![]() Watch these (3) videos in succession. Do YOU recognize anything? Your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated ! ![]() |
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Depopulation Plans Of the Criminal Elite
The people of America are being fed upon by the elite and devoured alive, and they barely even recognize it. It is the perfect crime. Here we delve deep into the big brother control agenda. What is being sold to the American people today as patriotism is fascism. It is part of the same overall agenda to rape the people financially, spiritually and mentally. We can no longer trust what used to be sustainers of life. The depopulation weapons of the ruling elite are in the air, in food, in vaccines, in medical procedures, in drinking water, in soils and even in our bodies to be passed on to future generations. World-famous microbiologist *Sir Macfarlane Burnet, the Nobel prize winner revered as Australia's greatest medical research scientist, secretly urged the government to develop biological weapons for use against Indonesia and other overpopulated countries of South-East Asia. The revelation is contained in top-secret files declassified by the National Archives of Australia, despite resistance from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Sir Macfarlane recommended in a secret report in 1947 that biological and chemical weapons should be developed to target food crops and spread infectious diseases. Quote from oceanographer Jacques Cousteau 1991: "The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics — it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangaladeshes. The damage is directly linked to consumption. Our society is turning toward more and needless consumption. It is a vicious circle that I compare to cancer....This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it." The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has begun a series of experiments to see how likely the *bird flu virus could result in a human pandemic. The six-month series of experiments seeks to simulate the mixing and matching of genes from the H5N1 avian flu virus that has plagued Asia and a common human flu virus that public-health experts fear could turn avian flu into a pandemic. *CDC scientists inside an ultra-secure laboratory have started swapping the genes of the *H5N1 avian virus with the genes of an H3N2 virus, the strain behind most recent human flu outbreaks. It's also not surprising that this current government seems not to mind that 600 people a day are dying from AID's. (If they 'cared' we'd see emergency measures and major clampdowns and enforced testing) speeches of concern while 600 deaths a day continue. They want this in reality. A useful removal of excess people - who'll never be needed to be employed, schooled, housed, fed. Good for the budget projections. Callous, sure - but absolutely in keeping and in line with the overall global depopulation agenda. The conduct of secret nuclear wars since 1991, through the use of depleted uranium weaponry by the United States and Great Britain with their allies, has taken place in the Middle East, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Lebanon. It has been carried out for the express purpose of destroying the public health and mutilating the genetic future of vast populations in oil rich and/or pipeline regions. Carpet and grid bombing with depleted uranium weaponry in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan has guaranteed permanent radioactive terrain contamination. The recent discovery that U.S. depleted uranium bombs dropped by Israel on Lebanon in 2006 contained enriched uranium suggests covert testing of fourth generation nuclear weapons. The United States and its allies are fully aware that this weaponry violates the Geneva and Hague Conventions and the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol.6 It meets the definition of WMD in the U.S. Code7 in two out of three categories. And its use violates U.S. military law.8 since the U.S. is a signatory to The Hague and Geneva Conventions. The blueprint for depleted uranium radioactive poison gas weaponry – dirty bombs, dirty missiles and dirty bullets – was contained in a declassified memorandum9 dated Oct. 30, 1943. It was addressed to Gen. Leslie Groves, who was head of the Manhattan Project, the U.S. effort to build atomic bombs in World War II. The recommendation for development of depleted uranium as kinetic energy penetrators was never mentioned in the Groves memo. It was specifically for depopulation. The Groves memo makes it clear that in 1943, U.S. scientists recommended using radioactive poison gas weapons in order to contaminate the air, water, soil, food, environment and the blood of exposed populations. The long-term contamination is permanent, since uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, making contaminated areas uninhabitable for eternity. For populations that must continue to live in contaminated areas, the long-term effects are lingering illnesses and mutilation of their DNA. Widespread depleted uranium contamination of DNA in populations results in the potential mutilation of future generations. Mutations induced in the DNA of a single egg or sperm which form a fertilized egg are expressed and repeated in every cell of the developing organism, and defects are passed on to all future generations11. Not only are U.S. and allied soldiers exposed and civilian populations genocidally targeted, but the depleted uranium pollution is now global. In Reality We Are All Gulf War Veterans. Depleted uranium poison gas weaponry, used on a regional scale, meets U.S. National Security Council goals as stated in the Global 2000 Report: Vision of a Gloomy World. This report recommended that depopulation in third world countries was imperative to the U.S. government purpose of securing mineral and other strategic resources. Global atmospheric pollution from depleted uranium particulates will result in massive depopulation on a global scale. By increasing death rates and decreasing birth rates globally, more than 2 billion people will be eliminated. Depleted uranium is the ideal weapon to bring about the New World Order, which is global depopulation. In just a few years it has turned Planet Earth into a Death Star. Depopulation and the Accumulation of Capital The following is the depopulation policy thesis set out in this paper: Intentional depopulation and massive genocide are the core policies by which ruling elites drive international relations, economic aid development, strategic weapons development and the design of engineered wars. The operational goal of this intentional depopulation policy is the reduction of the human population. With presidential approval, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger presented 2 billion people as the desired level of reduction, but in fact the depopulation policy may seek a 2-4 billion reduction, or up to two thirds of the world’s population. This depopulation policy is intended by the world’s ruling elite to result in control of mineral and strategic resources and water and total control of the world’s wealth. One of the most common political epithets for the depopulation policy is The New World Order. “All wars are economic in origin,” said Bernard Baruch, advisor to presidents during World Wars I and II. Even the 13th century Crusades in the Middle East were not religious wars, but an attempt by special interests in Europe to restabilize and take control over the wealth and revenues of *the Silk Road. Read more *George W. Bush and the Crusades Theology was created to eliminate the enemies of God in order to promote and justify the wars of the Crusades, which were fought for a hidden economic benefit. History in the Middle East repeats itself in the 21st century. The New World Order depopulation policy was consciously accelerated during World War II with the Manhattan Project. During World War II, the Manhattan Project developed three illegal and infamous weapons of mass destruction: the atomic bombs dropped on the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, a defoliant developed as Agent Orange for the Vietnam War, and depleted uranium radioactive poison gas weaponry used in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Lebanon since 1991. These weapons of mass destruction were developed specifically for the purpose of depopulation. After World War II, the international ruling elite – the Illuminati, London Money Power, Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and Skull and Bones – and, in the U.S., the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, National Security Council and U.S. State Department have all made depopulation of 2 billion people their top priority. The purpose of this planned human mass genocide is to maximize profits and the accumulation of wealth. Depopulation of Africa Depopulation policy has targeted Africa more heavily than any other continent and has resulted in the ruling elites looting its vast natural resources. It is a “treasure box” of minerals and precious, rare and strategic metals, with more diversity of resource wealth than any other continent. In the book by Tiny Rowland: The Ugly Face of Neocolonialism in Africa, are details of the role that Tiny Rowland played, as agent of the British Queen, in turning the 1960s dreams of independence of the African nations into the nightmare of a dying continent, plagued by starvation and disease. Rowland was the CEO and chief architect of Lonrho, the British multinational company that was the headquarters for looting African countries through economic dirty tricks. Through Lonrho, Rowland became the biggest Western businessman in Africa. The book also details how Rowland set up Rio Tinto Mines for the considerable private and personal uranium holdings, worth over $6 billion, of the Queen of England in former British colonies. Not bad for a German former Nazi youth corps member, who was a convicted criminal in Germany before he changed his name, moved to England and became the Queen’s buccaneer. The depopulation policy thesis extends to international collaboration and alliance between private organizations, universities, corporations, governments, the military and quasi-governmental bodies. The concept for AIDS, a new class of bio-weapon, came out of the Club of Rome and was made in laboratories of the Department of Defense. AIDS was one of the early exotic” bio-weapons developed. It was developed and administered by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Congress funded the AIDS development project, used to depopulate Africa in combination with famine, two ways known to rapidly increase death rates. Most significantly, U.S. expert *Francis A. Boyle reveals how the new billion-dollar U.S. Chemical and Biological Defense Program has been reorientated to accord with the Neo-Conservative pre-emptive strike agenda—this time by biological and chemical warfare. Linking U.S. biowarfare development to the October 2001 anthrax attack on Congress—the most significant political attack on the constitutional functioning of democracy in the United States in recent history *Boyle sheds new light on the motives for the attack, the media black hole of silence into which it has fallen, and why the FBI may never apprehend the perpetrators of this seminal political crime of the 21st century. Biowarfare and Terrorism should raise public concern at what the vastly expanded US biowarfare research and purported civilian preparedness programs hold in store for America—and the extent to which the Bush administration is prepared to pursue them, irrespective of their incitement to a global biowarfare arms race, and likely exposure of the American people to future accidents and reprisals. References *Henry Kissinger's Food Control Genocide *The plan to poison S-E Asia *U.S. to create a bird flu virus mutation ![]() ![]() |
Monday, July 09, 2007
What Is Real? - A Video Journey of Reality
![]() What Is Real? What Determines Your Reality? Our perception of the world is completely subjective; it says nothing about what happens outside us. We grasp our own reactions to something supposedly unfolding outside us, but does anything really happen out there? The mystic says reality is your fears, your desires, your idea that you have to get to somewhere, the idea that you lack something, is, in this view, an illusion. You are not a separate ego in a bag of skin, but rather are this oneness. The mystics also say your mind is in the way of your experience of who you really are. They say your mind is creating an alternate reality, that is, in a sense, like dust covering a mirror and keeping you from seeing who you really are. At the moment of creation, this one energy of all and everything polarized itself into a seeming duality: good and evil, up and down, male and female, here and there, black and white, off and on, yin and yang, and so on. And there is a tension between the two sides of each of these poles, and the mystics say that this tension between polar opposites is what causes the universe to manifest in the first place. The reason why this duality, these opposites, only seem to exist is that each side of the duality depends on the other side for it's existence. Here makes no sense without the other. Not me makes no sense without me. Good makes no sense without evil. Each of these exist only in relation to the other. They are not, as we usually think of them, mutually exclusive opposites, but rather aspects of the same thing, the same process. Each of these seemingly opposite poles are, really, totally dependent on each other. They are one thing, not two. In being opposite, they are also inextricably tied to each other, and cannot exist independently. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Blow Your Mind
![]() Painting shows a female representing death, a baby representing life, and the face at the left symbolizes the world that is watching. It also reflects the innocent women, children and civilians who were killed and are being killed in War as the world is watching. Watch these two movies and I guarantee you will blow your mind. Watch this one first in its entirety at this link ... *Watch This First Warning Graphic Content May Be Disturbing (Click the arrow to start) The 2nd Movie You Are Not Supposed To See ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Thursday, July 05, 2007
The Last Days of Democracy
Last call to awaken the slumbering promise of our Constitution - or to watch our freedom slither away forever. Corporate media has enabled tyranny to prevail over the truth, because they value profits above all else. This is a wake-up call to save us from the final descent into an Orwellian world from which we will not be able to return. American Fascists Part 1 American Fascists Part 2 Mainstream media corporations like CNN, Fox, and NBC (General Electric) together with giant telecoms like Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T have become administration pawns in a well-organized effort to hijack America. A warning for all Americans the media has become a docile lapdog of government while failing at keeping us informed. Those who stay tuned to Fox News, CNN or any other corporate-owned news source realize that the bottom line is what determines newsworthy without having the public's interest in mind. End of US Democracy Part 1 End of US Democracy Part 2 Mainstream media have failed us in covering issues crucial to the survival of American democracy. Corporate media have systematically attempted to dumb down and distract us from reality with sex and violence; government has used corporate media to shock and awe Americans into surrendering their constitutional rights in the name of the War on Terrorism; and media personalities have been complicit in the mass deception. ![]() Now when the mainstream media reports from Afghanistan, Iraq, or anywhere around the world, including here in the United States, it is in cooperation with the government. Without a functioning media, there is no stopping government from divesting us of our freedom. ![]() ![]() |
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
4th of July - The True Meaning
Tyrrany can come not only from a foreign occupier, and not only from the undemocratic ruler, but also from a tyrannous majority who seek to rule and remake society without any decent respect for the opinions of the minority. Ultimately, it was not just the King and the Parliament whom the Declarants were severing ties from, but from their fellow Englishmen who did nothing to allay their ill-treatment and happily profited from continuing injustices to the colonists. The colonists lifted themselves free from a political family that had become tyrannous and unfair to them, and created themselves as Americans. There is a lesson in the 4th of July for the current state of political affairs in America. Tyranny will not be tolerated long in America, not even the tyrrany of the majority. Of course, nobody is prepared to set up barricades in the streets separating blue and red neighborhoods, gated communities are already doing that. And there is no systematic disenfranchisement of our citizens, caging lists, felon databases, defective equipment, and long waits at the polls are already doing that. And we do have representation in Congress, though our representatives are shut out of power to an unprecedented degree by the GOP caucus unless they kow-tow and support the majority's policies meekly. But no one is trying to remake our society into somethig radically different without the consent of all the people... except proclaiming they will establish the Christian religion or found a theocratic state. Yes, there is tyranny in today's America. The political majority (which doesn't even represent the demographic majority) is plainly ruling without regard to the opinions of the minority, and seeking to remake our society and government without our assent. But tyrrants always fall. Resistance to them is a cultural tradition for Americans. Yes many Americans today are on the sidelines, Victims of the propaganda, Cowered by the Police State. Know that the tyrrany we now face daily shall also pass. ![]() ![]() |
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Shopping the Red Light District of Amsterdam
![]() For five centuries the Red Light District of Amsterdam has been servicing the personal needs and desires of locals and visitors. The area has been transformed with classic restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, music of every type. ![]() Yes, the narrow alleyways are still adorned with large picture windows, and filled with long streams of men eyeing women of every type. Hookers are completely legal and regulated by the government. They have medical care, and a union that lobbies the government. One of the most famous bars in Amsterdam *The Bananenbar is famous for the girls performing all kinds of incredible erotic tricks. The Banana plays a special part. The Dutch have a tolerant attitude towards prostitution, soft drugs and pornography. They see these things as natural human vices, and have a reluctance to criminalize them. The *Amsterdam Red Light District simply oozes charm and one cannot help but admire the old buildings that lean at odd-angles, and the tree-enshrouded canals. The *Albert Cuyp market for example began trading in 1904, and now has over 300 stalls lining both sides of the Albert Cuyp street. Not to be missed for fashion *9 Streets, one of the city's most delightful shopping areas. The Red Light District is also famous for its *Chinatown, and a great supermarket. This *Amsterdam Sights Website, is also a great look. Also check out *Amsterdam XXX. Sex Shop Goodies Americans have discovered Amsterdam in ever increasing numbers this site being an example *48 hours Amsterdam. An excellent source for English speaking people is *Expatica for Dutch news in English. ![]() ![]() |
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About Me
- Name: EuroYank - Virginia Hoge
- Location: United States
Euro Yank is an internationally famous blogger, an American born in Germany that left for the USA with family at age six and has lived in Luxembourg for the past ten years. He is a committed anti-fascist and a student of history who is politically progressive and believes in the ideals of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights for all Americans. He is also an American war veteran. He was active on American Talk Radio, and has been prominent online with 26 blogs with over 25 million hits. His investigative journalism has exposed top international news stories no one else has reported on. He is also a well-known political commentator. He has been repeatedly censored and banned, but despite these setback continues nonstop. Virginia Olive Hoge is an artist and writer living in Pasadena, California. As a progressive whistle-blower, she conducts investigations into corrupt media and outs the harm it causes to the poor and important social services. She is has been conducting an 11-month investigation of, she is the first one in the nation to do so.
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- The Truth Behind Terror - The Great Satan & CIA Dr...
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Depopulation Plans Of the Criminal Elite
The people of America are being fed upon by the elite and devoured alive, and they barely even recognize it. It is the perfect crime. Here we delve deep into the big brother control agenda. What is being sold to the American people today as patriotism is fascism. It is part of the same overall agenda to rape the people financially, spiritually and mentally. We can no longer trust what used to be sustainers of life. The depopulation weapons of the ruling elite are in the air, in food, in vaccines, in medical procedures, in drinking water, in soils and even in our bodies to be passed on to future generations. World-famous microbiologist *Sir Macfarlane Burnet, the Nobel prize winner revered as Australia's greatest medical research scientist, secretly urged the government to develop biological weapons for use against Indonesia and other overpopulated countries of South-East Asia. The revelation is contained in top-secret files declassified by the National Archives of Australia, despite resistance from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Sir Macfarlane recommended in a secret report in 1947 that biological and chemical weapons should be developed to target food crops and spread infectious diseases. Quote from oceanographer Jacques Cousteau 1991: "The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics — it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the earth much more than twenty Bangaladeshes. The damage is directly linked to consumption. Our society is turning toward more and needless consumption. It is a vicious circle that I compare to cancer....This is a terrible thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it." The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has begun a series of experiments to see how likely the *bird flu virus could result in a human pandemic. The six-month series of experiments seeks to simulate the mixing and matching of genes from the H5N1 avian flu virus that has plagued Asia and a common human flu virus that public-health experts fear could turn avian flu into a pandemic. *CDC scientists inside an ultra-secure laboratory have started swapping the genes of the *H5N1 avian virus with the genes of an H3N2 virus, the strain behind most recent human flu outbreaks. It's also not surprising that this current government seems not to mind that 600 people a day are dying from AID's. (If they 'cared' we'd see emergency measures and major clampdowns and enforced testing) speeches of concern while 600 deaths a day continue. They want this in reality. A useful removal of excess people - who'll never be needed to be employed, schooled, housed, fed. Good for the budget projections. Callous, sure - but absolutely in keeping and in line with the overall global depopulation agenda. The conduct of secret nuclear wars since 1991, through the use of depleted uranium weaponry by the United States and Great Britain with their allies, has taken place in the Middle East, the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Lebanon. It has been carried out for the express purpose of destroying the public health and mutilating the genetic future of vast populations in oil rich and/or pipeline regions. Carpet and grid bombing with depleted uranium weaponry in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan has guaranteed permanent radioactive terrain contamination. The recent discovery that U.S. depleted uranium bombs dropped by Israel on Lebanon in 2006 contained enriched uranium suggests covert testing of fourth generation nuclear weapons. The United States and its allies are fully aware that this weaponry violates the Geneva and Hague Conventions and the 1925 Geneva Poison Gas Protocol.6 It meets the definition of WMD in the U.S. Code7 in two out of three categories. And its use violates U.S. military law.8 since the U.S. is a signatory to The Hague and Geneva Conventions. The blueprint for depleted uranium radioactive poison gas weaponry – dirty bombs, dirty missiles and dirty bullets – was contained in a declassified memorandum9 dated Oct. 30, 1943. It was addressed to Gen. Leslie Groves, who was head of the Manhattan Project, the U.S. effort to build atomic bombs in World War II. The recommendation for development of depleted uranium as kinetic energy penetrators was never mentioned in the Groves memo. It was specifically for depopulation. The Groves memo makes it clear that in 1943, U.S. scientists recommended using radioactive poison gas weapons in order to contaminate the air, water, soil, food, environment and the blood of exposed populations. The long-term contamination is permanent, since uranium-238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, making contaminated areas uninhabitable for eternity. For populations that must continue to live in contaminated areas, the long-term effects are lingering illnesses and mutilation of their DNA. Widespread depleted uranium contamination of DNA in populations results in the potential mutilation of future generations. Mutations induced in the DNA of a single egg or sperm which form a fertilized egg are expressed and repeated in every cell of the developing organism, and defects are passed on to all future generations11. Not only are U.S. and allied soldiers exposed and civilian populations genocidally targeted, but the depleted uranium pollution is now global. In Reality We Are All Gulf War Veterans. Depleted uranium poison gas weaponry, used on a regional scale, meets U.S. National Security Council goals as stated in the Global 2000 Report: Vision of a Gloomy World. This report recommended that depopulation in third world countries was imperative to the U.S. government purpose of securing mineral and other strategic resources. Global atmospheric pollution from depleted uranium particulates will result in massive depopulation on a global scale. By increasing death rates and decreasing birth rates globally, more than 2 billion people will be eliminated. Depleted uranium is the ideal weapon to bring about the New World Order, which is global depopulation. In just a few years it has turned Planet Earth into a Death Star. Depopulation and the Accumulation of Capital The following is the depopulation policy thesis set out in this paper: Intentional depopulation and massive genocide are the core policies by which ruling elites drive international relations, economic aid development, strategic weapons development and the design of engineered wars. The operational goal of this intentional depopulation policy is the reduction of the human population. With presidential approval, former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger presented 2 billion people as the desired level of reduction, but in fact the depopulation policy may seek a 2-4 billion reduction, or up to two thirds of the world’s population. This depopulation policy is intended by the world’s ruling elite to result in control of mineral and strategic resources and water and total control of the world’s wealth. One of the most common political epithets for the depopulation policy is The New World Order. “All wars are economic in origin,” said Bernard Baruch, advisor to presidents during World Wars I and II. Even the 13th century Crusades in the Middle East were not religious wars, but an attempt by special interests in Europe to restabilize and take control over the wealth and revenues of *the Silk Road. Read more *George W. Bush and the Crusades Theology was created to eliminate the enemies of God in order to promote and justify the wars of the Crusades, which were fought for a hidden economic benefit. History in the Middle East repeats itself in the 21st century. The New World Order depopulation policy was consciously accelerated during World War II with the Manhattan Project. During World War II, the Manhattan Project developed three illegal and infamous weapons of mass destruction: the atomic bombs dropped on the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, a defoliant developed as Agent Orange for the Vietnam War, and depleted uranium radioactive poison gas weaponry used in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Lebanon since 1991. These weapons of mass destruction were developed specifically for the purpose of depopulation. After World War II, the international ruling elite – the Illuminati, London Money Power, Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and Skull and Bones – and, in the U.S., the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, National Security Council and U.S. State Department have all made depopulation of 2 billion people their top priority. The purpose of this planned human mass genocide is to maximize profits and the accumulation of wealth. Depopulation of Africa Depopulation policy has targeted Africa more heavily than any other continent and has resulted in the ruling elites looting its vast natural resources. It is a “treasure box” of minerals and precious, rare and strategic metals, with more diversity of resource wealth than any other continent. In the book by Tiny Rowland: The Ugly Face of Neocolonialism in Africa, are details of the role that Tiny Rowland played, as agent of the British Queen, in turning the 1960s dreams of independence of the African nations into the nightmare of a dying continent, plagued by starvation and disease. Rowland was the CEO and chief architect of Lonrho, the British multinational company that was the headquarters for looting African countries through economic dirty tricks. Through Lonrho, Rowland became the biggest Western businessman in Africa. The book also details how Rowland set up Rio Tinto Mines for the considerable private and personal uranium holdings, worth over $6 billion, of the Queen of England in former British colonies. Not bad for a German former Nazi youth corps member, who was a convicted criminal in Germany before he changed his name, moved to England and became the Queen’s buccaneer. The depopulation policy thesis extends to international collaboration and alliance between private organizations, universities, corporations, governments, the military and quasi-governmental bodies. The concept for AIDS, a new class of bio-weapon, came out of the Club of Rome and was made in laboratories of the Department of Defense. AIDS was one of the early exotic” bio-weapons developed. It was developed and administered by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Congress funded the AIDS development project, used to depopulate Africa in combination with famine, two ways known to rapidly increase death rates. Most significantly, U.S. expert *Francis A. Boyle reveals how the new billion-dollar U.S. Chemical and Biological Defense Program has been reorientated to accord with the Neo-Conservative pre-emptive strike agenda—this time by biological and chemical warfare. Linking U.S. biowarfare development to the October 2001 anthrax attack on Congress—the most significant political attack on the constitutional functioning of democracy in the United States in recent history *Boyle sheds new light on the motives for the attack, the media black hole of silence into which it has fallen, and why the FBI may never apprehend the perpetrators of this seminal political crime of the 21st century. Biowarfare and Terrorism should raise public concern at what the vastly expanded US biowarfare research and purported civilian preparedness programs hold in store for America—and the extent to which the Bush administration is prepared to pursue them, irrespective of their incitement to a global biowarfare arms race, and likely exposure of the American people to future accidents and reprisals. References *Henry Kissinger's Food Control Genocide *The plan to poison S-E Asia *U.S. to create a bird flu virus mutation ![]() |
Monday, July 09, 2007
What Is Real? - A Video Journey of Reality
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Blow Your Mind
![]() Painting shows a female representing death, a baby representing life, and the face at the left symbolizes the world that is watching. It also reflects the innocent women, children and civilians who were killed and are being killed in War as the world is watching. Watch these two movies and I guarantee you will blow your mind. Watch this one first in its entirety at this link ... *Watch This First Warning Graphic Content May Be Disturbing (Click the arrow to start) The 2nd Movie You Are Not Supposed To See ![]() ![]() |
Thursday, July 05, 2007
The Last Days of Democracy
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
4th of July - The True Meaning
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Shopping the Red Light District of Amsterdam
![]() For five centuries the Red Light District of Amsterdam has been servicing the personal needs and desires of locals and visitors. The area has been transformed with classic restaurants, cafes, coffee shops, music of every type. ![]() Yes, the narrow alleyways are still adorned with large picture windows, and filled with long streams of men eyeing women of every type. Hookers are completely legal and regulated by the government. They have medical care, and a union that lobbies the government. One of the most famous bars in Amsterdam *The Bananenbar is famous for the girls performing all kinds of incredible erotic tricks. The Banana plays a special part. The Dutch have a tolerant attitude towards prostitution, soft drugs and pornography. They see these things as natural human vices, and have a reluctance to criminalize them. The *Amsterdam Red Light District simply oozes charm and one cannot help but admire the old buildings that lean at odd-angles, and the tree-enshrouded canals. The *Albert Cuyp market for example began trading in 1904, and now has over 300 stalls lining both sides of the Albert Cuyp street. Not to be missed for fashion *9 Streets, one of the city's most delightful shopping areas. The Red Light District is also famous for its *Chinatown, and a great supermarket. This *Amsterdam Sights Website, is also a great look. Also check out *Amsterdam XXX. Sex Shop Goodies Americans have discovered Amsterdam in ever increasing numbers this site being an example *48 hours Amsterdam. An excellent source for English speaking people is *Expatica for Dutch news in English. ![]() |