Blackwater - America's Corporate Guns For Hire
![]() Blackwater USA is the most comprehensive professional military, law enforcement, security, peacekeeping, and stability operations company in the world. Blackwater - Shadow Army Blackwater - Privatized Warfare in Iraq Blackwater - Commandos & U.S. Soldiers Blackwater - America's Private Army Blackwater - Mercenary Response (Part 1) Blackwater - Mercenary Response (part 2) ![]() |
Friday, June 15, 2007
Video Vault - Rare Videos
![]() Rare Current Events Videos (These rare, seldom seen videos are generally banned by American media, but are now made available here. These are presented to expand the discussion and to further knowledge and understanding of current events.) The Butchering of Iraq An Iraqi War Movie Original. (The War Between Iraq and Iran.) Saddam's Army ![]() |
Iraqi Death Statistics
1991-2003 Iraqi Deaths 1.2 million killed by American sanctions 250,000 killed by US troops in Gulf War I 400,000 Iraqi children have chronic wasting disease Iraqi Deaths 2003-2007 835,000 Iraqi civilians killed since 2003 1.5 million Iraqis refugees within Iraq890,000 Iraqis have fled Iraq Source ![]() ![]() |
Thursday, June 14, 2007
War Preparations Against Iran Complete
The US military switched its whole focus to Iran as soon as Saddam Hussein was kicked out of Baghdad. It continued this strategy, even though it had American infantry bogged down in fighting the insurgency in Iraq. Secret war against Iran underway The US army, navy, air force and marines have all prepared battle plans and spent four years building bases and training for "Operation Iranian Freedom". Admiral Fallon, the new head of US Central Command, has inherited computerised plans under the name TIRANNT (Theater Iran Near Term). Iran Attack George Galloway talking about war with Iran Since 9/11, the US Navy can put six carriers into battle at a month's notice. Each carrier force includes hundreds of cruise missiles. These carrier forces can each conduct a version of the D-Day landings. They come with landing craft, tanks, jump-jets, thousands of troops and, yes, hundreds more cruise missiles. Their task is to destroy Iranian forces able to attack oil tankers and to secure oilfields and installations. They have trained for this mission since the Iranian revolution of 1979. ![]() US contingency plans for air strikes on Iran extend beyond nuclear sites and include most of the country's military infrastructure. For the past two years, the U.S. has been conducting secret operations inside Iran, employing Special Forces units operating out of Afghanistan, while Pentagon-supported dissidents have been carrying out armed raids into Iran’s predominantly Arab provinces. ![]() Nato has already done much to mobilize the armies, bases, and treasuries of Europe in support of the Bush neocon plan for a nuclear sneak attack on Iran. The CIA is giving arms-length support, supplying money and weapons, to an Iranian militant group, Jundullah, which has conducted raids into Iran from bases in Pakistan. Industrial sabotage has been the favored way to combat Iran's nuclear program "without military action, without fingerprints on the operation. One way to sabotage a program is to make minor modifications in some of the components Iran obtains on the black market. Also Israel is negotiating with the United States for permission to fly over Iraq as part of a plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. As Iran continues to defy UN demands to stop producing material which could be used to build a nuclear bomb, Israel's military establishment is moving on to a war footing, with preparations now well under way for the Jewish state to launch air strikes against Teheran if diplomatic efforts fail to resolve the crisis. U.S. / Israel Attack On Iran Imminent Bush is targeting Iran for USA military action The Bush Administration have however suffered several severe setbacks as well as victories on their road to Teheran. They succeeded in destroying the secular nationalist government of Saddam Hussein and totally crippled Iraq’s defensive military and economic potential. However they face an unanticipated long-term, large-scale insurgency that ties down hundreds of thousands of US active military forces and depletes their reserves, imposes enormous financial costs and undermines public support for that war and any new military invasion promoted by the Israeli Lobby. The Israel-Lobby-US backed effort to impose a client regime in Lebanon opposed to Iran and Hezbollah via elections, backfired. As a result Israel re-took the path of outright military assaults and massacres to decimate opposition to its larger Middle East agenda. The Israel-Lobby-US diplomatic strategy in the United Nations to impose sanctions on Iran has secured European support for relatively marginal issues but has failed to secure Russian and Chinese support for a full-scale embargo. China is negotiating an agreement with Iran on the enrichment process that may undermine the entire US diplomacy to war strategy. ![]() The role of Putin’s Russia in the unfolding Iran showdown is central. In geopolitical terms, one must not forget that Russia is the ultimate ‘prize’ or endgame in the more than decade long US strategy of controlling Eurasia and preventing any possible rival from emerging to challenge US hegemony. Russian engineers and technical advisers are in Iran constructing the Bushehr nuclear plant. Sanctions and admonitions will not change Russia's relationship with one of the most demonized states in America's axis of evil. Iran has become a major counterweight for Moscow in the geopolitical game for Washington’s total domination over Eurasia, and Putin is shrewdly aware of that potential. Iran is strategically important to Russia as well as for Israel and the USA. Iran controls the strategic Strait of Hormuz, the choke point for oil from the Persian Gulf to Japan and the rest of the world. Iran borders the oil-rich Caspian Sea as it does NATO member Turkey. Reference *Calculating the Risk of War In Iran Iran Iraq Meddling What the Neocons have dubbed as evidence of Iranian meddling, including the presence of Iranian officials, in Iraq, is not troubling to Iraq’s Shia political parties, many of whose senior figures fled Saddam and lived for over twenty years in exile in Iran. Such figures see a powerful Shia neighbour in Iran, a friend in the midst of crisis. ![]() Alireza Jafarzadeh at the Iran Policy Committee's press conference in Washington DC. January 2005. He was in the past the man who revealed the now infamous, then secret Iranian nuclear sites to the world. He has been the spokesperson for the National Coalition of resistance of Iran He is a long time thorn in the side of the current Clerical Regime in Iran, and he revealed information that shows the Iranians are pouring men and resources into destabilizing Iraq and are supplying the technology and infrastructure for the most powerful IED's; the weapons that kill the largest number of American troops in Iraq. His information appears to completely undermine the Baker Report argument that advocates dialogue with Iran as actually Iranian leaders should have a shared interest with the US of stability in Iraq. Clearly if Alireza is right which looks pretty likely the Baker report is wrong to assume that Iran's leaders will follow secular ideas of their states self interest, and that the Iranian Regime is now, as in the past, driven primarily by their Shite Islamist ideology not by ordinary common sense ideas of self interest. It seems obvious to me that Iran's President would want to see the US suffer and get bogged down in this never ending insurgency in Iraq, and maybe they want chaos and destruction, vile murder and mayhem, the slide into total crisis to create a vacuum for Iran to fill. ![]() NeoCon Goals The NeoCons want to be able to install another puppet regime and further control the region, plundering it’s wealth and resources, while provoking the Muslim and Arab world to fight amongst themselves and hopefully, in the words of Henry Kissinger, kill each other off. We have only to remind ourselves that Iran has the world’s third-largest known oil reserves and that Iraq has the fourth largest. Reference *Spoils of War Bush’s troop surge makes it completely clear that his real purpose is to start wars with Iran and Syria before failure in Iraq brings an end to the NeoCon - Israeli plan to establish hegemony over the Middle East. ![]() And while the Iraqi government is actually talking to Iran, comfortably resolving security issues and praising Iranian cooperation, the Neocons in the White House are running around foaming at the mouth, refusing to engage in talks and deploying war ships. There is a high degree of irrationality in American politics - but it has a real foundation in declining options for US Capitalism. Bush and company are not just some group of power-crazed nutters who accidentally find themselves in office - they are there at the behest of the American ruling class. That they are there and act as they do is symptomatic of a serious crisis. The stakes are not only high: they are getting higher. References *Coming War With Iran? *No to US aggression, no to Iranian regime *My enemy's enemy *The Gog-Magog Scenario ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Friday, June 08, 2007
The Real 50 Trillion National Debt Exposed
![]() The Real 50 Trillion National Debt Exposed Reprint & Update by Popular Demand The Real American National Debt is not the 9 Trillion dollars reported, but a whopping 50 Trillion Dollars (below.) American media propaganda has never exposed the reality of the situation. The standard media reporting of the National Debt is as follows ... Faced with a potential government shutdown, the nation's debt limit was raised for the fourth time in five years. increasing the ceiling to $9 trillion. The increase to $9 trillion represents about $30,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States. "When it comes to deficits, this president owns all the records," said Minority Leader *Harry Reid, D-Nev. "The three largest deficits in our nation's history have all occurred under this administration's watch." When Mr Bush took office he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus. Bill Clinton, his predecessor, had used budget surpluses to pay down some of the national debt in his last two years in office. Mr Bush also inherited some extraordinarily overoptimistic projections. When President Bush took office five years ago, the national debt was at $5.6 trillion; since then, big budget surpluses have collapsed into huge deficits, and the debt has shot up nearly 50 percent. The need to increase the debt limit yet again is a direct result of the fiscal policies and practices implemented by Bush and Congress over the past five years. Bush's tax cuts account for 30 percent of the debt limit increases required during his presidency. Revenue losses from a recession and new spending to combat terrorism and for the war in Iraq are also responsible. National Debt Videos Video 2 *Col. Mike Weaver National Debt ![]() Today the National Debt is 65 per cent of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), very close to the postwar high of 67 per cent in 1996. The largest employer in the world announced on Dec. 15 that it lost about $450 billion in fiscal 2006. Its auditor found that its financial statements were unreliable and that its controls were inadequate for the 10th straight year. On top of that, the entity's total liabilities and unfunded commitments rose to about *$50 trillion, up from $20 trillion in just six years. The Unreported Real National Debt (Not 9 Trillion but 50 Trillion) Though the Bush Administration's official budget lists the national debt and deficit as being incredibly high, they are actually far worse than reported, according to Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN). But don’t just take his word for it, even if Cooper is a Rhodes Scholar and Harvard Law graduate. The following figures appear in the official U.S. Financial Report, released by the Treasury Department: * The true national debt is $50 trillion, not the $8.3 trillion Bush reported. That's $156,000 for every citizen, or $375,000 for every working American. This figure has more than doubled in the past five years. We paid $327 billion last year on interest alone. It's all getting worse. In order to get the word out, Cooper reprinted the entire U.S. Financial Report in a book with his own explanatory introduction and a warning on the cover reading, "The Official Report the White House Does Not Want You To Read." He said the measure was necessary because the Administration tried to hide the report by distributing it to fewer than 20 members of Congress in the midst of the Christmas holiday season with no accompanying press release or media announcement. ![]() What accounts for the huge discrepancy? Unlike businesses, the government uses "cash" instead of "accrual" accounting. This means that the government does not report future spending promises like Medicare and Social Security, or even future spending guarantees like veterans' benefits and federal employee pensions. "Cash accounting tells you what's in your bank account. Accrual accounting tells you what's in your bank account and what's on your credit card statement," Cooper told BuzzFlash in an interview. "Whether you're promising to buy a road or something at Target, you need to know what you promised to buy. That should be a binding obligation of the government. We've made a world of promises to folks that we need to keep." But wait, there's more! The U.S. Financial Report does not mention that if Medicare and Social Security are factored into the equation (which the Treasury Department did not), the true deficit was actually a whopping $3.3 trillion last year, over ten times more than Bush claims. And when Social Security projections are adjusted to reflect current life expectancies instead of the old 75-year mark, Cooper said the true national debt is "probably closer to $65 trillion." Worried that a new Democratic majority in the House would be blamed for the higher numbers in the future, Cooper has taken it upon himself to make it clear that the problem has already been created by Bush's failed economic policies. "This has to be announced on their watch, using their voice," he said. "There's a great urgency about this: we only have two months left to educate all Americans about how the Bush deficits are literally destroying America's credit." "I think [the report] is the most powerful critique of the Bush Administration" because they produced it, Cooper added. "No Republican can deny this attack." According to Cooper, conservatives won’t touch the issue because it would make Bush look bad, liberal newspapers think it's too confusing, and liberal politicians are worried the ensuing chaos from the higher numbers would limit social program spending. "The way we're going, we're going to have to eliminate programs," Cooper retorted. "Isn't it better to embarrass Bush while we can with his own words and to get Democrats in control?" Cooper said he is determined to do everything he can to add honesty to the federal budget. He gave the first copy of his book to House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi and has introduced legislation directing the president to use accrual accounting in his reports. A similar measure was recently lost in the Senate after passing in the House. Reference *Financial Report of the United States America has had a national debt since 1791, when it was $75 million. Today it rises by that amount every hour. USA's Biggest Creditors At present, foreign countries, central banks and other institutions hold more than one-fourth of the debt, but that percentage is growing rapidly. What worries many analysts is the amount of US debt financed by foreign governments and banks, particularly in Asia. The national debt is split between publicly held debt — money owed to US and foreign investors — and money owed to branches of the Government. Nearly half the publicly owed debt is held by foreigners. Japan is the biggest creditor, at $668 billion. China, the second-biggest, recently increased its stake by $40 billion to $263 billion. Unlike last year, when Congress passed a bill trimming $39 billion from the deficit through curbs to Medicaid, Medicare and student loan subsidies, Senate GOP leaders have abandoned plans to pass another round of cuts to so-called mandatory programs. If lawmakers continue to enact budget and tax legislation in the same irresponsible fashion that has marked the last five years, the debt will continue to explode. Even without factoring in the cost of the Iraq war and annual fixes to the Alternative Minimum Tax, the total national debt under current policy is expected to reach $11.5 trillion at the end of 2011, or twice that of the debt inherited by Bush when he took office. ![]() Republicans Are the Big Spenders Red Republican Debt Increases - Blue Democratic Debt Increases 1776-1974, Republican Gerald Ford, Democrat Jimmy Carter, Republican Ronald Reagan, Republican George HW Bush, Democrat Bill Clinton, Republican George W.Bush (Republican Debt Increases Biggest In the History of the Planet) See *National Debt In the News Previous Civil Service Pension Fund Raids The Treasury Department had started drawing from the civil service pension fund to avoid hitting the $8.2 trillion national debt limit. The move to tap the pension fund follows the decision to suspend investments in a retirement savings plan held by government employees. The Treasury has leaned on federal employee retirement funds in past years when officials worried about a possible default on the national debt, and most federal employees take it in stride. Still, many employees object to the financial maneuvers, arguing that they amount to a raid on their personal accounts. Other Federal Raids, Lies, and Looting The Federal Government has been raiding and looting Social Security for over 25 years leaving behind IOU's. All the dollars that the government actually collects or spends are green. When the number of green dollars spent (whether on Social Security or defense) exceeds the number of green dollars received (whether from Social Security contributions or income taxes), the government has to borrow more green dollars from a real person somewhere. In fiscal year 2004, the federal government borrowed another $339 billion worth of green dollars from real people. But it pretended that it borrowed $595 billion blue dollars, and used that extra pretend blue debt to accumulate extra pretend red assets worth $256 billion for accounts like Social Security. The government could pretend to have borrowed or saved any quantity of blue or red dollars it wished, as long as they netted out to be the $339 billion green dollars which represent the underlying reality. Social Security’s unfunded liability currently stands at $11.1 trillion ($700 billion more than last year), What the Future Holds "What we do know for sure is that in the next decade the upward pressure on federal spending is going to be very, very large," says Ms. Rivlin, who also worked as President Clinton's budget director and is now at the Brookings Institution. "It's not so much the aging of the population as the fact that spending on medical care has been rising faster than GDP." "The bigger our debt becomes, the bigger the 'risk premium' that foreigners are going to demand," in the form of higher interest rates, says *Barry Eichengreen, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley. But if the president and Congress show signs of fiscal responsibility, "then foreigners will be reassured and the day of reckoning recedes." The bigger issue is how well America's fiscal health will hold up under the strain of costs associated with baby boomer retirements, which begin in just a few years. Taxes would have to be raised 50 percent to cover entitlement costs, says Glenn Hubbard, a former economic adviser to President Bush who is dean of the Columbia University business school. ![]() ![]() |
Saturday, June 02, 2007
The American Police State - Beyond Treason
![]() Videos Not Shown On Fox or CNN ... *The New World Order Exposed Video *Rise of the Police State *Not Fox Or CNN Videos *American Police State Videos *Police State U.S.A. Survival Kit *The Zone of Truth ![]() The VA has determined that 250,000 troops are now permanently disabled, 15,000 troops are dead and over 425,000 are ill and slowly dying from what the Department of Defense still calls a “mystery disease.” references ... *Beyond Treason *American Police State News Archive "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." references ... *Police State USA *American Police State Goes Into High Gear ![]() Police Beatings Videos (these Videos take 3 minutes to download) ... *Police Beatings1 *Police Beatings2 *Police Beatings3 *Police Beatings4 ![]() Banks, airlines, libraries, credit card companies, medical doctors and health care organizations, employers, Internet providers, any and everyone must turn over your private information at government demand. references ... *Abandoning Liberty; Gaining Insecurity "A state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the people, especially by means of a secret police force." references ... *America is a police state ![]() The President can declare a state of emergency, empowering the head of FEMA to take control of the internal infrastructure of the United States and suspend the constitution. The President could invoke executive orders 11000 through 11004 which would: 1. Draft all citizens into work forces under government supervision. 2. Empower the postmaster to register all men, women and children. 3. Seize all airports and aircraft. 4. Seize all housing and establish forced relocation of citizens. references ... *Crimes Against Humanity "We have far more to fear from an unaccountable government at home than from any foreign terrorist." Rep. Ron Paul reference ... *Big Brother Rising ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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- Name: EuroYank - Virginia Hoge
- Location: United States
Euro Yank is an internationally famous blogger, an American born in Germany that left for the USA with family at age six and has lived in Luxembourg for the past ten years. He is a committed anti-fascist and a student of history who is politically progressive and believes in the ideals of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights for all Americans. He is also an American war veteran. He was active on American Talk Radio, and has been prominent online with 26 blogs with over 25 million hits. His investigative journalism has exposed top international news stories no one else has reported on. He is also a well-known political commentator. He has been repeatedly censored and banned, but despite these setback continues nonstop. Virginia Olive Hoge is an artist and writer living in Pasadena, California. As a progressive whistle-blower, she conducts investigations into corrupt media and outs the harm it causes to the poor and important social services. She is has been conducting an 11-month investigation of, she is the first one in the nation to do so.
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Saturday, June 16, 2007
Blackwater - America's Corporate Guns For Hire
Friday, June 15, 2007
Video Vault - Rare Videos
Iraqi Death Statistics
Thursday, June 14, 2007
War Preparations Against Iran Complete
The US military switched its whole focus to Iran as soon as Saddam Hussein was kicked out of Baghdad. It continued this strategy, even though it had American infantry bogged down in fighting the insurgency in Iraq. Secret war against Iran underway The US army, navy, air force and marines have all prepared battle plans and spent four years building bases and training for "Operation Iranian Freedom". Admiral Fallon, the new head of US Central Command, has inherited computerised plans under the name TIRANNT (Theater Iran Near Term). Iran Attack George Galloway talking about war with Iran Since 9/11, the US Navy can put six carriers into battle at a month's notice. Each carrier force includes hundreds of cruise missiles. These carrier forces can each conduct a version of the D-Day landings. They come with landing craft, tanks, jump-jets, thousands of troops and, yes, hundreds more cruise missiles. Their task is to destroy Iranian forces able to attack oil tankers and to secure oilfields and installations. They have trained for this mission since the Iranian revolution of 1979. ![]() US contingency plans for air strikes on Iran extend beyond nuclear sites and include most of the country's military infrastructure. For the past two years, the U.S. has been conducting secret operations inside Iran, employing Special Forces units operating out of Afghanistan, while Pentagon-supported dissidents have been carrying out armed raids into Iran’s predominantly Arab provinces. ![]() Nato has already done much to mobilize the armies, bases, and treasuries of Europe in support of the Bush neocon plan for a nuclear sneak attack on Iran. The CIA is giving arms-length support, supplying money and weapons, to an Iranian militant group, Jundullah, which has conducted raids into Iran from bases in Pakistan. Industrial sabotage has been the favored way to combat Iran's nuclear program "without military action, without fingerprints on the operation. One way to sabotage a program is to make minor modifications in some of the components Iran obtains on the black market. Also Israel is negotiating with the United States for permission to fly over Iraq as part of a plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. As Iran continues to defy UN demands to stop producing material which could be used to build a nuclear bomb, Israel's military establishment is moving on to a war footing, with preparations now well under way for the Jewish state to launch air strikes against Teheran if diplomatic efforts fail to resolve the crisis. U.S. / Israel Attack On Iran Imminent Bush is targeting Iran for USA military action The Bush Administration have however suffered several severe setbacks as well as victories on their road to Teheran. They succeeded in destroying the secular nationalist government of Saddam Hussein and totally crippled Iraq’s defensive military and economic potential. However they face an unanticipated long-term, large-scale insurgency that ties down hundreds of thousands of US active military forces and depletes their reserves, imposes enormous financial costs and undermines public support for that war and any new military invasion promoted by the Israeli Lobby. The Israel-Lobby-US backed effort to impose a client regime in Lebanon opposed to Iran and Hezbollah via elections, backfired. As a result Israel re-took the path of outright military assaults and massacres to decimate opposition to its larger Middle East agenda. The Israel-Lobby-US diplomatic strategy in the United Nations to impose sanctions on Iran has secured European support for relatively marginal issues but has failed to secure Russian and Chinese support for a full-scale embargo. China is negotiating an agreement with Iran on the enrichment process that may undermine the entire US diplomacy to war strategy. ![]() The role of Putin’s Russia in the unfolding Iran showdown is central. In geopolitical terms, one must not forget that Russia is the ultimate ‘prize’ or endgame in the more than decade long US strategy of controlling Eurasia and preventing any possible rival from emerging to challenge US hegemony. Russian engineers and technical advisers are in Iran constructing the Bushehr nuclear plant. Sanctions and admonitions will not change Russia's relationship with one of the most demonized states in America's axis of evil. Iran has become a major counterweight for Moscow in the geopolitical game for Washington’s total domination over Eurasia, and Putin is shrewdly aware of that potential. Iran is strategically important to Russia as well as for Israel and the USA. Iran controls the strategic Strait of Hormuz, the choke point for oil from the Persian Gulf to Japan and the rest of the world. Iran borders the oil-rich Caspian Sea as it does NATO member Turkey. Reference *Calculating the Risk of War In Iran Iran Iraq Meddling What the Neocons have dubbed as evidence of Iranian meddling, including the presence of Iranian officials, in Iraq, is not troubling to Iraq’s Shia political parties, many of whose senior figures fled Saddam and lived for over twenty years in exile in Iran. Such figures see a powerful Shia neighbour in Iran, a friend in the midst of crisis. ![]() Alireza Jafarzadeh at the Iran Policy Committee's press conference in Washington DC. January 2005. He was in the past the man who revealed the now infamous, then secret Iranian nuclear sites to the world. He has been the spokesperson for the National Coalition of resistance of Iran He is a long time thorn in the side of the current Clerical Regime in Iran, and he revealed information that shows the Iranians are pouring men and resources into destabilizing Iraq and are supplying the technology and infrastructure for the most powerful IED's; the weapons that kill the largest number of American troops in Iraq. His information appears to completely undermine the Baker Report argument that advocates dialogue with Iran as actually Iranian leaders should have a shared interest with the US of stability in Iraq. Clearly if Alireza is right which looks pretty likely the Baker report is wrong to assume that Iran's leaders will follow secular ideas of their states self interest, and that the Iranian Regime is now, as in the past, driven primarily by their Shite Islamist ideology not by ordinary common sense ideas of self interest. It seems obvious to me that Iran's President would want to see the US suffer and get bogged down in this never ending insurgency in Iraq, and maybe they want chaos and destruction, vile murder and mayhem, the slide into total crisis to create a vacuum for Iran to fill. ![]() NeoCon Goals The NeoCons want to be able to install another puppet regime and further control the region, plundering it’s wealth and resources, while provoking the Muslim and Arab world to fight amongst themselves and hopefully, in the words of Henry Kissinger, kill each other off. We have only to remind ourselves that Iran has the world’s third-largest known oil reserves and that Iraq has the fourth largest. Reference *Spoils of War Bush’s troop surge makes it completely clear that his real purpose is to start wars with Iran and Syria before failure in Iraq brings an end to the NeoCon - Israeli plan to establish hegemony over the Middle East. ![]() And while the Iraqi government is actually talking to Iran, comfortably resolving security issues and praising Iranian cooperation, the Neocons in the White House are running around foaming at the mouth, refusing to engage in talks and deploying war ships. There is a high degree of irrationality in American politics - but it has a real foundation in declining options for US Capitalism. Bush and company are not just some group of power-crazed nutters who accidentally find themselves in office - they are there at the behest of the American ruling class. That they are there and act as they do is symptomatic of a serious crisis. The stakes are not only high: they are getting higher. References *Coming War With Iran? *No to US aggression, no to Iranian regime *My enemy's enemy *The Gog-Magog Scenario ![]() ![]() |
Friday, June 08, 2007
The Real 50 Trillion National Debt Exposed
![]() The Real 50 Trillion National Debt Exposed Reprint & Update by Popular Demand The Real American National Debt is not the 9 Trillion dollars reported, but a whopping 50 Trillion Dollars (below.) American media propaganda has never exposed the reality of the situation. The standard media reporting of the National Debt is as follows ... Faced with a potential government shutdown, the nation's debt limit was raised for the fourth time in five years. increasing the ceiling to $9 trillion. The increase to $9 trillion represents about $30,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States. "When it comes to deficits, this president owns all the records," said Minority Leader *Harry Reid, D-Nev. "The three largest deficits in our nation's history have all occurred under this administration's watch." When Mr Bush took office he inherited a $236 billion budget surplus. Bill Clinton, his predecessor, had used budget surpluses to pay down some of the national debt in his last two years in office. Mr Bush also inherited some extraordinarily overoptimistic projections. When President Bush took office five years ago, the national debt was at $5.6 trillion; since then, big budget surpluses have collapsed into huge deficits, and the debt has shot up nearly 50 percent. The need to increase the debt limit yet again is a direct result of the fiscal policies and practices implemented by Bush and Congress over the past five years. Bush's tax cuts account for 30 percent of the debt limit increases required during his presidency. Revenue losses from a recession and new spending to combat terrorism and for the war in Iraq are also responsible. National Debt Videos Video 2 *Col. Mike Weaver National Debt ![]() Today the National Debt is 65 per cent of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), very close to the postwar high of 67 per cent in 1996. The largest employer in the world announced on Dec. 15 that it lost about $450 billion in fiscal 2006. Its auditor found that its financial statements were unreliable and that its controls were inadequate for the 10th straight year. On top of that, the entity's total liabilities and unfunded commitments rose to about *$50 trillion, up from $20 trillion in just six years. The Unreported Real National Debt (Not 9 Trillion but 50 Trillion) Though the Bush Administration's official budget lists the national debt and deficit as being incredibly high, they are actually far worse than reported, according to Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN). But don’t just take his word for it, even if Cooper is a Rhodes Scholar and Harvard Law graduate. The following figures appear in the official U.S. Financial Report, released by the Treasury Department: * The true national debt is $50 trillion, not the $8.3 trillion Bush reported. That's $156,000 for every citizen, or $375,000 for every working American. This figure has more than doubled in the past five years. We paid $327 billion last year on interest alone. It's all getting worse. In order to get the word out, Cooper reprinted the entire U.S. Financial Report in a book with his own explanatory introduction and a warning on the cover reading, "The Official Report the White House Does Not Want You To Read." He said the measure was necessary because the Administration tried to hide the report by distributing it to fewer than 20 members of Congress in the midst of the Christmas holiday season with no accompanying press release or media announcement. ![]() What accounts for the huge discrepancy? Unlike businesses, the government uses "cash" instead of "accrual" accounting. This means that the government does not report future spending promises like Medicare and Social Security, or even future spending guarantees like veterans' benefits and federal employee pensions. "Cash accounting tells you what's in your bank account. Accrual accounting tells you what's in your bank account and what's on your credit card statement," Cooper told BuzzFlash in an interview. "Whether you're promising to buy a road or something at Target, you need to know what you promised to buy. That should be a binding obligation of the government. We've made a world of promises to folks that we need to keep." But wait, there's more! The U.S. Financial Report does not mention that if Medicare and Social Security are factored into the equation (which the Treasury Department did not), the true deficit was actually a whopping $3.3 trillion last year, over ten times more than Bush claims. And when Social Security projections are adjusted to reflect current life expectancies instead of the old 75-year mark, Cooper said the true national debt is "probably closer to $65 trillion." Worried that a new Democratic majority in the House would be blamed for the higher numbers in the future, Cooper has taken it upon himself to make it clear that the problem has already been created by Bush's failed economic policies. "This has to be announced on their watch, using their voice," he said. "There's a great urgency about this: we only have two months left to educate all Americans about how the Bush deficits are literally destroying America's credit." "I think [the report] is the most powerful critique of the Bush Administration" because they produced it, Cooper added. "No Republican can deny this attack." According to Cooper, conservatives won’t touch the issue because it would make Bush look bad, liberal newspapers think it's too confusing, and liberal politicians are worried the ensuing chaos from the higher numbers would limit social program spending. "The way we're going, we're going to have to eliminate programs," Cooper retorted. "Isn't it better to embarrass Bush while we can with his own words and to get Democrats in control?" Cooper said he is determined to do everything he can to add honesty to the federal budget. He gave the first copy of his book to House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi and has introduced legislation directing the president to use accrual accounting in his reports. A similar measure was recently lost in the Senate after passing in the House. Reference *Financial Report of the United States America has had a national debt since 1791, when it was $75 million. Today it rises by that amount every hour. USA's Biggest Creditors At present, foreign countries, central banks and other institutions hold more than one-fourth of the debt, but that percentage is growing rapidly. What worries many analysts is the amount of US debt financed by foreign governments and banks, particularly in Asia. The national debt is split between publicly held debt — money owed to US and foreign investors — and money owed to branches of the Government. Nearly half the publicly owed debt is held by foreigners. Japan is the biggest creditor, at $668 billion. China, the second-biggest, recently increased its stake by $40 billion to $263 billion. Unlike last year, when Congress passed a bill trimming $39 billion from the deficit through curbs to Medicaid, Medicare and student loan subsidies, Senate GOP leaders have abandoned plans to pass another round of cuts to so-called mandatory programs. If lawmakers continue to enact budget and tax legislation in the same irresponsible fashion that has marked the last five years, the debt will continue to explode. Even without factoring in the cost of the Iraq war and annual fixes to the Alternative Minimum Tax, the total national debt under current policy is expected to reach $11.5 trillion at the end of 2011, or twice that of the debt inherited by Bush when he took office. ![]() Republicans Are the Big Spenders Red Republican Debt Increases - Blue Democratic Debt Increases 1776-1974, Republican Gerald Ford, Democrat Jimmy Carter, Republican Ronald Reagan, Republican George HW Bush, Democrat Bill Clinton, Republican George W.Bush (Republican Debt Increases Biggest In the History of the Planet) See *National Debt In the News Previous Civil Service Pension Fund Raids The Treasury Department had started drawing from the civil service pension fund to avoid hitting the $8.2 trillion national debt limit. The move to tap the pension fund follows the decision to suspend investments in a retirement savings plan held by government employees. The Treasury has leaned on federal employee retirement funds in past years when officials worried about a possible default on the national debt, and most federal employees take it in stride. Still, many employees object to the financial maneuvers, arguing that they amount to a raid on their personal accounts. Other Federal Raids, Lies, and Looting The Federal Government has been raiding and looting Social Security for over 25 years leaving behind IOU's. All the dollars that the government actually collects or spends are green. When the number of green dollars spent (whether on Social Security or defense) exceeds the number of green dollars received (whether from Social Security contributions or income taxes), the government has to borrow more green dollars from a real person somewhere. In fiscal year 2004, the federal government borrowed another $339 billion worth of green dollars from real people. But it pretended that it borrowed $595 billion blue dollars, and used that extra pretend blue debt to accumulate extra pretend red assets worth $256 billion for accounts like Social Security. The government could pretend to have borrowed or saved any quantity of blue or red dollars it wished, as long as they netted out to be the $339 billion green dollars which represent the underlying reality. Social Security’s unfunded liability currently stands at $11.1 trillion ($700 billion more than last year), What the Future Holds "What we do know for sure is that in the next decade the upward pressure on federal spending is going to be very, very large," says Ms. Rivlin, who also worked as President Clinton's budget director and is now at the Brookings Institution. "It's not so much the aging of the population as the fact that spending on medical care has been rising faster than GDP." "The bigger our debt becomes, the bigger the 'risk premium' that foreigners are going to demand," in the form of higher interest rates, says *Barry Eichengreen, an economist at the University of California, Berkeley. But if the president and Congress show signs of fiscal responsibility, "then foreigners will be reassured and the day of reckoning recedes." The bigger issue is how well America's fiscal health will hold up under the strain of costs associated with baby boomer retirements, which begin in just a few years. Taxes would have to be raised 50 percent to cover entitlement costs, says Glenn Hubbard, a former economic adviser to President Bush who is dean of the Columbia University business school. ![]() |
Saturday, June 02, 2007
The American Police State - Beyond Treason
![]() Videos Not Shown On Fox or CNN ... *The New World Order Exposed Video *Rise of the Police State *Not Fox Or CNN Videos *American Police State Videos *Police State U.S.A. Survival Kit *The Zone of Truth ![]() The VA has determined that 250,000 troops are now permanently disabled, 15,000 troops are dead and over 425,000 are ill and slowly dying from what the Department of Defense still calls a “mystery disease.” references ... *Beyond Treason *American Police State News Archive "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." references ... *Police State USA *American Police State Goes Into High Gear ![]() Police Beatings Videos (these Videos take 3 minutes to download) ... *Police Beatings1 *Police Beatings2 *Police Beatings3 *Police Beatings4 ![]() Banks, airlines, libraries, credit card companies, medical doctors and health care organizations, employers, Internet providers, any and everyone must turn over your private information at government demand. references ... *Abandoning Liberty; Gaining Insecurity "A state in which the government exercises rigid and repressive controls over the social, economic and political life of the people, especially by means of a secret police force." references ... *America is a police state ![]() The President can declare a state of emergency, empowering the head of FEMA to take control of the internal infrastructure of the United States and suspend the constitution. The President could invoke executive orders 11000 through 11004 which would: 1. Draft all citizens into work forces under government supervision. 2. Empower the postmaster to register all men, women and children. 3. Seize all airports and aircraft. 4. Seize all housing and establish forced relocation of citizens. references ... *Crimes Against Humanity "We have far more to fear from an unaccountable government at home than from any foreign terrorist." Rep. Ron Paul reference ... *Big Brother Rising ![]() ![]() |