Waging War To Fullfill Prophecy
![]() The American Christian Right Israeli Alliance Jewish voters have long been considered a stronghold of the Democratic Party. But with tensions in the Middle East at an all-time high, Jewish Americans have found some of the strongest support for the state of Israel coming from an unlikely place: the far Christian right of the Republican Party. The decision to go to war and invade Iraq was made largely to advance Israeli interests. The Iraq invasion was pushed forcefully by the neo-conservatives in the Bush Administration. Many of the neocons are Jewish. A number of key figures among the neocon wing of the Bush Administration were involved in writing an advisory paper for the Netanyahu government in 1996 entitled ... *A Clean Break:A New Strategy for Securing the Realm This paper listed removing Saddam Hussein from power as an “important Israeli strategic objective.” ![]() The Rise of American Christian Fascism The Mission of the American Christian Right is to reclaim America for Christ, whatever the cost. As the vice regents of God, they will exercise godly dominion and influence over neighborhoods, schools, government, literature and the arts, and sports arenas, entertainment media, news media, scientific endeavors - in short, over every aspect and institution of human society. Today's Christian Right seeks total dominion. It's packing the courts and rigging the rules. The target is not the Democrats but democracy itself. Christian Fascist Videos *The United States is a Christian nation Read more *The target is not the Democrats but democracy itself *Christian Empire ![]() Warning - Extreme Violence Israel At War Videos *Lebanon Israel War Entire families murdered in cold blood *Refugees massacred in Beirut camps *Video Israel Doesn't Want You to See *Video News on Israel War Crimes in Lebanon and Gaza ![]() Read excerpts from the book *The Fundamentals of Extremism Read more *Zionism's Christian Soldiers The American Christian Fundamentalists Peacemaking is both futile and sinful, and all efforts to promote international cooperation are inspired by Satan. Every compromise with our adversaries is viewed as a betrayal of divine trust. Every effort to achieve arms control and to reduce the danger of accidental nuclear wars is a sellout to the demonic powers. Similarly, efforts to deal with pollution or global warming are seen as futile and counterproductive [because the end is near]. While rapture advocates don't wish to promote a holocaust or a global ecological crisis, they are convinced God wills it and thus there is absolutely nothing humans can do to stop these dangers. ![]() Bible Prophecy In the twinkling of an eye, born-again Christians are sucked into heaven in an event known as the Rapture. Chaos descends and an Antichrist ruler bearing the mark 666 takes over. There is one world government, economy and religion. Those left behind face hell-like tribulations for seven years.Then Jesus returns to Jerusalem to reign for 1000 years and Jews must either accept him or face eternal annihilation. Ironically, while an estimated 70 million Evangelicals are largely conservative and Republican, most of the five million Jews in the US are liberal supporters of the Democratic Party. This makes for an uneasy alliance between Jews, who reject end-times theology, and the Christian right. It also explains why the popular news media in the US is more pro-Israel compared to other Western countries.God gave the Land of Israel to the Jewish people and, therefore, there is an absolute ban on giving it to another people. The plot is ripped from the pages of the Bible, so it all winds up here in Israel where, according to the Book of Revelations, the final battle in the history of the future will be fought on an ancient battlefield in northern Israel called Armageddon. It will follow seven years of tribulation during which the earth will be shaken by such disasters that previous human history will seem like a day in the country. The blood will rise as high as a horse’s bridle at Armageddon, before Christ triumphs to begin his 1,000-year rule. And the Jews? Well, two-thirds of them will have been wiped out by now. But the survivors will accept Jesus at last. Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death, Christian Fascism, Christian Fundamentalist, Extremism, Israel, Israeli War Crimes, Jerry Falwell, Lebanon ![]() |
Sunday, January 07, 2007
The Ultimate World Trade Center Controlled Demolition Videos
![]() They saw huge clouds of smoke billowing over Manhattan and saw the towers collapse in a curious way. They did not fall over; they imploded, in the way that most people have seen when a building is destroyed in a controlled demolition: the building does not collapse in a chaotic way, hurling debris over a wide area; rather it collapses upon itself. The WTC debris was removed as fast as possible and no forensic examination of the debris was permitted by the FBI or any other government agency. Almost all the 300,000 tons of steel from the Twin Towers was sold to New York scrap dealers and exported to places like China and Korea as quickly as it could be loaded onto the ships, thereby removing the evidence. What You Never Saw On TV WTC Video 1 *911 Controlled Demolition Video (1 hour 31 mins) WTC Video 2 Scientific Controlled Demolition Evidence *The Case for Controlled Demolition Video (10:15 mins) WTC Video 3 *MIT Engineer Breaks Down WTC Controlled Demolition (14:35 mins) ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Friday, January 05, 2007
Bush Planning a Nuclear Holocaust
![]() The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons. Within Iran there are more than 450 major strategic targets, including numerous suspected nuclear-weapons-program development sites. Many of the targets are hardened or are deep underground and could not be taken out by conventional weapons, hence the nuclear option. As in the case of Iraq, the response is not conditional on Iran actually being involved in the act of terrorism directed against the United States. Several senior Air Force officers involved in the planning are reportedly appalled at the implications of what they are doing—that Iran is being set up for an unprovoked nuclear attack—but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections. The Pentagon has announced plans to move additional warships and strike aircraft into the Persian Gulf region to be within striking range of Iran. Below an in-depth discussion video between two of the leading critical voices on the Bush administration’s policy in Iran: former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, author of "Target Iran: The Truth About the White House's Plans for Regime Change", and Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist for The New Yorker magazine ... ![]() See the Videos *White House Plans for Regime Change *The Dangers of a Nuclear War Read more *Attack on Iran:Pre-emptive Nuclear War "The Defense Department is upgrading its nuclear strike plans to reflect new presidential guidance and a transition in war planning from the top-heavy Single Integrated Operational Plan of the Cold War to a family of smaller and more flexible strike plans designed to defeat today's adversaries. The new central strategic war plan is known as OPLAN (Operations Plan) 8044.... This revised, detailed plan provides more flexible options to assure allies, and dissuade, deter, and if necessary, defeat adversaries in a wider range of contingencies.... One member of the new family is CONPLAN 8022, a concept plan for the quick use of nuclear, conventional, or information warfare capabilities to destroy--preemptively, if necessary--"time-urgent targets" anywhere in the world. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld issued an Alert Order in early 2004 that directed the military to put CONPLAN 8022 into effect. As a result, the Bush administration's preemption policy is now operational on long-range bombers, strategic submarines on deterrent patrol, and presumably intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)." Read more *Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust? ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Thursday, January 04, 2007
The Real 50 Trillion National Debt Exposed
![]() The Reported National Debt The Real American National Debt is not the 9 Trillion dollars reported, but a whopping 50 Trillion Dollars (below.) American media propaganda has never exposed the reality of the situation. The standard media reporting of the National Debt is as follows ... Faced with a potential government shutdown, the nation's debt limit was raised for the fourth time in five years. increasing the ceiling to $9 trillion. The increase to $9 trillion represents about $30,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States. "When it comes to deficits, this president owns all the records," said Minority Leader *Harry Reid, D-Nev. "The three largest deficits in our nation's history have all occurred under this administration's watch." When Mr Bush took office he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus. Bill Clinton, his predecessor, had used budget surpluses to pay down some of the national debt in his last two years in office. Mr Bush also inherited some extraordinarily overoptimistic projections. When President Bush took office five years ago, the national debt was at $5.6 trillion; since then, big budget surpluses have collapsed into huge deficits, and the debt has shot up nearly 50 percent. The need to increase the debt limit yet again is a direct result of the fiscal policies and practices implemented by Bush and Congress over the past five years. Bush's tax cuts account for 30 percent of the debt limit increases required during his presidency. Revenue losses from a recession and new spending to combat terrorism and for the war in Iraq are also responsible. National Debt Videos *Laurie Anderson-National Debt *Col. Mike Weaver National Debt ![]() Today the National Debt is 65 per cent of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), very close to the postwar high of 67 per cent in 1996. The largest employer in the world announced on Dec. 15 that it lost about $450 billion in fiscal 2006. Its auditor found that its financial statements were unreliable and that its controls were inadequate for the 10th straight year. On top of that, the entity's total liabilities and unfunded commitments rose to about *$50 trillion, up from $20 trillion in just six years. The Unreported Real National Debt (Not 9 Trillion but 50 Trillion) Though the Bush Administration's official budget lists the national debt and deficit as being incredibly high, they are actually far worse than reported, according to Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN). But don’t just take his word for it, even if Cooper is a Rhodes Scholar and Harvard Law graduate. The following figures appear in the official U.S. Financial Report, released by the Treasury Department: * The true national debt is $50 trillion, not the $8.3 trillion Bush reported. That's $156,000 for every citizen, or $375,000 for every working American This figure has more than doubled in the past five years. We paid $327 billion last year on interest alone * It's all getting worse In order to get the word out, Cooper reprinted the entire U.S. Financial Report in a book with his own explanatory introduction and a warning on the cover reading, "The Official Report the White House Does Not Want You To Read." He said the measure was necessary because the Administration tried to hide the report by distributing it to fewer than 20 members of Congress in the midst of the Christmas holiday season with no accompanying press release or media announcement. ![]() What accounts for the huge discrepancy? Unlike businesses, the government uses "cash" instead of "accrual" accounting. This means that the government does not report future spending promises like Medicare and Social Security, or even future spending guarantees like veterans' benefits and federal employee pensions. "Cash accounting tells you what's in your bank account. Accrual accounting tells you what's in your bank account and what's on your credit card statement," Cooper told BuzzFlash in an interview. "Whether you're promising to buy a road or something at Target, you need to know what you promised to buy. That should be a binding obligation of the government. We've made a world of promises to folks that we need to keep." But wait, there's more! The U.S. Financial Report does not mention that if Medicare and Social Security are factored into the equation (which the Treasury Department did not), the true deficit was actually a whopping $3.3 trillion last year, over ten times more than Bush claims. And when Social Security projections are adjusted to reflect current life expectancies instead of the old 75-year mark, Cooper said the true national debt is "probably closer to $65 trillion." Worried that a new Democratic majority in the House would be blamed for the higher numbers in the future, Cooper has taken it upon himself to make it clear that the problem has already been created by Bush's failed economic policies. "This has to be announced on their watch, using their voice," he said. "There's a great urgency about this: we only have two months left to educate all Americans about how the Bush deficits are literally destroying America's credit." "I think [the report] is the most powerful critique of the Bush Administration" because they produced it, Cooper added. "No Republican can deny this attack." According to Cooper, conservatives won’t touch the issue because it would make Bush look bad, liberal newspapers think it's too confusing, and liberal politicians are worried the ensuing chaos from the higher numbers would limit social program spending. "The way we're going, we're going to have to eliminate programs," Cooper retorted. "Isn't it better to embarrass Bush while we can with his own words and to get Democrats in control?" Cooper said he is determined to do everything he can to add honesty to the federal budget. He gave the first copy of his book to House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi and has introduced legislation directing the president to use accrual accounting in his reports. A similar measure was recently lost in the Senate after passing in the House. Reference *Financial Report of the United States America has had a national debt since 1791, when it was $75 million. Today it rises by that amount every hour. USA's Biggest Creditors At present, foreign countries, central banks and other institutions hold more than one-fourth of the debt, but that percentage is growing rapidly. What worries many analysts is the amount of US debt financed by foreign governments and banks, particularly in Asia. The national debt is split between publicly held debt — money owed to US and foreign investors — and money owed to branches of the Government. Nearly half the publicly owed debt is held by foreigners. Japan is the biggest creditor, at $668 billion. China, the second-biggest, recently increased its stake by $40 billion to $263 billion. Unlike last year, when Congress passed a bill trimming $39 billion from the deficit through curbs to Medicaid, Medicare and student loan subsidies, Senate GOP leaders have abandoned plans to pass another round of cuts to so-called mandatory programs. If lawmakers continue to enact budget and tax legislation in the same irresponsible fashion that has marked the last five years, the debt will continue to explode. Even without factoring in the cost of the Iraq war and annual fixes to the Alternative Minimum Tax, the total national debt under current policy is expected to reach $11.5 trillion at the end of 2011, or twice that of the debt inherited by Bush when he took office. ![]() Republicans Are the Big Spenders Red Republican Debt Increases - Blue Democratic Debt Increases 1776-1974, Republican Gerald Ford, Democrat Jimmy Carter, Republican Ronald Reagan, Republican George HW Bush, Democrat Bill Clinton, Republican George W.Bush (Republican Debt Increases Biggest In the History of the Planet) See *National Debt In the News Previous Civil Service Pension Fund Raids The Treasury Department had started drawing from the civil service pension fund to avoid hitting the $8.2 trillion national debt limit. The move to tap the pension fund follows the decision to suspend investments in a retirement savings plan held by government employees. The Treasury has leaned on federal employee retirement funds in past years when officials worried about a possible default on the national debt, and most federal employees take it in stride. Still, many employees object to the financial maneuvers, arguing that they amount to a raid on their personal accounts. Other Federal Raids, Lies, and Looting The Federal Government has been raiding and looting Social Security for over 25 years leaving behind IOU's. All the dollars that the government actually collects or spends are green. When the number of green dollars spent (whether on Social Security or defense) exceeds the number of green dollars received (whether from Social Security contributions or income taxes), the government has to borrow more green dollars from a real person somewhere. In fiscal year 2004, the federal government borrowed another $339 billion worth of green dollars from real people. But it pretended that it borrowed $595 billion blue dollars, and used that extra pretend blue debt to accumulate extra pretend red assets worth $256 billion for accounts like Social Security. The government could pretend to have borrowed or saved any quantity of blue or red dollars it wished, as long as they netted out to be the $339 billion green dollars which represent the underlying reality. Read more *Concerns About the Latest Social Security Proposal Social Security’s unfunded liability currently stands at $11.1 trillion ($700 billion more than last year), Read more *Social Security Facts vs. Myths What the Future Holds "What we do know for sure is that in the next decade the upward pressure on federal spending is going to be very, very large," says Ms. Rivlin, who also worked as President Clinton's budget director and is now at the Brookings Institution. "It's not so much the aging of the population as the fact that spending on medical care has been rising faster than GDP." "The bigger our debt becomes, the bigger the 'risk premium' that foreigners are going to demand," in the form of higher interest rates, says *Barry Eichengreen, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley. But if the president and Congress show signs of fiscal responsibility, "then foreigners will be reassured and the day of reckoning recedes." The bigger issue is how well America's fiscal health will hold up under the strain of costs associated with baby boomer retirements, which begin in just a few years. Taxes would have to be raised 50 percent to cover entitlement costs, says Glenn Hubbard, a former economic adviser to President Bush who is dean of the Columbia University business school. See *Debt Be Not Proud ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
European Union Expands To 500 Million
![]() European Union expands to 500 million consumers On 1 January 2007 Bulgaria and Rumania joined the EU (European Union) to become the 26th and 27th members of this unique regional alliance.The fifth enlargement of the EU has been very positive. Bulgaria and Romania are part of this. A carefully managed EU enlargement process extends peace, stability, prosperity, democracy, human rights and the rule of law across Europe. EU institutions, and the European Commission in particular, have been closely monitoring the path to accession and the development of the eight post-communist states that joined the EU on 1 May 2004, plus Bulgaria and Rumania. The analysis of the effects of the recent enlargement round has been carried out with the purpose of not only adapting the supranational decision-making structures and various EU policies to the new realities (the so-called absorption capacity), but also to devise possible strategies for future enlargements. ![]() The fifth expansion of the Union has been rather extraordinary. Not only twelve new countries have acceded to the Union between 2004 and 2007, but also the majority of them have been Eastern European former communist states. If previous enlargement rounds had attempted to include new members in a ‘piecemeal fashion’ –in order not to upset the institutional balance and change the decision-making style at the supranational level too much– this time the UNion’s ‘big bang’ expansion has spurred widespread debates about the way the EU will be run in the future. Bulgaria and Romania countries have benefited from the fact that at the time of the collapse of their respective communist regimes (at the end of 1989) and immediately after that, they managed to preserve their state institutions and borders. In fact, Bulgaria and Rumania were among the five (out of 25) post-communist states in Eastern Europe that did not have to create their statehood anew and re-establish their national identity as many of the other polities, emerging out of the rapidly disintegrating socialist federations, had to. Furthermore, although both countries have not always been considered as the most advanced in their democratic and socio-economic transformation, they have always been seen as being part of the same group of so-called new European democracies together with the East-Central European and Baltic states. ![]() Both Bulgaria and Rumania had previously been dominated by harsh forms of communist dictatorships. Foreign debt, unemployment, poor infrastructures, low salaries and perennial shortages of various goods and services plagued the everyday life of Bulgarians and Rumanians during the early period of transition. Both countries have sizeable ethnic minorities as well. The Turks in Bulgaria and Hungarians in Rumania, but especially the Roma in both countries, have consistently required additional efforts on the part of the central and local authorities to integrate them in social and political life. The ethnic conflicts in the Former Yugoslavia created serious security concerns in Bulgaria and Rumania, as well as among the rest of their neighbours, while the image of the Balkans as being part of a unified and tolerant Europe has been tarnished for a considerable period of time. The nearby civil wars and bombardments interrupted the export routes to Europe and led to a scarcity of foreign direct investment during most of the 1990s. Short- and medium-term challenges. In Justice and Home Affairs: border and migration control, continuing reform of the judiciary, accelerating the fight against high-level corruption, reform of the police and secret services and accession to the Schengen Zone; in Economic and Monetary Policy: curbing the budgetary deficit, sustaining growth and joining the EMU; in Common Agricultural Policy and Regional Policy: effective absorption of EU funds and building modern infrastructure; in Food Safety and Consumer Protection: enhancing the controlling capacity of inspectorates and creating additional legal mechanisms for consumer protection; in Environment: implementing the existing legislation and assisting the conversion programs of polluting industries. ![]() Long-term challenges. In Social Policy and Employment: tackling the impending demographic crisis (especially in Bulgaria) and fighting unemployment; in Regional Policy: modernising rural areas and reviving city infrastructures; in Education and Culture: propping up the educational systems of both countries and integrating their minority populations; in Transport Policy: concentrating on building trans-European corridors and highways to help the emerging tourist industries and transport hubs in Bulgaria and Rumania. Both countries have completed or have been close to completing comprehensive transformations in order to meet the tough accession criteria. An additional factor that should be taken into account is that the Bulgarian and Rumanian reform and convergence processes will be monitored after they become members of the Union. ![]() References *EU At A Glance *EU Expansion Drive *European Commission *Romania and Bulgaria celebrate EU membership ![]() ![]() Technocrati tags European Union, European Commission , European Union Fifth Expansion, EU enlargement Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
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