Videos:New Orleans; Disaster In the Making
![]() Updated more videos and audio *Video:We Have Been Abandoned By Our Own Country *Audio:Interview With Mayor of New Orleans “They are feeding the public a line of bull - and people are dying down here.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local news for New Orleans, LA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web ... *New Orleans News *New Orleans Disaster Videos *New Orleans Video Archives (click a headline, watch the video) *American Red Cross:In the News -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() the American Criminal Elite .... Americans are seeing firsthand how the power elite in the United States view the average American, especially the poor simpletons; they are regarded as cannon fodder and nothing more. While dead body’s float in the streets of New Orleans, it is increasingly clear that the Federal government is a corrupt and worthless institution ... It is now nothing more than a criminal plutocracy which takes care of its interests above the interests of the average American. ![]() After two hundred billion dollars were spent in destabilising Iraq, slaughtering up to one hundred thousand innocent civilians, blasting the legs and arms off defenceless children and leaving the country and region in utter chaos, the best he can do is a brief flyover of the region and a belated visit, hurriedly put together only because of the protests. Where are the resources of the Louisiana and Mississippi National Guard? Well, they are in Iraq conducting a worthless war for the Bush clan. ![]() The common folk in the end of things are nothing more than worthless sheep to be used and sacrificed at the whims of a criminal class that believes that they by providence have the godly authority to decide who lives and who dies. Where is Homeland Security? Another worthless department that was never designed to protect Americans as the pundits maintained, it was designed to regulate and keep surveillance on the mesmerized sheep, maybe this time the sheep will open their eyes and see that the biggest threat to the wellbeing of the average American emanates from Washington DC and not from the deserts of Mesopotamia. Condoleezza Rice was in New York buying shoes and ... ![]() ![]() Thousands of Americans have needlessly died in New Orleans, and while babies on Thursday in Louisiana were dieing because of the lack of nutrition and medical care, the dragon bitch Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was in New York buying shoes. The disconnect between American politicians and the masses could not be greater than it is today, the catastrophe in the Gulf coast has made that reality ever so clear. reference ... *Condi Rice Continues to Shop Up a Storm The official neglect by the politicians for the real safety of Americans is more than disgraceful it is criminal. Have Americans had enough? Only time will tell, the name Katrina might not only be synonymous with being a killer hurricane, it might also be known as the killer storm that awoke the American sheep to the reality that the United States is not a democracy but a banana republic owned and operated by a ruling plutocracy. reference ... *Katrina and the Elites Bush New Orleans Photo Op Mary Landrieu rebuked Mr Bush for failing to heed her call to name a cabinet-level official to lead the federal response to the hurricane, the one of the worst natural disasters in American history. "Perhaps the greatest disappointment stands at the breached 17th Street Levee," said Senator Landrieu, a Democrat. ![]() Bush arriving in the disaster area. 10,000 American lives late and everything short. "Touring this critical site yesterday with the President, I saw what I believed to be a real and significant effort to get a handle on a major cause of this catastrophe. "Flying over this critical spot again this morning, less than 24 hours later, it became apparent that yesterday we witnessed a hastily prepared stage set for a Presidential photo opportunity. "The desperately needed resources we saw were this morning reduced to a single, lonely piece of equipment. ![]() "The good and decent people of south-east Louisiana and the Gulf Coast - black and white, rich and poor, young and old - deserve far better from their national government." reference ... *Bush's New Orleans tour a photo-op ![]() This country is in the clutches of men who do not give a damn about anyone but themselves. And what is worse, they have the attention spans of small children-the warnings about the levees were sounded long ago, and drills were conducted, but still these men did nothing. Bush administration policy changes and budget cuts, sapped FEMA's longterm ability to cushion the blow of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, tornados, wildfires and other natural disasters. reference ... *Disaster in the making ![]() Old New Orleans Bush’s single-minded focus on the "war against terrorism" has compounded a natural disaster and turned it into the greatest calamity in American history. The US has lost its largest and most strategic port, thousands of lives, and 80% of one of America’s most historic cities is under water. "I really don't know what to say about President Bush," said Richard Dunbar, 60, a Vietnam veteran. "He showed no lack of haste when he wanted to go to Iraq, but for his own people right here in Louisiana, we get only lip service." reference ... *Murder and Mayhem in New Orleans ![]() You don't think this civilization can fail in a day- it can. Just give us a half dozen New Orleans-style disasters on the same day. Thanks to the borrow, spend, and warmonger ways of El Shrubbo, we have neither the personnel nor the resources to cope. And believe me, there is a festering, permanent underclass in this country that is waiting to explode. New Orleans wasn't enough to bring them out en masse, but if you scale what happened in New Orleans up by perhaps four or five times, you will have a totally untenable situation. ![]() Homeland Security, my ass. The American Urban Underclass If there had been no racism, blacks would have been spread out equally all over America just like most immigrants after a few generations. ![]() "Now lets discuss the socio-economic realities of your dilema .... You as a Ghetto resident are by definition marginal. You have not been given a choice, and you are not part of the “social contract” and are not integrated onto the cultural, ideological, social, and economic consensus. You are disconnected from the social, economic, and cultural mainstream. From the start you have been deprived of many incentives and benefits given to all other citizens. ![]() The social tie is non-existent. The mechanism of reciprocity, whereby citizens playing by the rules of the game are materially rewarded for their subjection, appears to be broken where you live in the ghetto." .... reference ... *Politics of Space in the Ghetto Instead blacks are forced into greater and greater isolation. In many cities such as Detroit and Chicago 96% of blacks live in all black neighborhoods - against their own stated desire, says all polls. In these pages you can see many of the people I lived with as a vagabond and still live with today between my lectures .... reference ... *USA - Victims of ghettoization and white flight As we watch the aftermath of hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, I cannot help but think we might be looking at a microcosm of the collapse of western civilization. Is this the way the world ends, not with a bang but in chaos? ![]() In America the rich can afford to flee. other references ... *Gone Away ~ The journal of Clive Allen in America *Reconstituion ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
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