2005 DRUDGE REPORT: In With A Bang
World Links - Whats Going On and Coming Up including SUBMIT your news tips. All major News websites, major Reporter Columns and Documentaries in ONE PLACE. ![]() |
Thursday, December 30, 2004
![]() The Pain of Tsunami graphic photos of Tsunami disaster (refresh your browser after you enter, and click pic to expand image) ![]() |
Art: Markus-Mauthe Gallery
![]() Where we often vacation "Lake Constance," Germany (click a region at above link) ![]() |
Artist Links
artists in every category with great works![]() |
![]() Seascapes Art ![]() |
![]() Seascapes Art ![]() |
![]() Seascapes Art ![]() |
![]() Seascapes Art ![]() |
Art: World Art
great art in many categories worldwide![]() |
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Best Short Films of 2004 Online
Begin the New Year with the best of 2004 in comedy action drama animation and more. Short Films in TV quality ONLINE. free and fast ... (just click a category .... pic a flic ... play) HAPPY NEW YEAR ..... ![]() ![]() |
Report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Responding to the tragedy. The history of Tsunami's. How and why Tsunami's occur. ![]() |
Abrupt Climate Change
Two Years Too Late ... This article was written one year ago. After the horrendous loss of life in SE Asia, the future could hold more massive death and disruption. Now is the time to heed the call. Two years ago in 2002, the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) stated in its report "abrupt climate changes are not only possible but likely in the future ... with large impacts on ecosystems and societies." Included in the above article are animations depicting likely future events, and the role of oceans is clearly described. A complete PDF version in brochure form is also available here. Timely and stunningly accurate depiction of the recent tragedy, and foreboding for the future. ![]() |
Northern Germany: the Art of Ole West
![]() (click to expand) Lighthouses, maritime buildings, seascapes always enchanted me, and I adore the art of "Ole West," some samples. ![]() |
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Hamburg, Germany harbor (click to expand) Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, the major seaport of Germany, was the main point of departure for millions of Germans and other Europeans emigrating to the USA and elsewhere. Germans sold their homes and furniture and everything they had after the war just to pay for the passage to get away to the Land Of Opportunity. Now 60 years later, with German-Americans in their prime income and or retirement years, Hamburg has decided to reap new benefits. With American tourism down, Hamburg has decided to build "Ballin-Stadt;" a site commemorating all those who left its shores and emigrated. It is the brainchild of the Hamburg Maritime Foundation. Hamburg will even index and computerize the lists of all those Germans that left for the USA from the old decaying lists stored in old abandoned warehouses. Soon German-Americans can relive their departure from Hamburg and Germany as can their children. Many other ports like Bremen have had this service accomplished decades ago, when American tourism was not in such great demand. Hamburg hopes to attract 200,000 German-Americans yearly back in the old country to visit this area where they last left. This time German-Americans will be bringing new dollars to an economy ravaged by recession. Now the German refugees that left Germany and gave it all up to the profiteers after the war will be German-Americans returning with dollars, boosting the economy of an area that they so dearly paid for to leave over a half a century ago. *Hamburg virtual tour ![]() |
Monday, December 27, 2004
Something Weird In Paradise
Like any major city in the USA, this one in Europe is truly multi-cultural. You can see every race, color, creed and nationality trudging along doing its thing. Unlike the USA you hardly see any cops. You see huge police buildings hugging many of the major intersections. Every district is neatly organized into shopping, church, market, fast food, and even the legal prostitution houses run by the Russian mob are neatly integrated next to the drug stores, and office buildings. Nobody on the outside would know that over 1350 organized mobs wine and dine here. Yes the medieval architecture; the cathedrals and castles from 1000 years ago, and how they blend into the modern landscape is mind blowing, as are the asian tourists that stream through touring Europe in three days like a non stop revolving door. But the tourists dont live here, and they just take their pictures and after an hour or so are gone before the next swarm comes in. For me the endless stream of tour buses, the chatter of English, French, German, Chinese, Russian, African, South American, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, and Dutch and Portuguese and Indian is just window dressing. Something weird is happening here, and its a lot more than just hamburgers, cordon bleu, curry brats, cappuchino and wine and beer. As fast as the State of Europe is growing and expanding, faster still is Europe dying as the world stops by and visits. ![]() |
Monday, December 20, 2004
![]() Bavarian Alps ![]() |
![]() Bavarian Alps (click to expand) ![]() |
Sunday, December 19, 2004
![]() French Alps (click to expand) ![]() |
![]() Switzerland night scene (click to expand) ![]() |
![]() German combat units on the front lines in Afghanistan ![]() |
War Against Terror the German Effort Between Americans and Germans, the war against terror in Afghanistan is fully supported. Germany has regarded the True War against terror to be fought and won in Afghanistan. While the animosity between Americans and Europeans has escalated over the politics of the Iraq War, rarely noticed by the American media; German and even French combat units are in Afghanistan. ![]() ![]() |
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Reflecting On the Suicide
Reflecting On the Suicide One year ago in April, just after his birthday, the husband of my sisiter's kid committed suicide at the age of 27. They had known each other for five years before they married. They were married two years when it happened. I did not know him well. It seems nobody did. He was a professional landscaper in a rich northwestern suburb of Chicago. He had a yacht. He spent many months in San Diego or sailing off the keys in Florida. His successful business was seasonal, so he only worked eight months a year. He always had the newest cars, and the latest gadgets. He watched the video of "Matrix" a lot. On the day of his suicide about 9PM, he was by his parents. He sneeked into his dad's garage and took the shotgun. He left his dog behind, and he never did that. They remembered him speeding off in his new pickup truck. A few hours later the police found him dead behind the steering wheel. He had put the shotgun in his mouth while driving. He was dead instantly. The truck crashed into a home, barely missing the people inside. He had his first baby girl. His first house was being built. His business was a great success after only four years. He employed over 100 workers. He had started from scratch. He was a success for everybody. He was looked up to. He was dead at 27. Nobody had a clue he had a problem. Nobody really knew him. Did he know himself? ![]() ![]() |
18 Dec 2004 - Statement of Intent
I decided to start my first Blog with a little flash. This way of posting a DATE for example is easily understood by my compatriots in North America. This is miltary style dating, and Europeans can understand this also. It can not be confused with standard American format or the European format. An American would never write about something like this. Just look at how much space this explanation is taking up. He would just do it like always and not care what anybody else thought. Since I am in Europe, I must spell everything out in detail, and I must be mindful about the feelings of others. Many Europeans speak, read and write English (British) and two or three other languages. Most Americans could care less about the rest of the world, and speak their language only. Europeans write the day first, then the month. Todays date in European formait would be 18.12.2004. Americans write the month first and 12,18, 2004 would be used. Also, Americans use commas in their dating, Europeans use periods. Military dating uses no commas or periods, and the month is abbreviated. It is to the point. This way no nationality is offended by using the wrong format. Also there is an average of a 7-9 hour difference between America and Europe. In many cases while I am writing in one Time over here, it could be a totally different Time where you are over there. So I will be writing in my time over here, which is also your time over there, but a different time for both of us. Since I hope people from both worlds look at my work, it seems military dating is appropriate. This way everybody will know what time it is, and we can get started without too much confusion. You see in Europe everything must conform to certain rules and regulations, perhaps more so than in America. There is more red tape over here. Now in Europe there is HOPE. Europeans are being forced to be flexible. Daily, because of economic conditions and the changing political climate, new rules are made, old rules are changed and what was once IN yesterday, is now OUT today. In the USA things are now becoming less flexible, and rules and regulations are becoming more rigid; mostly because of security concerns. I believe Americans will soon catch up with Europeans and have more red tape and be less flexible. Also, I arrived in Europe over four years ago, but I only just discovered Blogging a few days ago. I have decided to go forward day by day, while also going back. This way nobody will be left behind as I am trying to go forward. Lastly, I thought it over. I am American. Forget all this red tape. I am me. I will not buck the system that is already here in place. Its an American system. So screw it. ![]() ![]() |
Friday, December 17, 2004
Destination Europe On Video
High Quality Full Length Instant Videos *Austria *Europe and more tours *European cities *Every place in the world videos 1. upper left click the place, 2. click the city, 3. click WEBCAM lower right, 4. click webcam pic for each place on top. ![]() |
![]() 100 Year Old Bridge Approaching Luxembourg city from the east (click to expand) ![]() |
![]() Luexembourg City Downtown Square Overlooking the Square Celebrating Christmas (click to expand) ![]() |
![]() A Luxembourg Christmas One of many booths in Luxembourg serving all kinds of sausages, hamburgers, wieners, and tons of local goodies ![]() |
![]() Downtown On The Square Downtown square in Luxembourg eating christmas yummies... brats, crepes, belgium waffles, potatoe pancakes, and of course hot spiced wine ![]() |
Luxembourg: American War Dead & Memorial
![]() Battle of the Bulge 60th year Anniversary Remembered the Grand Duke and Duchess ![]() |
![]() "We Want To Remain The Way We Are" Luxembourg Motto (click to see top on overhang) ![]() |
![]() Luxembourg city by night (click to expand) ![]() |
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Webcams Southern Germany (birthplace)
(Descriptions are in German, but the scenery speaks for itself. Regions are underlined. Just click a region, then click a pic to open it up and view the cam.) ![]() |
ISLAM the Other Religion From the USA ... to South America ... to Europe ... to Africa ... to the Middle East ... to Asia, spanning every continent on the Globe: Islam now affects the military, economic, political, and religious decisions of all countries. Some key sites in English for better understanding. Here you will find INFO and NEWS not covered in the standard Western Media. *Islam:Art,News *Islam a History *Islamic Current Events *Nation of Islam USA ![]() ![]() |
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Special Collection: Europe Photos Germany ... cool 3D video cam of Nuremberg (click the language flag of your choice; bottom, then click the pic for the video to load and watch a full display.) *Nuremburg *Germany *Greece *France *Ireland *Italy *Luxembourg *Spain *Switzerland (links) ![]() ![]() |
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Luxembourg Tourist Office
Other Facts The Luxembourgers are almost a minority in their own country. Half the inhabitants are foreign, but provide the necessary work force for the survival of the nation. General Patton is buried here, along with over 5,000 other American soldiers from the Battle of the Bulge in WW2. It is one of the smallest countries in Europe, an active player in World Affairs, and it has one simple slogan on its castles and walls that has survived from the beginning ... "We Want To Remain The Way We Are." This is the textbook definition of Luxembourg. It and I were much alike. It would be my new home, thanks to a girl I had found in an internet chat. A virtual relationship that had developed over many months. My options in the USA had simply run out. ![]() ![]() |
Luxembourg Notes
On the map Luxembourg looks like the State of Illinois but upside down. It is the only Grand Dutchy in the world. Created around 860 A.D., it had been an early Roman outpost, and had once been under the flag of Holland, but was granted independence.
Its 430,000 population has according to the "World Book of Statistics," the highest per capita income and quality of life rating in the world. Luxembourg is a small splinter wedged between Germany, Belgium, and France; a Catholic and progressive country with a parliament and like Switzerland and Monaco the envy of Europe in income, low taxes and benefits, and big money. Known for banking, an American University, and trains the best Chefs in Europe. It is also the law center of the New Europe; the European Union. It has three languages: the State language being French, German the second, and the street common language is a unique blend of the combined ethnic groups in the area. It is the smallest country in Europe, and a thorn in the side of the big nations. ![]() |
Thursday, October 4, 2000, was an eventful day for me. I was back to my roots, to the continent I had left 43 years ago, but this time I would not be an immigrant to the USA headed for New York at the age of seven. This trip was a one way ticket, and I had a lot of baggage behind me.![]() ![]() |
*Classic Film Video Library | *Progressive Talk Radio Archives | *Newsticker |
*Video Theater | *My Black Forest Germany | *Discovering Luxembourg |
*Euro Yank Top Posts | *My Blogs | *Gamer | *Black History Blog |
*American Patriotic Art | *European Art |
*EuroYank Music Box Videos |

A MULTIMEDIA BLOG over 10,000 Videos
Put some text here ...
Put some text here ...
Put some text here ...
Put some text here ...
Put some text here ...
Put some text here ...
About Me
- Name: EuroYank - Virginia Hoge
- Location: United States
Euro Yank is an internationally famous blogger, an American born in Germany that left for the USA with family at age six and has lived in Luxembourg for the past ten years. He is a committed anti-fascist and a student of history who is politically progressive and believes in the ideals of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights for all Americans. He is also an American war veteran. He was active on American Talk Radio, and has been prominent online with 26 blogs with over 25 million hits. His investigative journalism has exposed top international news stories no one else has reported on. He is also a well-known political commentator. He has been repeatedly censored and banned, but despite these setback continues nonstop. Virginia Olive Hoge is an artist and writer living in Pasadena, California. As a progressive whistle-blower, she conducts investigations into corrupt media and outs the harm it causes to the poor and important social services. She is has been conducting an 11-month investigation of Topix.com, she is the first one in the nation to do so.
Previous Posts
- The Failure of Obamanomics
- A Journey Through The Graveyard of American Dreams
- Proof America Is Turning Fascist
- An American War Crime That Has No End
- The Uncelebrated American May Day Holiday
- Introduction - Third Reich Modern Rock
- The Truth Behind Terror - The Great Satan & CIA Dr...
- In A World of Lies, the Truth Is a Dream
- Pros & Cons of Kickstarting Capitalism
- Beyond The Age Of Usury - The Great Deleveraging Scam
- 12/2004
- 01/2005
- 02/2005
- 03/2005
- 04/2005
- 05/2005
- 06/2005
- 07/2005
- 08/2005
- 09/2005
- 10/2005
- 11/2005
- 12/2005
- 01/2006
- 02/2006
- 03/2006
- 04/2006
- 05/2006
- 06/2006
- 07/2006
- 08/2006
- 09/2006
- 10/2006
- 11/2006
- 12/2006
- 01/2007
- 02/2007
- 03/2007
- 04/2007
- 05/2007
- 06/2007
- 07/2007
- 10/2007
- 11/2007
- 12/2007
- 01/2008
- 02/2008
- 03/2008
- 04/2008
- 05/2008
- 07/2008
- 08/2008
- 09/2008
- 10/2008
- 11/2008
- 12/2008
- 01/2009
- 02/2009
- 04/2009
- 05/2009
- 07/2009
Friday, December 31, 2004
2005 DRUDGE REPORT: In With A Bang
World Links - Whats Going On and Coming Up including SUBMIT your news tips. All major News websites, major Reporter Columns and Documentaries in ONE PLACE. |
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Best Short Films of 2004 Online
Begin the New Year with the best of 2004 in comedy action drama animation and more. Short Films in TV quality ONLINE. free and fast ... (just click a category .... pic a flic ... play) HAPPY NEW YEAR ..... ![]() |
Report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Responding to the tragedy. The history of Tsunami's. How and why Tsunami's occur. |
Abrupt Climate Change
Two Years Too Late ... This article was written one year ago. After the horrendous loss of life in SE Asia, the future could hold more massive death and disruption. Now is the time to heed the call. Two years ago in 2002, the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) stated in its report "abrupt climate changes are not only possible but likely in the future ... with large impacts on ecosystems and societies." Included in the above article are animations depicting likely future events, and the role of oceans is clearly described. A complete PDF version in brochure form is also available here. Timely and stunningly accurate depiction of the recent tragedy, and foreboding for the future. |
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Hamburg, Germany harbor (click to expand) Hamburg, Germany Hamburg, the major seaport of Germany, was the main point of departure for millions of Germans and other Europeans emigrating to the USA and elsewhere. Germans sold their homes and furniture and everything they had after the war just to pay for the passage to get away to the Land Of Opportunity. Now 60 years later, with German-Americans in their prime income and or retirement years, Hamburg has decided to reap new benefits. With American tourism down, Hamburg has decided to build "Ballin-Stadt;" a site commemorating all those who left its shores and emigrated. It is the brainchild of the Hamburg Maritime Foundation. Hamburg will even index and computerize the lists of all those Germans that left for the USA from the old decaying lists stored in old abandoned warehouses. Soon German-Americans can relive their departure from Hamburg and Germany as can their children. Many other ports like Bremen have had this service accomplished decades ago, when American tourism was not in such great demand. Hamburg hopes to attract 200,000 German-Americans yearly back in the old country to visit this area where they last left. This time German-Americans will be bringing new dollars to an economy ravaged by recession. Now the German refugees that left Germany and gave it all up to the profiteers after the war will be German-Americans returning with dollars, boosting the economy of an area that they so dearly paid for to leave over a half a century ago. *Hamburg virtual tour |
Monday, December 27, 2004
Something Weird In Paradise
Like any major city in the USA, this one in Europe is truly multi-cultural. You can see every race, color, creed and nationality trudging along doing its thing. Unlike the USA you hardly see any cops. You see huge police buildings hugging many of the major intersections. Every district is neatly organized into shopping, church, market, fast food, and even the legal prostitution houses run by the Russian mob are neatly integrated next to the drug stores, and office buildings. Nobody on the outside would know that over 1350 organized mobs wine and dine here. Yes the medieval architecture; the cathedrals and castles from 1000 years ago, and how they blend into the modern landscape is mind blowing, as are the asian tourists that stream through touring Europe in three days like a non stop revolving door. But the tourists dont live here, and they just take their pictures and after an hour or so are gone before the next swarm comes in. For me the endless stream of tour buses, the chatter of English, French, German, Chinese, Russian, African, South American, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, and Dutch and Portuguese and Indian is just window dressing. Something weird is happening here, and its a lot more than just hamburgers, cordon bleu, curry brats, cappuchino and wine and beer. As fast as the State of Europe is growing and expanding, faster still is Europe dying as the world stops by and visits. |
Monday, December 20, 2004
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Reflecting On the Suicide
18 Dec 2004 - Statement of Intent
I decided to start my first Blog with a little flash. This way of posting a DATE for example is easily understood by my compatriots in North America. This is miltary style dating, and Europeans can understand this also. It can not be confused with standard American format or the European format. An American would never write about something like this. Just look at how much space this explanation is taking up. He would just do it like always and not care what anybody else thought. Since I am in Europe, I must spell everything out in detail, and I must be mindful about the feelings of others. Many Europeans speak, read and write English (British) and two or three other languages. Most Americans could care less about the rest of the world, and speak their language only. Europeans write the day first, then the month. Todays date in European formait would be 18.12.2004. Americans write the month first and 12,18, 2004 would be used. Also, Americans use commas in their dating, Europeans use periods. Military dating uses no commas or periods, and the month is abbreviated. It is to the point. This way no nationality is offended by using the wrong format. Also there is an average of a 7-9 hour difference between America and Europe. In many cases while I am writing in one Time over here, it could be a totally different Time where you are over there. So I will be writing in my time over here, which is also your time over there, but a different time for both of us. Since I hope people from both worlds look at my work, it seems military dating is appropriate. This way everybody will know what time it is, and we can get started without too much confusion. You see in Europe everything must conform to certain rules and regulations, perhaps more so than in America. There is more red tape over here. Now in Europe there is HOPE. Europeans are being forced to be flexible. Daily, because of economic conditions and the changing political climate, new rules are made, old rules are changed and what was once IN yesterday, is now OUT today. In the USA things are now becoming less flexible, and rules and regulations are becoming more rigid; mostly because of security concerns. I believe Americans will soon catch up with Europeans and have more red tape and be less flexible. Also, I arrived in Europe over four years ago, but I only just discovered Blogging a few days ago. I have decided to go forward day by day, while also going back. This way nobody will be left behind as I am trying to go forward. Lastly, I thought it over. I am American. Forget all this red tape. I am me. I will not buck the system that is already here in place. Its an American system. So screw it. ![]() |
Friday, December 17, 2004
Destination Europe On Video
High Quality Full Length Instant Videos *Austria *Europe and more tours *European cities *Every place in the world videos 1. upper left click the place, 2. click the city, 3. click WEBCAM lower right, 4. click webcam pic for each place on top. |
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Webcams Southern Germany (birthplace)
(Descriptions are in German, but the scenery speaks for itself. Regions are underlined. Just click a region, then click a pic to open it up and view the cam.) |
ISLAM the Other Religion From the USA ... to South America ... to Europe ... to Africa ... to the Middle East ... to Asia, spanning every continent on the Globe: Islam now affects the military, economic, political, and religious decisions of all countries. Some key sites in English for better understanding. Here you will find INFO and NEWS not covered in the standard Western Media. *Islam:Art,News *Islam a History *Islamic Current Events *Nation of Islam USA ![]() |
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Special Collection: Europe Photos Germany ... cool 3D video cam of Nuremberg (click the language flag of your choice; bottom, then click the pic for the video to load and watch a full display.) *Nuremburg *Germany *Greece *France *Ireland *Italy *Luxembourg *Spain *Switzerland (links) ![]() |
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Luxembourg Tourist Office
Luxembourg Notes
On the map Luxembourg looks like the State of Illinois but upside down. It is the only Grand Dutchy in the world. Created around 860 A.D., it had been an early Roman outpost, and had once been under the flag of Holland, but was granted independence.
Its 430,000 population has according to the "World Book of Statistics," the highest per capita income and quality of life rating in the world. Luxembourg is a small splinter wedged between Germany, Belgium, and France; a Catholic and progressive country with a parliament and like Switzerland and Monaco the envy of Europe in income, low taxes and benefits, and big money. Known for banking, an American University, and trains the best Chefs in Europe. It is also the law center of the New Europe; the European Union. It has three languages: the State language being French, German the second, and the street common language is a unique blend of the combined ethnic groups in the area. It is the smallest country in Europe, and a thorn in the side of the big nations. |
sigh.. its really saddening to see the death toll increases hour after hour.. lets pray together and hope for the worst had passed.