Introduction - Crusader For Truth
Here your beliefs will be tested with videos and reports not available in the mainstream! You are now Escaping the Matrix .... *Newspaper Article Mentioned In the Video The War Against Us All Why the War on Terror Ain't The Polk Doctrine! The Illuminati and the New World Order ![]() This operation is a one man show. It has no budget, no staff, and is in a constant state of revision and experimentation. It is the result of trial and error, and a continuing learning process in coding, color, templates, and multimedia.Main Themes of this Blog (links) .... *1984*War Is A Racket*Illuminati *New World Order*the Matrix We are living in dangerous times, and not all is what it seems, and at least 1 out of four of you know this. ![]() Personal Note When I started this blog four years ago I knew what I wanted to say, but I also realized that was not enough. So instead of just having opinions, I decided to back mine up with videos and reference links. I decided to research my thoughts. Consequently each post has days if not weeks of research behind it. See The Movie Banned by Congress ... Blog Directory Because of the large Archive of this blog (over 450 posts), here is a pictured link directory of the top posts, making it easy for you to identify the topics that interest you. Included is a one of a kind sidebar where topics are grouped by category. Just Click below ... ![]() |
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Human Rights - The American Double Standard
Committed Daily In the USA Reader please watch the important videos in various places at the end of this text, to get a complete picture of the info presented here. People often think that human rights violations only happen in other areas of the world, not in the United States. In reality, human rights abuses are committed daily in the U.S., even in the most routine aspects of people's lives. Racial profiling, police brutality, prison conditions, and abuses in the "war on terror," are all human rights abuses. Racial profiling is so pervasive that it has impacted nearly 32 million people in the United States - about the population of Canada. Our leaders in the United States, proudly present our country as being an advocate on the front lines for human rights. Lets investigate this double standard, which is a cover for advancing special self-interests... ![]() # The USA often has not ratified various international human rights related treaties (and where it has, there have been many, many reservations). # American diplomats were influential in drawing up the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, yet the USA has not always put its words into action. See ... *Human Rights and U.S. Policy In the USA Health Care Is A Privilege Not A Basic Human Right (USA has 47 million uninsured) The United States is the only industrialized nation that views health care as a privilege, not a basic human right. Access to Health Care 101 Wes Clark on the American Health System Health Care in America:My story and Question Regarding the Death Penalty The USA is engaged in a cruel, brutalizing, unreliable, unnecessary and hugely expensive activity for no measurable gain. There is no evidence that the US authorities have prevented a single crime with this policy They have diverted countless millions of dollars away from more constructive efforts to fight crime. And the macabre absurdity is that it creates more victims - the family members of the condemned - often in the name of victims' rights. The death penalty is a symptom of a culture of violence, not a solution to it. The sooner US politicians begin to find the political courage to educate public opinion rather than hide behind it, the better. There have been about 500,000 murders in the USA since 1977. In the same period, 716 men and women have been executed. This is a punishment, these basic statistics suggest, reserved for the “worst of the worst” of murderers in the USA. But how can that be true if, for example, learning disabled prisoners are among the condemned? It is time they [U.S. leaders] took it upon themselves to measure US standards of decency against the aspirations of the international community on the death penalty. The USA has the world's largest prison population of roughly 2 million people, which accounts for about a quarter of the world's prison population. America's incarceration rate was roughly constant from 1925 to 1973, with an average of 110 people behind bars for every 100,000 residents. By 2000, however, the rate of incarceration in state and federal prisons had more than quadrupled, to 478. America has overtaken Russia as the world's most aggressive jailer. When local jails are included in the American tally, the United States locks up nearly 700 people per 100,000, compared with 102 for Canada, 132 for England and Wales, 85 for France and a paltry 48 in Japan. ![]() USA Kicked Off the United Nations Human Rights Commission At the beginning of May, 2001, the United States lost its seat on the United Nations Human Rights Commission for the first time since the panel's founding in 1947. (The Human Rights Commission assigns investigators to probe abuses around the world.) The U.S. was voted off by their allies (not by their enemies.) Critics had pointed out that the U.S's recent “go-alone” stances on many international issues had been factors as well. Examples include not supporting the international criminal court, not supporting the international landmine treaty, its stance on the death penalty, not paying its dues at the U.N. (leaving it to others to make up in some way, especially European nations), backing down from Kyoto, and so on. Admittedly, the U.S. has been more vocal than many nations on some human rights issues, but when it has come to major initiatives and substantial changes to promote and support human rights, the U.S. has, as mentioned above, often been alone, acting in their own interests, as some examples throughout this web site will show. ![]() The USA A Rogue Nation When it has come to major initiatives and substantial changes to promote and support human rights, the U.S. has often been a Rogue Nation acting alone, in its own best interests ... It is interesting to look at the USA's position on some of the standard international human rights treaties, given the USA's vocal position on human rights and insistence that it is the premier promoter of human rights. Of the twelve main treaties, the United States has only signed the following, but not ratified any of them (as of 21 August, 2002): See ... ![]() American Read My Lips Service Also as of 21 August, 2002, the USA has not either signed or ratified the following: In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of soldiers refusing to participate in the war and occupation in Iraq. They have applied for conscientious objector (CO) status, which would allow them exemption from participation in war, based on reasons of conscience or conviction. However, the US government has denied most of these petitions and has aggressively pursued soldiers who have gone absent without leave (AWOL), a crime punishable by a maximum sentence of death by firing squad. The following videos are disturbing, but you need to see what is really going on in your name ... Human rights violations in Iraq's US-run prisons Doctors of the World-USA - Health is a Human Right America illegally kidnaps imprisons /abuses U.S.children Stop Torturing - The USA Should Not Torture Prisoners Video Guantanamo detainee talks about David Hicks Waterboarding illegal? Also see ... *The Chain Gang - USA Other Reference *Send Lawyers, Guhs, and Money ![]() ![]() |
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Today's Historic Panic of 2008
![]() each year with no conceivable way of paying it back. That won’t last much longer! ![]() this text to get a complete picture of the info presented here. The “full faith and credit” of the U.S. Government is plunging world wide. Increasing Market Jitters In World Markets Desperate Move To Defend the Dollar In a desperate move today to defend the dollar, the Federal Reserve has cut American interest rates by 3/4 of 1%. The credit bubble is fully bursting, as values in the home market are further depressed, driving down even more the value of homes across the United States.Largest Emergency Cut In 20 Years .75% Emergency Fed Rate Cut The mountain of collateralized debt created by Wall Street – including mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, or related derivatives – are a small part of a much broader derivatives market that may now amount to $415 trillion according to the *Bank for International Settlements. If there’s a break in the liquidity-flows to our stock market---stocks will crash, unemployment will soar, and we’ll be pulled into a deflationary down spin. Today's Market reactions (What American Investors Are Saying ...) 1. The subprime mortgage situation and high oil prices have ravaged the pocketbooks of all Americans. Greed and loose lending practices have contributed to this debacle. The slow response by the Federal Reserve has accentuated all, to the ultimate dilemma we now face. 2. I have money in a CD which has horrified my financial planner for the past two years. In July I converted my retirement funds from stock mutual funds to a money market fund in the same family. Now I'm getting the feeling that the Fed is trying to force my hand to put my cash back into play somewhere. Where is the relief for responsible spenders and savers? 3. I will not be able to return next year unless the market rebounds. I have lost enough from my personal portfolio to have funded my education two times over 4. I was nibbling at the financials because I thought they had put in a bottom, now I find the financials, I nibbled at, are nibbling at my bottom. 5. Why isn't THE REAL issue being addressed here? The so-called credit crunch is not the cause but a symptom of the distressed economy. The underlying cause of the meltdown is OIL. The world has no plan to use it wisely. It has fueled inflation and it depresses growth. Don't tell me oil prices will fall into a 'corrected' range with a fall in the markets. The smallest geopolitical event or the slightest pickup in business activity and it will be back above $100 again in a New York minute. American Dollar Collapse The inevitable collapse of the dollar The Collapse Of The US Dollar Alan Greenspan on: His Role in creating the Housing Bubble Mortgage Problems Explained The Truth About The Economy ![]() The US gobbles up two-thirds of the world’s credit each year with no conceivable way of paying it back. That won’t last much longer. Central banks around the world are increasingly hesitant to accept our greenbacks and the Chinese are the only ones who are still buying our Treasuries. That’s mainly because it gives them power over political decision-making in Washington. The truth is the Chinese are planning to send the US into receivership and take over as the world’s bank. The “full faith and credit” of the U.S. Government is plunging, and the World is bailing out of Dollars. ![]() What Could Now Happen Soon A collapse in the heavily leveraged $1.4 trillion dollar unregulated hedge fund market and in the little-understood derivative market where leveraged exposure may be as high as $500 trillion. Credit markets are now in the grips of a borrowing mania assisted by the Federal Reserve. Previously U.S. leveraged buyouts have pushed the sales of high-risk, high-yield debt paper up 70 percent to $1 trillion during the first half of this year. When the credit bubble fully bursts, values in the home market may be further depressed, driving down even more the value of homes across the United States. The mountain of collateralized debt created by Wall Street – including mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, or related derivatives – are a small part of a much broader derivatives market that may now amount to $415 trillion. (Bank for International Settlements) What This Means To You This will lead to a lower U.S. standard of living, rising unemployment with credit scarce, and a Global Economic Crash. ![]() ![]() |
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The American Idiot Box
You were just made that way. Here we examine the American mindset. How it is molded. How it is shaped. Chances are if you are American, you are a victim of the "American Idiot Box." Independent Media in Wartime (Here we examine the American idiots and stooges that control your lives and your media. They determine what you see and hear and should believe.) U.S. Government War Propaganda Mill (All war-time presidents use propaganda and the media to fool "we the people" into war. Here's how they do it.) In the months before the U.S. led invasion of Iraq, many Americans found themselves scratching their heads. Why was the media reporting what the administration had to say, without asking the tough questions we were asking ourselves? We look at the media coverage of the Vietnam War, and the mainstream media’s seeming complicity in the subsequent escalation of U.S. involvement in conflicts abroad, culminating in the Iraq invasion. The eerie similarities in coverage of these wars are discussed here at this link ... There are almost 28,000 U.S. troops who have been wounded in Iraq. Now they are coming home - some broken, in body and mind. Are we doing right by them? Here at this link ... *Vets When They Come Home and here is an example of how top stories are told outside of the USA ... Communications breakdown Persian Gulf The real owner of America not You. You Are Controlled ![]() |
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Great American Illusion
The West has repeatedly been under the illusion that it should try to save humanity by destroying part of it. This is how it was in colonialism, with the genocide of indigenous peoples, and the African slave trade (50 million deaths). This is how it was in the period of the colonial and World Wars (estimated 125 million deaths.) This is how it was under Stalinism, and with the Gulag, (5-10 million deaths,) and under Nazism, with the Holocaust (6 million deaths,) and the great purges in China under Mao-TseTung (50 million deaths.) And now today, this is how it is under American neo-conservatism, regardless if Democrat or Republican. (Vietnam, South America, SE Asia, Africa, Iraq (6-8 million deaths.) America and the Third World War War on democracy - School of Americas ![]() And what may now be appearing in the "New Russia" ![]() The New Illusion With the war against Iraq, it is fitting to ask if what is in progress is a new genocidal and sacrificial illusion, and what its scope might be. It is above all appropriate to ask if the new illusion will not herald the radicalization and the ultimate perversion of the Western illusion: destroying humanity in the illusion of saving it. ![]() amerika amerika Sacrificial genocide arises from a totalitarian illusion manifested in the belief that there are no alternatives to the present-day reality, and that the "Final Sacrifice" must be made. The Mind of an Islamic Suicide Bomber There is a very real danger that the system could unravel due to the political and financial pressures in the not-distant future. With the enormous federal financial challenges predicted by *GAO and *CBO for the next decade, what is really needed to treat the hundreds of thousands of new wounded warriors coming to VA hospitals out of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the millions of Vietnam, World War II and other veterans who currently rely on VA healthcare? Veterans' Health Care Underneath the glittering surface of India's economic boom lie the ugly realities of modern day India: mass suicide by debt-ridden farmers, a rise in Hindu nationalism, discrimination against Muslims and a caste system which condemns millions to a life of servitude. The Indian Miracle? This story is set in southwest China during the early 1980s, immediately following the Cultural Revolution, and at the start of China's amazing economic transformation. A man and a woman, one a visiting Japanese lecturer, the other a museum assistant, are found dead in the foreigners' compound at Sichuan University. Superintendent Zhang is assigned the case but she soon realizes that it involves much more than a couple's apparent suicide. Zhang's investigation takes her back into China's distant past to the Tang Dynasty, to uncover a most terrible secret. China - The Song of Enduring Sorrow If there is unemployment, hunger and death in the Third World, this is not the result of market failures; instead, it is the outcome of market laws not having been fully applied. If there is terrorism, this is not due to the violence of the conditions that generate it; it is due, rather, to the fact that total violence has not been employed to physically eradicate all terrorists and potential terrorists. Am I a racist? no, I'm an American During the last hundred years, the West has experienced three versions of this logic: Stalinism, with its logic of the planned economy and the efficiency of the plan; Nazism, with its logic of racial superiority; and neo-conservatism, with its logic of efficiency of the market. ![]() A Catastrophic Heroism The first two periods involved the destruction of democracy. The last one trivializes democracy, disarming it in the face of social actors sufficiently powerful to be able to privatize the state and international institutions in their favor. At all these moments, a death drive, a catastrophic heroism, dominates the idea of a looming collective suicide, only preventable by the massive destruction of the other. American War Crimes Caught on Video Paradoxically, the broader the definition of the other the more likely collective suicide becomes. In its sacrificial genocide version, neo-conservatism is a mixture of market radicalization, neo-conservatism and Christian fundamentalism. Its death drive becomes the idea of "discardable populations", referring to citizens of the Third World that are not capable of being exploited as workers and consumers. ![]() Collateral Damage The concept of "collateral damage", referring to the deaths, as a result of war, of thousands of innocent civilians. Between two and five million people will die during the Iraq war, and in the months after (this is without there being civil war or a nuclear attack); the war will cost 1 to 2 trillion dollars, enough to pay the health costs of the the USA and the world's poorest countries. We must bear in mind that historically, sacrificial destruction has always been linked to the economic pillage of natural resources and the labor force. Terror Democracy It is as though that world powers, both when they are on the rise and when they are in decline, repeatedly go through times of primitive accumulation, legitimizing the most shameful violence in the name of futures where, by definition, there is no room for what must be destroyed. In today's version, the period of primitive accumulation consists of combining neo-conservative economic globalization with the globalization of war. When the machine of democracy and liberty turns into a machine of horror and destruction. This new situation forces globalization to re-think itself, and to reshape its priorities. ![]() A strategic shift is required. Social movements, no matter what their spheres of struggle, must give priority to the fight for peace, as a necessary condition for the success of all the other struggles. This means that they must be in the frontline of the fight for peace, and not simply leave this space to be occupied solely by peace movements. All the movements against neo-conservative globalization are, from now on, peace movements. We are now in the midst of the fourth world war (the third being the Cold War) and the spiral of war will go on and on. Finally to end this post ... Real American Hero ![]() ![]() |
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Selling Out of America Trap
![]() The United States is in the midst of a recession that may well turn out to be the worst in 20 years, and the Republican-backed stimulus package will do little to improve the economy. The ratio of debt service to our personal incomes appears to be at an historical high since 1980, as far back as this report goes. Our debt service ratio is now over 11% higher than the average of the past 26 years, and 21.3% higher than in 1980. Add to the debt service burden on consumers the high cost of energy and food and the declining value of homes and the picture looks pretty bleak. The last thing we need right now is higher prices added to our debt service burden. 100% Chance of Recession & Stock Market to Plunge 50-60% The Selling Out of America Critical Infrastructure is for sale Selling Out America In the short term, unemployment will continue to rise and output will fall. More worrying is the threat a prolonged U.S. recession poses to the rest of the world. Already we see inklings of the downward spiral that was part of the Great Depression of 1929. Losses arising from America’s housing recession could triple over the next few years and they represent the greatest threat to growth in the United States. American real estate values have already lost around $1 trillion. That could easily increase threefold over the next few years. We are talking trillions of dollars’ worth of losses. There is a good chance that this housing recession will go on for years. Housing starts will run below one million units in each of the next two years, a level not seen in the history of the modern data since 1959. ![]() We are now the lowest, the most rigidly socially stratified and unfree of all developed nations in the world, and this is happening at the same time that the rise of economic inequality in the US has hit a high not seen in this nation since the 1920s, just before the Republican Great Depression. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Addicted To War - The Evolution of the American Military Complex
![]() Over Two Centuries of American Foreign Wars There have now been over two centuries of U.S. foreign wars, beginning with the Indian wars. During this time, America's machinery of war has grown into a behemoth that dominates our economy and society and extends around the globe. With more than 2,500,000 U.S. personnel serving across the planet, and 737 U.S. Military Bases spread across each continent. It's time to face up to the fact that our American democracy has spawned a global empire. References *737 U.S. Military Bases = Global Empire*The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases *US military bases worldwide number 737 The USA Addicted to War Addicted To War CNN Debate - Addicted to War Although the Bush Administration has been particularly aggressive, this country's addiction to war began long before Bush came to power and will undoubtedly survive his departure. The costs of this growing addiction are now being felt more acutely at home. Soldiers and their families are paying a heavy price, but everyone is affected. The Cost of War Skyrocketing military spending is contributing to huge government deficits, causing sharp cuts in domestic programs, including education, health care, housing, public transport, and environmental protection. At the same time, the "War on Terrorism" is being used as an excuse to step up police surveillance and erode our civil liberties. The roots of the New American Militarism go deep and cannot be traced a single political party or administration. Yet, the problem has been intensified by the disorientation that followed the Vietnam War, as well as illusions about the invulnerability provided by technology and a neo-conservative argument that military power provides the “indispensable foundation” for the nation’s unique role in the world. The United States Is Addicted To War Militarism Contributing to the rise of militarism the rise of militarism include Hollywood and evangelical religion. Hollywood ’s war narrative has become slightly more complex, but no less romantic. Over a dozen major war films have been released over the last decade, including at least four that look back at World War II as a violent crucible that nevertheless reflects noble national ideals. Other recent films support neo-conservative arguments about the dangers of a half-hearted response to evil (Black Hawk Down) and how political considerations threaten humanitarian missions (Tears of the Sun). Only one major film questioning the logic of U.S. policy in the Middle East (Three Kings) has made it into theaters in the last ten years. ![]() The United States remains, as it has always been, a deeply aggressive Christian nation on a mission. About 100 million people in this country define themselves as evangelicals, they tend to be conservative and vote Republican. The political elite see the world as being currently in the midst of World War IV. This battle to guarantee U.S. citizens “ever-increasing affluence” began when Jimmy Carter declared in January 1980 that, “An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.” Once the Carter Doctrine was in effect, Reagan ramped up the military’s ability to actually wage the new world war, thus cocking the trigger that George W. Bush ultimately pulled. What has allowed the crusade to proceed, is a combination of self-induced historical amnesia and a momentum for militarization that has been building since the national trauma induced by defeat in Vietnam . ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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About Me
- Name: EuroYank - Virginia Hoge
- Location: United States
Euro Yank is an internationally famous blogger, an American born in Germany that left for the USA with family at age six and has lived in Luxembourg for the past ten years. He is a committed anti-fascist and a student of history who is politically progressive and believes in the ideals of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights for all Americans. He is also an American war veteran. He was active on American Talk Radio, and has been prominent online with 26 blogs with over 25 million hits. His investigative journalism has exposed top international news stories no one else has reported on. He is also a well-known political commentator. He has been repeatedly censored and banned, but despite these setback continues nonstop. Virginia Olive Hoge is an artist and writer living in Pasadena, California. As a progressive whistle-blower, she conducts investigations into corrupt media and outs the harm it causes to the poor and important social services. She is has been conducting an 11-month investigation of, she is the first one in the nation to do so.
Previous Posts
- The Failure of Obamanomics
- A Journey Through The Graveyard of American Dreams
- Proof America Is Turning Fascist
- An American War Crime That Has No End
- The Uncelebrated American May Day Holiday
- Introduction - Third Reich Modern Rock
- The Truth Behind Terror - The Great Satan & CIA Dr...
- In A World of Lies, the Truth Is a Dream
- Pros & Cons of Kickstarting Capitalism
- Beyond The Age Of Usury - The Great Deleveraging Scam
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Monday, January 28, 2008
Introduction - Crusader For Truth
Here your beliefs will be tested with videos and reports not available in the mainstream! You are now Escaping the Matrix .... *Newspaper Article Mentioned In the Video The War Against Us All Why the War on Terror Ain't The Polk Doctrine! The Illuminati and the New World Order ![]() This operation is a one man show. It has no budget, no staff, and is in a constant state of revision and experimentation. It is the result of trial and error, and a continuing learning process in coding, color, templates, and multimedia.Main Themes of this Blog (links) .... *1984*War Is A Racket*Illuminati *New World Order*the Matrix We are living in dangerous times, and not all is what it seems, and at least 1 out of four of you know this. ![]() Personal Note When I started this blog four years ago I knew what I wanted to say, but I also realized that was not enough. So instead of just having opinions, I decided to back mine up with videos and reference links. I decided to research my thoughts. Consequently each post has days if not weeks of research behind it. See The Movie Banned by Congress ... Blog Directory Because of the large Archive of this blog (over 450 posts), here is a pictured link directory of the top posts, making it easy for you to identify the topics that interest you. Included is a one of a kind sidebar where topics are grouped by category. Just Click below ... |
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Human Rights - The American Double Standard
Committed Daily In the USA Reader please watch the important videos in various places at the end of this text, to get a complete picture of the info presented here. People often think that human rights violations only happen in other areas of the world, not in the United States. In reality, human rights abuses are committed daily in the U.S., even in the most routine aspects of people's lives. Racial profiling, police brutality, prison conditions, and abuses in the "war on terror," are all human rights abuses. Racial profiling is so pervasive that it has impacted nearly 32 million people in the United States - about the population of Canada. Our leaders in the United States, proudly present our country as being an advocate on the front lines for human rights. Lets investigate this double standard, which is a cover for advancing special self-interests... ![]() # The USA often has not ratified various international human rights related treaties (and where it has, there have been many, many reservations). # American diplomats were influential in drawing up the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, yet the USA has not always put its words into action. See ... *Human Rights and U.S. Policy In the USA Health Care Is A Privilege Not A Basic Human Right (USA has 47 million uninsured) The United States is the only industrialized nation that views health care as a privilege, not a basic human right. Access to Health Care 101 Wes Clark on the American Health System Health Care in America:My story and Question Regarding the Death Penalty The USA is engaged in a cruel, brutalizing, unreliable, unnecessary and hugely expensive activity for no measurable gain. There is no evidence that the US authorities have prevented a single crime with this policy They have diverted countless millions of dollars away from more constructive efforts to fight crime. And the macabre absurdity is that it creates more victims - the family members of the condemned - often in the name of victims' rights. The death penalty is a symptom of a culture of violence, not a solution to it. The sooner US politicians begin to find the political courage to educate public opinion rather than hide behind it, the better. There have been about 500,000 murders in the USA since 1977. In the same period, 716 men and women have been executed. This is a punishment, these basic statistics suggest, reserved for the “worst of the worst” of murderers in the USA. But how can that be true if, for example, learning disabled prisoners are among the condemned? It is time they [U.S. leaders] took it upon themselves to measure US standards of decency against the aspirations of the international community on the death penalty. The USA has the world's largest prison population of roughly 2 million people, which accounts for about a quarter of the world's prison population. America's incarceration rate was roughly constant from 1925 to 1973, with an average of 110 people behind bars for every 100,000 residents. By 2000, however, the rate of incarceration in state and federal prisons had more than quadrupled, to 478. America has overtaken Russia as the world's most aggressive jailer. When local jails are included in the American tally, the United States locks up nearly 700 people per 100,000, compared with 102 for Canada, 132 for England and Wales, 85 for France and a paltry 48 in Japan. ![]() USA Kicked Off the United Nations Human Rights Commission At the beginning of May, 2001, the United States lost its seat on the United Nations Human Rights Commission for the first time since the panel's founding in 1947. (The Human Rights Commission assigns investigators to probe abuses around the world.) The U.S. was voted off by their allies (not by their enemies.) Critics had pointed out that the U.S's recent “go-alone” stances on many international issues had been factors as well. Examples include not supporting the international criminal court, not supporting the international landmine treaty, its stance on the death penalty, not paying its dues at the U.N. (leaving it to others to make up in some way, especially European nations), backing down from Kyoto, and so on. Admittedly, the U.S. has been more vocal than many nations on some human rights issues, but when it has come to major initiatives and substantial changes to promote and support human rights, the U.S. has, as mentioned above, often been alone, acting in their own interests, as some examples throughout this web site will show. ![]() The USA A Rogue Nation When it has come to major initiatives and substantial changes to promote and support human rights, the U.S. has often been a Rogue Nation acting alone, in its own best interests ... It is interesting to look at the USA's position on some of the standard international human rights treaties, given the USA's vocal position on human rights and insistence that it is the premier promoter of human rights. Of the twelve main treaties, the United States has only signed the following, but not ratified any of them (as of 21 August, 2002): See ... ![]() American Read My Lips Service Also as of 21 August, 2002, the USA has not either signed or ratified the following: In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of soldiers refusing to participate in the war and occupation in Iraq. They have applied for conscientious objector (CO) status, which would allow them exemption from participation in war, based on reasons of conscience or conviction. However, the US government has denied most of these petitions and has aggressively pursued soldiers who have gone absent without leave (AWOL), a crime punishable by a maximum sentence of death by firing squad. The following videos are disturbing, but you need to see what is really going on in your name ... Human rights violations in Iraq's US-run prisons Doctors of the World-USA - Health is a Human Right America illegally kidnaps imprisons /abuses U.S.children Stop Torturing - The USA Should Not Torture Prisoners Video Guantanamo detainee talks about David Hicks Waterboarding illegal? Also see ... *The Chain Gang - USA Other Reference *Send Lawyers, Guhs, and Money ![]() |
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Today's Historic Panic of 2008
![]() each year with no conceivable way of paying it back. That won’t last much longer! ![]() this text to get a complete picture of the info presented here. The “full faith and credit” of the U.S. Government is plunging world wide. Increasing Market Jitters In World Markets Desperate Move To Defend the Dollar In a desperate move today to defend the dollar, the Federal Reserve has cut American interest rates by 3/4 of 1%. The credit bubble is fully bursting, as values in the home market are further depressed, driving down even more the value of homes across the United States.Largest Emergency Cut In 20 Years .75% Emergency Fed Rate Cut The mountain of collateralized debt created by Wall Street – including mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, or related derivatives – are a small part of a much broader derivatives market that may now amount to $415 trillion according to the *Bank for International Settlements. If there’s a break in the liquidity-flows to our stock market---stocks will crash, unemployment will soar, and we’ll be pulled into a deflationary down spin. Today's Market reactions (What American Investors Are Saying ...) 1. The subprime mortgage situation and high oil prices have ravaged the pocketbooks of all Americans. Greed and loose lending practices have contributed to this debacle. The slow response by the Federal Reserve has accentuated all, to the ultimate dilemma we now face. 2. I have money in a CD which has horrified my financial planner for the past two years. In July I converted my retirement funds from stock mutual funds to a money market fund in the same family. Now I'm getting the feeling that the Fed is trying to force my hand to put my cash back into play somewhere. Where is the relief for responsible spenders and savers? 3. I will not be able to return next year unless the market rebounds. I have lost enough from my personal portfolio to have funded my education two times over 4. I was nibbling at the financials because I thought they had put in a bottom, now I find the financials, I nibbled at, are nibbling at my bottom. 5. Why isn't THE REAL issue being addressed here? The so-called credit crunch is not the cause but a symptom of the distressed economy. The underlying cause of the meltdown is OIL. The world has no plan to use it wisely. It has fueled inflation and it depresses growth. Don't tell me oil prices will fall into a 'corrected' range with a fall in the markets. The smallest geopolitical event or the slightest pickup in business activity and it will be back above $100 again in a New York minute. American Dollar Collapse The inevitable collapse of the dollar The Collapse Of The US Dollar Alan Greenspan on: His Role in creating the Housing Bubble Mortgage Problems Explained The Truth About The Economy ![]() The US gobbles up two-thirds of the world’s credit each year with no conceivable way of paying it back. That won’t last much longer. Central banks around the world are increasingly hesitant to accept our greenbacks and the Chinese are the only ones who are still buying our Treasuries. That’s mainly because it gives them power over political decision-making in Washington. The truth is the Chinese are planning to send the US into receivership and take over as the world’s bank. The “full faith and credit” of the U.S. Government is plunging, and the World is bailing out of Dollars. ![]() What Could Now Happen Soon A collapse in the heavily leveraged $1.4 trillion dollar unregulated hedge fund market and in the little-understood derivative market where leveraged exposure may be as high as $500 trillion. Credit markets are now in the grips of a borrowing mania assisted by the Federal Reserve. Previously U.S. leveraged buyouts have pushed the sales of high-risk, high-yield debt paper up 70 percent to $1 trillion during the first half of this year. When the credit bubble fully bursts, values in the home market may be further depressed, driving down even more the value of homes across the United States. The mountain of collateralized debt created by Wall Street – including mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, collateralized debt obligations, or related derivatives – are a small part of a much broader derivatives market that may now amount to $415 trillion. (Bank for International Settlements) What This Means To You This will lead to a lower U.S. standard of living, rising unemployment with credit scarce, and a Global Economic Crash. ![]() |
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The American Idiot Box
You were just made that way. Here we examine the American mindset. How it is molded. How it is shaped. Chances are if you are American, you are a victim of the "American Idiot Box." Independent Media in Wartime (Here we examine the American idiots and stooges that control your lives and your media. They determine what you see and hear and should believe.) U.S. Government War Propaganda Mill (All war-time presidents use propaganda and the media to fool "we the people" into war. Here's how they do it.) In the months before the U.S. led invasion of Iraq, many Americans found themselves scratching their heads. Why was the media reporting what the administration had to say, without asking the tough questions we were asking ourselves? We look at the media coverage of the Vietnam War, and the mainstream media’s seeming complicity in the subsequent escalation of U.S. involvement in conflicts abroad, culminating in the Iraq invasion. The eerie similarities in coverage of these wars are discussed here at this link ... There are almost 28,000 U.S. troops who have been wounded in Iraq. Now they are coming home - some broken, in body and mind. Are we doing right by them? Here at this link ... *Vets When They Come Home and here is an example of how top stories are told outside of the USA ... Communications breakdown Persian Gulf The real owner of America not You. You Are Controlled |
Friday, January 18, 2008
The Great American Illusion
The West has repeatedly been under the illusion that it should try to save humanity by destroying part of it. This is how it was in colonialism, with the genocide of indigenous peoples, and the African slave trade (50 million deaths). This is how it was in the period of the colonial and World Wars (estimated 125 million deaths.) This is how it was under Stalinism, and with the Gulag, (5-10 million deaths,) and under Nazism, with the Holocaust (6 million deaths,) and the great purges in China under Mao-TseTung (50 million deaths.) And now today, this is how it is under American neo-conservatism, regardless if Democrat or Republican. (Vietnam, South America, SE Asia, Africa, Iraq (6-8 million deaths.) America and the Third World War War on democracy - School of Americas ![]() And what may now be appearing in the "New Russia" ![]() The New Illusion With the war against Iraq, it is fitting to ask if what is in progress is a new genocidal and sacrificial illusion, and what its scope might be. It is above all appropriate to ask if the new illusion will not herald the radicalization and the ultimate perversion of the Western illusion: destroying humanity in the illusion of saving it. ![]() amerika amerika Sacrificial genocide arises from a totalitarian illusion manifested in the belief that there are no alternatives to the present-day reality, and that the "Final Sacrifice" must be made. The Mind of an Islamic Suicide Bomber There is a very real danger that the system could unravel due to the political and financial pressures in the not-distant future. With the enormous federal financial challenges predicted by *GAO and *CBO for the next decade, what is really needed to treat the hundreds of thousands of new wounded warriors coming to VA hospitals out of Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the millions of Vietnam, World War II and other veterans who currently rely on VA healthcare? Veterans' Health Care Underneath the glittering surface of India's economic boom lie the ugly realities of modern day India: mass suicide by debt-ridden farmers, a rise in Hindu nationalism, discrimination against Muslims and a caste system which condemns millions to a life of servitude. The Indian Miracle? This story is set in southwest China during the early 1980s, immediately following the Cultural Revolution, and at the start of China's amazing economic transformation. A man and a woman, one a visiting Japanese lecturer, the other a museum assistant, are found dead in the foreigners' compound at Sichuan University. Superintendent Zhang is assigned the case but she soon realizes that it involves much more than a couple's apparent suicide. Zhang's investigation takes her back into China's distant past to the Tang Dynasty, to uncover a most terrible secret. China - The Song of Enduring Sorrow If there is unemployment, hunger and death in the Third World, this is not the result of market failures; instead, it is the outcome of market laws not having been fully applied. If there is terrorism, this is not due to the violence of the conditions that generate it; it is due, rather, to the fact that total violence has not been employed to physically eradicate all terrorists and potential terrorists. Am I a racist? no, I'm an American During the last hundred years, the West has experienced three versions of this logic: Stalinism, with its logic of the planned economy and the efficiency of the plan; Nazism, with its logic of racial superiority; and neo-conservatism, with its logic of efficiency of the market. ![]() A Catastrophic Heroism The first two periods involved the destruction of democracy. The last one trivializes democracy, disarming it in the face of social actors sufficiently powerful to be able to privatize the state and international institutions in their favor. At all these moments, a death drive, a catastrophic heroism, dominates the idea of a looming collective suicide, only preventable by the massive destruction of the other. American War Crimes Caught on Video Paradoxically, the broader the definition of the other the more likely collective suicide becomes. In its sacrificial genocide version, neo-conservatism is a mixture of market radicalization, neo-conservatism and Christian fundamentalism. Its death drive becomes the idea of "discardable populations", referring to citizens of the Third World that are not capable of being exploited as workers and consumers. ![]() Collateral Damage The concept of "collateral damage", referring to the deaths, as a result of war, of thousands of innocent civilians. Between two and five million people will die during the Iraq war, and in the months after (this is without there being civil war or a nuclear attack); the war will cost 1 to 2 trillion dollars, enough to pay the health costs of the the USA and the world's poorest countries. We must bear in mind that historically, sacrificial destruction has always been linked to the economic pillage of natural resources and the labor force. Terror Democracy It is as though that world powers, both when they are on the rise and when they are in decline, repeatedly go through times of primitive accumulation, legitimizing the most shameful violence in the name of futures where, by definition, there is no room for what must be destroyed. In today's version, the period of primitive accumulation consists of combining neo-conservative economic globalization with the globalization of war. When the machine of democracy and liberty turns into a machine of horror and destruction. This new situation forces globalization to re-think itself, and to reshape its priorities. ![]() A strategic shift is required. Social movements, no matter what their spheres of struggle, must give priority to the fight for peace, as a necessary condition for the success of all the other struggles. This means that they must be in the frontline of the fight for peace, and not simply leave this space to be occupied solely by peace movements. All the movements against neo-conservative globalization are, from now on, peace movements. We are now in the midst of the fourth world war (the third being the Cold War) and the spiral of war will go on and on. Finally to end this post ... Real American Hero ![]() |
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
The Selling Out of America Trap
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Addicted To War - The Evolution of the American Military Complex
![]() Over Two Centuries of American Foreign Wars There have now been over two centuries of U.S. foreign wars, beginning with the Indian wars. During this time, America's machinery of war has grown into a behemoth that dominates our economy and society and extends around the globe. With more than 2,500,000 U.S. personnel serving across the planet, and 737 U.S. Military Bases spread across each continent. It's time to face up to the fact that our American democracy has spawned a global empire. References *737 U.S. Military Bases = Global Empire*The Worldwide Network of US Military Bases *US military bases worldwide number 737 The USA Addicted to War Addicted To War CNN Debate - Addicted to War Although the Bush Administration has been particularly aggressive, this country's addiction to war began long before Bush came to power and will undoubtedly survive his departure. The costs of this growing addiction are now being felt more acutely at home. Soldiers and their families are paying a heavy price, but everyone is affected. The Cost of War Skyrocketing military spending is contributing to huge government deficits, causing sharp cuts in domestic programs, including education, health care, housing, public transport, and environmental protection. At the same time, the "War on Terrorism" is being used as an excuse to step up police surveillance and erode our civil liberties. The roots of the New American Militarism go deep and cannot be traced a single political party or administration. Yet, the problem has been intensified by the disorientation that followed the Vietnam War, as well as illusions about the invulnerability provided by technology and a neo-conservative argument that military power provides the “indispensable foundation” for the nation’s unique role in the world. The United States Is Addicted To War Militarism Contributing to the rise of militarism the rise of militarism include Hollywood and evangelical religion. Hollywood ’s war narrative has become slightly more complex, but no less romantic. Over a dozen major war films have been released over the last decade, including at least four that look back at World War II as a violent crucible that nevertheless reflects noble national ideals. Other recent films support neo-conservative arguments about the dangers of a half-hearted response to evil (Black Hawk Down) and how political considerations threaten humanitarian missions (Tears of the Sun). Only one major film questioning the logic of U.S. policy in the Middle East (Three Kings) has made it into theaters in the last ten years. ![]() The United States remains, as it has always been, a deeply aggressive Christian nation on a mission. About 100 million people in this country define themselves as evangelicals, they tend to be conservative and vote Republican. The political elite see the world as being currently in the midst of World War IV. This battle to guarantee U.S. citizens “ever-increasing affluence” began when Jimmy Carter declared in January 1980 that, “An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.” Once the Carter Doctrine was in effect, Reagan ramped up the military’s ability to actually wage the new world war, thus cocking the trigger that George W. Bush ultimately pulled. What has allowed the crusade to proceed, is a combination of self-induced historical amnesia and a momentum for militarization that has been building since the national trauma induced by defeat in Vietnam . ![]() ![]() |