to the propaganda then threatened the very survival of the USA. Well business is business! ![]() Remembering Vietnam Videos ... *Vietnam Era Video *From Vietnam to Iraq *Soldiers Ride Shotgun In Vietnam *Far East in Words and Pictures *Dear America Letters Home from Vietnam *Song from Vietnam *Vietnam War Footage 1960's *Journalists Under Fire: Vietnam & Iraq ![]() Vietnam War Special Music Videos *A Vietnam Story ft R.A. The Rugged Man *Orange Crush (Agent Orange Music Video) *Patriotic American Vietnam Music Video *Remembrance Vietnam Journals *Vietnam Diary *Timeline: Vietnam *Ho Chi Minh *History of Ho Chi Minh ![]() Technocrati Tags Ho Chi Minh, Remembering Vietnam , Agent Orange, White Phosphorus, Propaganda, Vietnam Today ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death |
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
American Empire of Debt - The Great Bust Ahead
![]() The Great Bust Ahead The Greatest Depression in American History is just several short years away. It will be much worse than the 1930s, beginning perhaps as early as 2009-2010,and last up to thirteen years. On the Horizon In the next few months, a financial crisis will arise somewhere in the world which will jolt the American economy and trigger a swift and precipitous decline in the value of the dollar. This is not speculation; it will happen and there is nothing that the Bush administration can do to stop it. All of the traditional supports for the dollar have been removed by a shrinking economy, a massive $800 billion account deficit, dramatic increases in the money supply, and the reckless manipulation of interest rates. Now, the noose is tightening. Our foreign trading partners can see that we are bobbing in an ocean of red ink and are refusing to buy back our debt in the form of US Treasuries. This is a death sentence for the dollar. It means that in a matter of months the once-mighty greenback will crash through the floor and free-fall through open space. Read more ... *Bush’s Chernobyl economy; hard times are on the way ![]() The Historical Pattern The Great Bust Ahead is based on a simple common sense recognition that the long-term trend of the economy must always be determined by consumer spending. Why? Simply because we know consumer spending accounts for about 60% to 70% of the economy as expressed by the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), and more like 90% when indirect spending of our income as taxes by the government(s) is included. See these Videos ...History shows that the economy always declines when the number of big-spending 45 to 54 year-olds in the population declines, a full 11 to 20 years before they retire. This happened rapidly in the early 1930s, slowly thank goodness in the 1970s, and will happen again from 2013 to 2025, rapidly, relentlessly and catastrophically. This must not be confused with Baby Boomers retiring. They retire 11-20 years after their peak spending years end. While their retirement independently creates major unprecedented problems with social security and Medicare, the inevitable depression they cause by stopping their big-spending, happens first. If you accept their inevitable, later demographic impact on social security and Medicare, you must, for the same underlying reasons, accept their earlier bigger impact on the economy, even though tragically virtually no one is talking about it - yet. Focusing on who does the “big spending” within the population, the economic past, stretching back for about a century, is almost effortlessly accounted for with stunning accuracy. Also revealed in stark Technicolor for anyone who wants to see, is the unavoidable coming economic abyss that we are now headed for, and most of the world along with us. It’s nobody’s fault. It’s simply the inevitable result of our demographics. It cannot be fixed or wished away. The federal and state governments cannot solve it. It’s just as unstoppable as a tidal wave. We just have to accept the reality that it is coming, and plan for it as best we can. *On the Verge of an Economic Meltdown *The Economic Hitman Fesses Up *The Debt Trap Special Music Video *Hymn Against Empire Listen to these Radio Reports ... *The Great Bust Ahead *Religion, oil, debt and American politics American National Debt Graphs ![]() ![]() ![]() Picture this Our great American economy is an ocean whose total depth is made up primarily of the combined spending of all the various age groups. The heaving waves on the surface of this deep ocean are always the big-spending 45 to 54 year old group. These waves produce the peaks and troughs of the economy - the long-term booms and busts. They can and have both raised and sunk ships. We will soon have to man the lifeboats as the greatest demographic wave in American history crashes down with a thunderous roar! Like the great Titanic, there will not be enough time nor enough lifeboats on board, and only very limited rescue available. The Current National Debt Military power comes from the wallet. A country is not rich because it has a large defence force - but it may have a large defence force because it is rich. There is a growing concern about what the increasing US national debt will do to the nation's ability to influence world affairs. The current size of the national debt is almost US$7 trillion (that is seven million, million dollars). This is a sum of money beyond the understanding of most people. For example, if a person spent a US$1 million a day for every day since Jesus was born, then it would take until about the year 2737 to spend just the first trillion dollars. The US National Debt is about seven times that amount. The national debt started in 1791 and it was US$75 million. In the 1830s, the national debt went down to its lowest ever level: US$37,513. Generally speaking the national debt has gone down in times of peace and gone up in times of war. The national debt increased by 21 times in World War I and six times in World War II. The True Size of the ProblemThe longest sustained period of debt reduction occurred after the Civil War (1861-65) to 1893, when the US government ran a budget surplus every year and cut the debt to about a third of initial value. This resulted in more money in circulation for private expenditure and so contributed to the booming US economy. By the beginning of the 20th century all this growth meant that the US had become one of the world's main economies. Only $20 per citizen was spent on the federal government in 1800, by 2003 that had grown to $7,800. The growth in state and local government has grown by twice the rate of GDP since WWII and there are now 6.5 state and local government employees per 100 citizens compared to 2.3 per 100 in 1946. Now 21.5 million people work for governments at all levels compared to 4.5 million back in 1940. If unfunded liabilities are included, *the federal government owes $43 trillion. Households and businesses have also joined the borrowing party. Total debt per family of four is $500,000, and increasing at an accelerating pace. Also See ...*The government's $43 trillion secret The USA’s national debt is increasing by $2.43 billion everyday. People expect the state debt to top the ten trillion dollar mark in the next few years. Read more ... *USA's National Debt Clock The combined effects of the trade, current account and budget deficits will eventually destroy the dollar, a currency that has lost an astounding 90 percent of its value versus gold, and 70 percent versus the cost of living. Three Scenarios Three likely scenarios of what will happen when the dollar implodes. The first, similar to the 1930’s, has gold being confiscated and the emergence of a bigger, more authoritarian government. The second has virtually all markets collapsing and a new generation of politicians demanding a return to gold. In the third scenario, as currency markets around the world collapse, the market chooses gold and "The Age of Paper" ends with a whimper rather than a bang. ![]() American Debt History The Depression of the 1930s was another turning point because the national debt started a dramatic increase even though there was no war. The US government was spending its way out of the Depression, such as through the creation of roads and other public works. Then the US ran into all the financial problems of World War II. In the aftermath of the war, the US embarked upon its biggest period of economic growth – as did most of the rest of the world as it recovered. For two years during the eight years of the Eisenhower government in the 1950s, the US government even ran at a surplus. ![]() From the 1960s, US governments started to fall back into increasing the national debt. For example, the Vietnam War was politically unpopular and could not be financed from traditional methods (compulsory saving and increased taxation) and so the government borrowed to pay for it. The Reagan Administration (1982-88) had the largest military build-up in peacetime US history and this added to the national debt. The late President Reagan left office with a budget deficit larger than the combined total of his 39 predecessors. By the time of the Clinton Administration (1992-2000), the Cold War was over and the President was reluctant to get the US involved in further wars. Additionally, the US economy was booming again. In the late 1990s, Clinton was speculating on what could be done about the first lot of budget surpluses since the Eisenhower Administration. In June 1999, Clinton said that if the current rate of annual government budget surpluses could be maintained, then the entire national debt could be paid off by 2015. Reducing the level of annual government budget deficits was one of the Clinton Administration’s greatest achievements. It ran four consecutive budget surpluses. In May 2000 Clinton announced the largest paydown on the national debt in US history. The national debt was US$2.4 trillion lower than it was projected to be when he entered office in 1992. He said that the US could “pay off the entire national debt by 2013 for the first time since Andrew Jackson was president”. But that optimism has now gone. President George W Bush has increased the annual government deficits by both introducing tax cuts and raising defence expenditure. The War on Terrorism and the cost of rebuilding Iraq are adding to the national debt. The US government is now back with record government budget deficits. ![]() The Big Bang The central banks of China, Japan, and other countries are deliberately buying dollars in order to keep their currencies from rising against the greenback. But they won't keep doing this indefinitely. The U.S. is borrowing more than $600 billion a year from the rest of the world, and it can't go on much longer. Sometime within a decade, and most likely in the next couple of years, foreign investors will see that a steep decline of the dollar is unavoidable and will begin to unload them and U.S. Treasury securities. As with any bubble, it will be better if this one bursts sooner rather than later, when it would be even bigger. But adjustment and pain will still occur, including higher interest rates and consequently slower growth. Slower growth will also mean larger federal budget deficits. And one event that will certainly slow growth and increase federal government borrowing well beyond current projections is the bursting of the housing bubble. Housing prices have seen an unprecedented run-up since 1995 of more than 35 percentage points above the rate of inflation. That has created more than $3 trillion in paper wealth that –- just like the illusory wealth of the stock-market bubble -- is programmed to disappear. This, too, is almost certain to happen in the next few years. The economic impact will be at least equivalent to that of equities popping in 2000-02, which caused the last recession. Another slump is, therefore, likely in the near future, and with it a further ballooning of the federal budget deficit, as tax revenues fall and automatic countercyclical spending rises. ![]() American Empire Not Affordable CHINA RISING. The combination of unsustainable public debt and foreign debt is a deadly and explosive mix by itself. Rising real interest rates and a looming housing bubble bursting make it all the more dangerous. Financial markets will exert the necessary discipline if politicians refuse to do so, but either way the U.S. can't afford even the $486 billion a year that it's currently spending annually on the military and homeland security. And even these spending levels are a lot less than would be necessary to maintain America's power in the world. Over the next decade or so, the Chinese economy will actually surpass the U.S. in size. America has 100,000 troops in East Asia. If the U.S. were to try to maintain its current dominance of the region -- something that will probably prove impossible -- it would boost our military spending even further. The bottom line is that the American empire just isn't affordable. Within a decade or so, the U.S. will be forced to be much less preemptive and outward-looking and to engage in scaled-back foreign policy -- even if the foreign-policy Establishment never changes its views or ambitions. In the meantime, the segment of American society that would like to see advances in health care, education, poverty alleviation, or any other positive economic or social goals will get bad news. The foreseeable future is a lot different from most of the post-World War II era, during which the U.S. added such programs as Medicare and Medicaid while spending literally trillions of dollars on cold and hot wars. This time, little or no federal money will be available for any of these things until U.S. foreign policy changes. The most likely scenario is that most areas of nonmilitary discretionary spending will be squeezed relentlessly before anything gives in the realm of superpower ambitions. China – the emerging economic super power and an American creditor – may have to instruct the US to stop living on credit and start living responsibly. References *Great Bust Ahead *Empire Falls *The Empire of Debt *The Most Feared Book In Washington *America's Glorious Empire of Debt Technocrati tags:Great Bust, Economic Depression, Gross Domestic Product , Baby Boomers, Economic Meltdown, American National Debt, Trade Deficit, American Economy, Demographic Wave, Unfunded Liabilities, Budget Deficit, Economic Growth, Clinton Administration, President George W Bush, Stock Market, American Empire, Discretionary Spending Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death |