Martial Law Directive 51
- Congressman Ron Paul discusses 700 Billion Bailout (7.24 min) - Ron Paul Discusses Economic Crisis 2/3/2009 (10.00 min) - ![]() Setting the Stage For Martial Law It is my belief the country is being set up for martial law. First I am presenting this first series of videos .... We Are Now Under Passive Martial Law ![]() On May 9, 2007, our president signed a National Security Presidential Directive – an unconstitutional piece of paper – which gave to himself the powers of total dictatorship over the entire nation (NSPD-51) and CONgress has no say so whatsoever. Can you say “total dictatorship?” ![]() We know for a fact that the Civilian Labor Camps are up and readied; we know for a fact that disarmament is sneaking up on us like all global-political veils; we know for a fact that a shadow dictatorship manages our 2-Party system; we know for a fact that the largest global corporations in the world buy all laws into existence, AND we know for a fact that our FEAR is translating into a completely FRACTURED resistance to all-the-above. WE are in DEEP TROUBLE, America! The whole world is in deep trouble. It is this writer’s opinion that we ARE in a passive state of Martial Law RIGHT NOW. However, once the “BIG Emergency” is called into play and strategic reality, we WILL see the EXPECTED results of our 2-Party maneuvering, which is the permanent END of OUR FREEDOM AND NATION. Think, people think! What happens to the elderly, the infirmed, the “imperfect,” your pets, your infants, your autistic grandchildren, your school children, your homes, your possessions, your bank accounts, your automobiles, your health - when EVERYTHING YOU NOW DO AND KNOW BECOMES ILLEGAL AND MANAGED BY PARAMILITARY GROUPS? All of written history gives you the answer! ![]() Martial Law Directive 51 New legislation signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a "catastrophic event", the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power - Martial Law Directive 51. It is important to understand that, although these powers have been on the books for previous presidents, Bush is the first to openly brag of the fact that he will utilize them and officially become the supreme emperor of the United States in the aftermath of a catastrophe that the government itself has said will happen on innumerable occasions. - Terror Storm The Movie (112 min) - The new directive excludes Congress altogether from governance in a state of emergency. While alluding to the "enduring constitutional government", the directive actually ensures the end of constitutional government as each branch, the executive, legislative and judicial, are stripped of equal authority and must answer directly and solely to the President. - While No one was Looking, Bush Appoints Himself Dictator - The mainstream media has not reported on the directive and the White House has refused to comment. A high-level group of government and military officials has been quietly preparing an emergency survival program named "The Day After," which would effectively end civil liberties and implement a system of martial law in the event of a catastrophic attack on a U.S. city. The 26th Expeditionary Unit, an elite group of U.S. Marines is one of many special units that has conducted martial law training exercise at 26 “surrendered” locations in central Indiana. State officials and media did their best to assure the public that this military takeover of civilian property is somehow a good thing, ignoring the *Posse Comitatus Act which fundamentally prohibits these types of exercises. The two weeks of training are also a contradiction of military tradition against deployments among the civilian population dating back to the end of the Civil War. Why then are the citizens of Indianapolis and six other Indiana towns being made to take part in two weeks of patrols and ambushes? Martial Law Exercise In Indiana - June 4-19 2008 The real purpose is to condition the civilian population and military personnel to living under martial law. ![]() Local, state police and sheriff's office joined feds for "terror" sweeps that resulted in hundreds of citations for traffic violations. The operation, which involved police, deputies, the FBI, drug agents, gang units and even the coast guard, is just one example of how law enforcement at the state and local levels is being co-opted and centralized by the Department of Homeland Security via massive federal grants. It also highlights how the distinction between crime and terrorism is becoming irrelevant. Even members of Congress who serve on the who serves on the Homeland Security Committee are denied information as to how the government will be conducted after a significant attack. 1)Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy. Attacks on the people also other controlling acts, told we're in a ‘global war, the scare of vague ‘terrorist attacks to knock us off-balance and (run to the government)for protection. 2)Create a Gulag. Now that we're all scared so a prison system is made outside the ‘rule of Law. We support it because it's for “Them” but soon it becomes for “us”. Many are secret. Special ‘Court's develop and many of us could be caught without bail, lawyers or even trials) 3)Develop scary thugs.(have paramilitary scary men/contractors to intimidate people. Today these are to create fear. It's so-called ‘security to restore public order) 4)Set up an internal surveillance system.(spying on regular people. High visibility wiretaps, reading emails,tax intimidation and all for fabricated ‘national security) 5)Harass citizens groups.(Infiltrate normal citizens groups.Call them suspicious incidents and accuse them of potential terrorist's events which scares the hell out of regular people) ![]() 7)Target Key individuals (Threaten people with job loss that supports them. Launch attacks on university teachers if they don't support current ideological demands. This paves the way for the brutal ways that will follow soon and they are caught in a trap) 8)Control the press.(threats against life and limb if you don't toe the line…) often wounded or killed. Real news is supplanted by fake news and you must report what is given you or suffer consequences. It gets so crazy you soon can't sort out the real from unreal. Citizens can't tell either so give up in stages since it reaches a point when nothing is credible. 9)Dissent equals treason.(dissent is treason and being critical is espionage. Every "closing" society does this. Charges of treason for simple, and casual remarks. Criticism labels you as an enemy of the people. You can be labeled as an enemy combatant even when you've done nothing at all. Isolation and torture is used to create ‘psychosis where you'll admit to anything) 10)Suspend the Rule Of Law.(dictatorial laws are passed at night while we sleep. The laws preventing the military from getting involved in civilian affairs is gone. This had prevented the Military from acting as regular police. ![]() |
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Today's New World Order Prophecy
First video - Nothing in this Current Events News video is being reported in the Press. Second video - this prophecy video (thousands of years old) duplicates today's historical events. - Russia Gives Nato 21 Days To Leave Black Sea (8.05 min) - Novus Ordo Seclorum:The Final Warning (9.09 Min) - ![]() |
Saturday, September 20, 2008
First Your Money Then Your Life
To Save the World From Financial Meltdown ![]() The credit lines in America, which are the lifeblood of the economy, are frozen. That hasn’t happened before. We were literally maybe days away from a complete meltdown of our financial system, with all the implications here at home and globally. ![]() We are at WAR against four enemies: 1 - The national governments controlled and manipulated by the multinational financial empires 2 - The multinational corporations pursuing profits without concern for workers or environments 3 - The Wall Street scam artists bilking heedless investors of billions of dollars 4 - The banks and financial institutions funding only those corporations which play hardball globalism. A complete meltdown of our financial system would qualify as a national emergency which would give Bush the authority to declare a national emergency. Which would also give Bush the authority to postpone the elections and declare martial law, effectively turning the US into a dictatorship. First they took away all your money and now they will take away all your freedom, all in the name of trying to protect it. (The following videos explain the crisis in detail. Everything you should know and beware of) The Economic Crisis - Cause of the Crisis (6.42 min) - THE U.S. ECONOMY beyond all recognition (7.29 min) - Solving America's Energy Crisis (8.57 min) - - The Economic Meltdown Song 08 (2.16 min) - US Economic Meltdown Wake Up Sheeple (10.23 min) - ![]() |
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Because You Are Stupid You Need These Videos
![]() Is civil revolt in the USA now possible? As the American financial house of cards falls, as unemployment reaches new heights, as millions lose their homes in the subprime mortgage racket, as corporate bailout after bailout follows, as the US Treasury desperately prints more and more money, as the economy comes crashing down, as pension and retirement plans are wiped out, as Wall Street hits depression lows - The FAT CATS always get theirs. Those that ripped off the system get bailed out, and the small guy, the American worker pays for it all as he loses it all. Its now TWO TRILLION and counting that disappeared from the American financial system because of the subprime mortgage racket, and the Iraq War that was estimated to cost 60 billion is now calculated to cost THREE TRILLION. When martial law finally comes into play in the American Police State, before tomorrow watch BECAUSE YOU ARE STUPID YOU NEED THESE VIDEOS. video 1 One World Government? (4.06 min) - video 2 Ron Paul on the Economic Crash 1 (9.13 min) video 3 Ron Paul on the Economic Crash 2 (9.19 min) - ![]() ![]() |
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The American Fourth Reich
Takeover of USA, Canada & Mexico ![]() THE ONE THING NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT The Plan To Replace The Dollar With The Amero This video highlights a very serious concern which none of our media is looking into. The Amero is being looked at as the defacto currency of the North American Community (or Union). The idea to form the North American Union as a super-NAFTA knitting together Canada, the United States and Mexico into a super-regional political and economic entity was a key agreement resulting from the March 2005 meeting held at Baylor University in Waco, Tex., between President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin. A joint statement published by the three presidents following their Baylor University summit announced the formation of an initial entity called, "The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" (SPP). The joint statement termed the SPP a "trilateral partnership" that was aimed at producing a North American security plan as well as providing free market movement of people, capital, and trade across the borders between the three NAFTA partners: We will establish a common approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the secure and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our borders. A working agenda was established: The creation of a Permanent Tribunal on Trade and Investment with the view that "a permanent court would lay the groundwork for North American business law." The intent is that this North American Union Tribunal would have supremacy over the U.S. Supreme Court on issues affecting the North American Union, to prevent U.S. power from "irritating" and retarding the progress of uniting Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. into a new 21st century super-regional governing body. ![]() ![]() ![]() Today the United States is becoming the Fourth Reich, the continuation of an ideology thought to have been vanquished more than a half century ago. This concept may seem absurd to those who cannot see past the rose-colored spin, hype, and disinformation poured out daily by the corporate mass media—most of which is owned by the very same families and corporations who supported the Nazis before World War II. But as Marrs precisely explains, National Socialism never died, but rather its insidious philosophy is alive and active in modern America. ![]() The North American Union (SPP) agreement was finalized without approval of the US Congress, the Canadian Parliament or the Mexican Congress. Rather, it was agreed to by President Bush, former President Fox of Mexico, and former Prime Minister Martin of Canada with only a handshake in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005. Bush and these leaders were not clever enough to devise this plan themselves – especially Bush! Corporations were behind the scenes. See *The Corporate Takeover Continues ![]() The SPP, sometimes called NAFTA-Plus, involves superhighways from Canada, through the U.S. to Mexico. It involves a “North American Army” and a North American Union like the European Union. Including spy planes and surveillance. It includes the loss of our democracy and our sovereignty, all replaced by corporate dominion over our lives, making a mockery of democracy and elections and local control! This constitutes the new face of the corporate-inspired military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned against. The corporate takeover has now advanced to another level, and the American Empire builders are on their way to their vision of supra-national corporate one-worldism. Funny thing, the right-wingers thought the UN was going to take over the world and create one government! We can now be sure progressives were correct all along when they said making the world safe for “democracy”(Wilson) and spreading “democracy” (Bush) was cover for what was really going on. ![]() Governments and nations are simply the front for the corporate enterprise. Making the world safe for democracy meant making the world safe for corporate interests–corporatization and privatization at the point of a gun, our guns and our soldiers doing the dirty work and all paid for by our tax dollars– a nifty racket. See *General Smedley Butler ![]() America loses one farm every 30 minutes due largely to intensifying corporate takeover of our food supply. Major agribusiness corporations exercise increasing control over what we eat, how it is made, how much it costs, who produces it, and who profits from it. The increasingly uneven balance of power between individual farmers and global firms, such as Cargill and ConAgra, leave individual farmers without the power to negotiate, accepting almost any contractual term and reduced payments in hopes to insure the survival of their farm. While farmers are losing their bargaining power and working for less, farms are closing at an alarming rate, over 20,000 farms go under each year, taking with them the social fabric of small towns and farming communities. ![]() There are over 300 initiatives in the SPP aimed at harmonizing North American policies on food, drugs, security, immigration, manufacturing, the environment and public health. As well as regular SPP updates, the site is full of reports, interviews and multimedia presentations critical of what's often called the "deep integration" of North America. See *SPP WATCH for the Canadian response and see *Fact Sheet: Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America for the official White House version. Because no one is above the law here is *Judicial Watch Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America ![]() In March 2005, as a result of intense lobbying from North America’s richest corporations, the leaders of Canada, Mexico and the United States met in Waco, Texas to shake hands on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP). The SPP was a pledge to speed up the corporate goal of continental economic integration by linking it to U.S. government security demands. In a post-9/11 world where, for the Bush administration, “security trumps trade,” the Canadian and Mexican governments have agreed to fully integrate their security apparatuses with the U.S. and fully participate in its “war on terror” in return for vague assurances of continued market access for their largest corporations. But the SPP goes much further than this. Plans for regulatory convergence, energy sector integration and a potential common external tariff will make independent Canadian policies on agriculture, the environment and energy impossible. Since March 2005, without public input and with little public awareness, all three North American governments have been moving quickly toward establishing a continental resource pact, a North American security perimeter, and common agricultural and other health, safety and environmental policies. Working groups comprised of government officials and corporate leaders are quietly putting this “partnership” into action, and to date only industry “stakeholders” have been consulted, often in private, closed-door meetings. Not even our elected Members of Parliament have been kept in the loop. Read more ... *Citizen's Guide to the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) the Truth .... SPP Protest in Ottawa - Feb 16 2008 A Big Easy North American Union Pt 1 Lou Dobbs reports on North American Union (SPP) 8.20.07 Pt 2 Lou Dobbs reports on North American Union (SPP) 8.20.07 the background .... Harper, Bush & Calderon on the SPP, Afghanistan,conspiracies Bush Family History ![]() ![]() |
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Corporate Takeover of America
![]() Look at the corporate info I found at the Delaware Secretary of State website: INTERNAL REVENUE TAX AND AUDIT SERVICE (IRS) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation date 7/12/33 File No. 0325720 FEDERAL RESERVE ASSOCIATION (Federal Reserve) Non-profit Delaware Corporation Incorporation date 9/13/14 File No. 0042817 ![]() CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AUTHORITY INC. (CIA) For Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 3/9/83 File No. 2004409 background info: Transfers: With the National Security Council to the Executive Office of the President by Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1949, effective August 20, 1949; to independent agency status by EO 12333, December 4, 1981. ![]() By National Intelligence Authority Directive 4, April 2, 1946, NIA assumed supervision of the SSU dissolution during spring and summer 1946, assigning some components to Central Intelligence Group at request of Director of Central Intelligence, and effecting incorporation of the remaining units into other War Department organizations. SSU officially abolished by General Order 16, SSU, October 19, 1946. Central Intelligence Group and National Intelligence Authority abolished by National Security Act, which created the CIA, 1947. SEE 263.1. FEDERAL LAND ACQUISITION CORP. For-profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 8/22/80 File No. 0897960 ![]() SOCIAL SECURITY CORP, DEPART. OF HEALTH, EDUCATION AND WELF For-Profit General Delaware Corporation Incorporation date: 11/13/89 File No. 2213135 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Non-profit Delaware Corporation Incorporation Date 4/19/89 File No. 2193946 We as citizens, are assets of the corporation. It doesn't matter who is in office, the board of directors and the shareholders own and run the country - just as in any other corporation. The thing to find out, and I'm hoping the corporate records will show, is who are the shareholders? Who profits - for example - from the 'private, for-profit, corporate CIA' or the 'private, for-profit, corporate IRS' or the 'private, for-profit Social Security' - that those in charge are now telling us is 'broke.' Who is on the board of directors of 'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.' Ask anyone you know if they are aware of this. Call your congressman's office and ask them. Why doesn't anyone know? Why isn't this casually mentioned in the news? 'The Board of Directors of the United States of America, Inc., today ruled........ The Board of Directors of the Social Security........ Today, the Central Intelligence Authority filed as a private for-profit corporation. Why do those in charge never mention this? Why, searching on any search engine, doesn't this information come up? Because we're being lied to. Ever wonder why those who fight the IRS are not allowed to bring up their Constitutional Rights in tax court? Constitutional Rights do not apply in an equity court. Contract law supersedes individual and Constitutional Rights. Corporate law is a totally different animal from common law. Ask any corporate attorney. You've inadvertently signed contracts with this bastard entity posing as the 'free' United States of America - when you registered to vote, when you applied for a checking account (at a Federal Reserve corp bank - look at your signature card, it states you will comply with all rulings from the Secretary of the Treasury), when you applied for a social security card..... Ever look at the trust corporations (such as the RESOLUTION TRUST CORP (RTC) associated with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.? Trust - a fiduciary relationship in which one party holds legal title to another's property for the benefit of a party who holds equitable title to the property. Who holds the equitable title? Ever notice property deeds state 'tenant' when referring to the supposed owner? We are ruled by fictitious entities - corporations are fictions. We have been lied to, our entire lives, that we are free. The United States is owned, lock, stock, and barrel, each of us as citizens of the United States is owned. The question to which I want the answer is: Who owns us? "The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical to their best interests." - Rothschild Brothers of London communiqué to associates in New York June 25, 1863 Video 1 - One Of The Real Reasons Why The U.S. Went To War In Iraq Video 2 - Globalization and the Media Video 3 - Trading Democracy for Corporate Rule Part one ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
An American War Crime That Has No End
Depleted Uranium The Biggest American Censored News Story by Mass Media News Story ... Hundreds of Thousands of American Troops Contaminated, dying, and disabled from Depleted Uranium by American Arms. Since 1991, the United States has staged four wars using depleted uranium weaponry, illegal under all international treaties, conventions and agreements, as well as under US military law. ![]() America’s Big Dirty Secret Depleted Uranium weapons are called "Dirty" because much of the uranium-235 isotope useful for nuclear power fuel and weapons has been separated. "Depleted" does not mean that its biological hazards have been made less harmful or reduced one iota. DU burns on impact, converting the uranium into lots of particles that are easily inhaled and can cause lung cancers. Uranium-238 has a half-life roughly as long as the Earth has been in existence. DU tipped weapons are the real "dirty bombs" and are a war crime to manufacture and use. ![]() Dirty DU Uranium from reactors, recycled for use in munitions, contains additional highly toxic elements, such as plutonium, 1.6 kilogrammes of which could kill 8 (eight) billion people. In a French TV documentary on Canal+ in January 2001, a team of researchers presented the results of an investigation into a gaseous diffusion recycling plant in Paducah, Kentucky, USA. According to the lawyer for 100,000 plaintiffs, who are past and present plant employees, they were contaminated because of flagrant non-compliance with basic safety standards; the entire plant is irrevocably contaminated, as is everything it produces. *Read More American War Crimes Depleted Uranium Videos Iraq conspiracy - Illegal DEPLETED URANIUM Videos Iraq War Crimes Videos (Next videos) US weapons causing Iraqi birth defects Depleted Uranium Videos are extremely scarce here are a few more See the Videos ... *Contaminated with Depleted Uranium *Depleted Uranium Problem *Depleted Uranium Secrecy *Depleted Uranium Study Military Secrecy The vast majority of servicemen and women in the U.S. military, and likely in the armed forces of other countries which are developing or have obtained depleted uranium munitions, are unaware of the use and dangers of depleted uranium munitions, or of the protective clothing and procedures which can minimize or prevent serious short-term exposures. The following military DU training videos sat on shelves seldom shown *Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness *Standard DU Army Training Video The continued use of this illegal radioactive weaponry, which has already contaminated vast regions with low level radiation and will contaminate other parts of the world over time, is indeed a world affair and an international issue. The last Iraq war was about Iraq possessing illegal weapons of mass destruction yet we are using weapons of mass destruction ourselves. In June 2003, the World Health Organization announced in a press release that global cancer rates will increase 50 percent by 2020. What else do they know that they aren’t telling us? Read more ... *Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets *Depleted Uranium Ammunition:Nuclear Waste as a Weapon Children of the Gulf War Photo Exhibit Warning - Extreme Graphic Violence *Save the War Children *Children of the Gulf War From Gulf War I, fully 75% of our fighting men who were on the ground are now dead, dying, or sick from Depleted Uranium. There are reports that the Pentagon is preventing American soldiers from writing home to complain about the variety of illness afflicting them because of the deadly combination of Depleted Uranium and Toxic Vaccinations. The Pentagon is said to be threatening to muster out soldiers who complain, thus cutting off their medical care after they get out. However, when these men do return home and they are very ill from D.U. contamination, the Pentagon is refusing to *admit that these men are sick with D.U.! THE PENTAGON IS DENYING MEDICAL CARE FOR VETERANS STRICKEN BY DEPLETED URANIUM (D.U.) CONTAMINATION! Denial At the Top of the Administration Former Head Of Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project Says Thousands Of Troops Are Sick and Dying From Illegal DU Use and the Military's Failure To Admit Responsibility. aj. Rokke said his warnings as well as warnings from many other experts were not only dismissed by the military, but also by every other bigwig on Capital Hill, including President Clinton, Senator John Kerry and every other member of Congress, all very much aware of his position since he even addressed the 2000 Fall Congressional Coalition Leadership at its quarterly breakfast in Washington D.C. Read parts of the book ... *How the Pentagon Radiates Soldiers & Civilians with DU Weapons It is happening again to a new generation of veterans. Some of today's soldiers were in day care centers in 1991 when Dick Cheney first authorized the wholesale use of radioactive munitions. It is happening again despite the fact that 70% of all Gulf War I veterans are on medical disability fifteen years after the end of the first war against Saddam Hussein. We are witnessing the same symptoms of radioactive poisoning today as fifteen years ago. We are hearing the same denial of reality from Donald Rumsfeld's Department of Defense (DOD). What's worse is that, since 1998, veterans are eligible for free health care for only the first two years after being demobilized. After that, an ailing veteran has to prove his or her illness is service-connected. In the next article we'll describe what that burden has meant to ailing Iraq vets. A special report published by eminent scientist *Leuren Moret naming depleted uranium as the definitive cause of the Gulf War Syndrome has fed a *growing scandal about the continued use of uranium munitions by the US Military. The Veterans Administration acknowledged a third of all living Gulf War veterans, 181,996 were collecting *service-related disability pensions. Now the same thing is happening to veterans of "Operation Iraqi Freedom." Civilian populations in Afghanistan and Iraq and occupying troops have been *contaminated with astounding levels of radioactive depleted and non-depleted uranium as a result of post 9/11 United States’ use of tons of uranium munitions. Researchers say surrounding countries are bound to feel the effects as well. The Pentagon used its radioactive arsenal mainly in the *urban centers, rather than in desert battlefields as in 1991. Many hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people and U.S. soldiers, along with British, Polish, Japanese and Dutch soldiers sent to join the occupation, will suffer the consequences. The real extent of injuries, chronic illness, long-term disabilities and genetic birth defects won't be apparent for five to 10 years. Cancer, respiratory diseases and horrible birth defects have been widespread in Iraq even after Gulf War I and are bound to increase. While officially, only 467 soldiers were wounded during the first Gulf War, according to Terry Jemison at the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), of the more than 592,560 discharged personnel who served there, at least 179,310 - one third - are receiving disability compensation and over 24,760 additional cases were pending as of September 2004. Read more ... *Uranium Munitions Are Weapons of Mass Destruction This number of disabled veterans is shockingly high. Most are in their mid-thirties and should be in the prime of health. Before sending troops to the Gulf region, the military had already sifted out those with disabilities or chronic health problems from asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, cancers and birth defects. In 2003 scientists from the *Uranium Medical Research Center (UMRC) studied urine samples of Afghan civilians and found that 100% of the samples taken had levels of non-depleted uranium (NDU) 400% to 2000% higher than normal levels. The UMRC research team studied six sites, two in Kabul and others in the Jalalabad area. The civilians were tested four months after the attacks in Afghanistan by the United States and its allies. *NDU is more radioactive than depleted uranium (DU), which itself is charged with causing many cancers and severe birth defects in the Iraqi population, especially children over the past ten years. Four million pounds of radioactive uranium was dropped on Iraq in 2003 alone. Uranium dust will be in the bodies of our returning armed forces. Conducted at the request of The News, as the U.S. government considers the cost of $1,000 per affected soldier prohibitive, the test found that four of the nine men were contaminated with high levels of DU, likely caused by inhaling dust from depleted uranium shells fired by U.S. troops. Most American weapons (missiles, smart bombs, dumb bombs, bullets, tank shells, cruise missiles, etc.) contain high amounts of radioactive uranium. Depleted or non-depleted, these types of weapons, on detonation, release a radioactive dust which, when inhaled, goes into the body and stays there. It has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. Basically, it’s a permanently available contaminant, distributed in the environment, where dust storms or any water nearby can disperse it. Once ingested, it releases subatomic particles that slice through DNA. UMRC’s Field Team found several hundred Afghan civilians with acute symptoms of radiation poisoning along with chronic symptoms of internal uranium contamination, including congenital problems in newborns. Local civilians reported large, dense dust clouds and smoke plumes rising from the point of impact, an acrid smell, followed by burning of the nasal passages, throat and upper respiratory tract. Subjects in all locations presented identical symptom profiles and chronologies. The victims reported symptoms including pain in the cervical column, upper shoulders and basal area of the skull, lower back/kidney pain, joint and muscle weakness, sleeping difficulties, headaches, memory problems and disorientation. At the Uranium Weapons Conference held October 2003 in Hamburg, Germany, independent scientists from around the world testified to a huge increase in birth deformities and cancers wherever NDU and DU had been used. Professor Katsuma Yagasaki, a scientist at the Ryukyus University, Okinawa calculated that the 800 tons of DU used in Afghanistan is the radioactive equivalent of 83,000 Nagasaki bombs. The amount of DU used in Iraq is equivalent to 250,000 Nagasaki bombs. At the Uranium Weapons Conference, a demonstration by British-trained oncologist Dr. Jawad Al-Ali showed photographs of the kinds of birth deformities and tumors he had observed at the Saddam Teaching Hospital in Basra just before the 2003 war. Cancer rates had increased dramatically over the previous fifteen years. In 1989 there were 11 abnormalities per 100,000 births; in 2001 there were 116 per 100,000— an increase of over a thousand percent. In 1989 34 people died of cancer; in 2001 there were 603 cancer deaths. The 2003 war has increased these figures exponentially. At a meeting of the International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan held December 2003 in Tokyo, the U.S. was indicted for multiple war crimes in Afghanistan, among them the use of DU. Leuren Moret, President of Scientists for Indigenous People and Environmental Commissioner for the City of Berkeley, testified that because radioactive contaminants from uranium weapons travel through air, water, and food sources, the effects of U.S. deployment in Afghanistan will be felt in Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China and India. Countries affected by the use of uranium weapons in Iraq include Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, and Iran. Veterans groups blame depleted uranium contamination as a factor in Gulf War syndrome, the term for a host of ailments that afflicted thousands of vets from that war. "Anybody, civilian or soldier, who breathes these particles has a permanent dose, and it's not going to decrease very much over time," said Dietz, who retired in 1983 after 33 years as nuclear physicist. "In the long run ... veterans exposed to ceramic uranium oxide have a major problem." Shocking report reveals local troops to be victims of America's high-tech weapons Read more ... *Troops victims of America's high-tech weapons Depleted uranium, which does not occur in nature, is created as a waste product of uranium enrichment when some of the highly radioactive isotopes in natural uranium, U-235 and U-234, are extracted. In the Gulf War, Army brass did not warn soldiers about any risks from exploding DU shells. An unknown number of G.I.s were exposed by shrapnel, inhalation or handling battlefield debris. "A large number of American soldiers [in Iraq] may have had significant exposure to uranium oxide dust," ... "And the health impact is worrisome for the future." When DU shells explode, they permanently contaminate their target and the area immediately around it with low-level radioactivity. Birth defects may stem from his father's Gulf War service. But like many other families, American Vets face official stonewalling--and a frightening future. The use of depleted uranium weaponry by the United States, defying all international treaties, will slowly annihilate all species on earth including the human species, and yet this country continues to do so with full knowledge of its destructive potential. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Bombs Dropped On Iraq than were used in WW II At least 300 million grams of depleted uranium were deposited on central and southern Iraq during the Gulf War and subsequent bombings, over 100 million times the 0.023 gram maximum exposure dose permitted for workers in nuclear industry. Depleted uranium, because of its unique ratio of U-235 to U-238, can be readily identified and has been found in the urine of exposed individuals as long as 10 years after exposure. During the brief Gulf War, thousands of tons of bombs were dropped on Iraq, more than were used throughout World War II. By systematic intent, all electric power generating facilities, water treatment and pumping plants, sewage treatment facilities, and communication centers were bombed. References ... *Is The Pentagon Giving Our Soldiers Cancer? *Damage in Iraq during the Gulf War *U.S. Stocking Uranium-Rich Bombs? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Resources ... *Depleted Uranium Watch *The Doctor,Depleted Uranium, the Dying Children *Depleted Uranium and Other Uranium Weapons *War Crimes Committed *Women for a Better World *Peace Aware *US use of DU in Iraq war causes cancer *Concerns over military use of Depleted Uranium growing Technocrati Tags Depleted Uranium, Contaminated with Depleted Uranium, Depleted Uranium Secrecy, US forces use of depleted uranium weapons illegal, Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets, Depleted Uranium Ammunition:Nuclear Waste as a Weapon, Leuren Moret ![]() |
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- Name: EuroYank - Virginia Hoge
- Location: United States
Euro Yank is an internationally famous blogger, an American born in Germany that left for the USA with family at age six and has lived in Luxembourg for the past ten years. He is a committed anti-fascist and a student of history who is politically progressive and believes in the ideals of the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights for all Americans. He is also an American war veteran. He was active on American Talk Radio, and has been prominent online with 26 blogs with over 25 million hits. His investigative journalism has exposed top international news stories no one else has reported on. He is also a well-known political commentator. He has been repeatedly censored and banned, but despite these setback continues nonstop. Virginia Olive Hoge is an artist and writer living in Pasadena, California. As a progressive whistle-blower, she conducts investigations into corrupt media and outs the harm it causes to the poor and important social services. She is has been conducting an 11-month investigation of, she is the first one in the nation to do so.
Previous Posts
- The Failure of Obamanomics
- A Journey Through The Graveyard of American Dreams
- Proof America Is Turning Fascist
- An American War Crime That Has No End
- The Uncelebrated American May Day Holiday
- Introduction - Third Reich Modern Rock
- The Truth Behind Terror - The Great Satan & CIA Dr...
- In A World of Lies, the Truth Is a Dream
- Pros & Cons of Kickstarting Capitalism
- Beyond The Age Of Usury - The Great Deleveraging Scam
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Monday, September 22, 2008
Martial Law Directive 51
- Congressman Ron Paul discusses 700 Billion Bailout (7.24 min) - Ron Paul Discusses Economic Crisis 2/3/2009 (10.00 min) - ![]() Setting the Stage For Martial Law It is my belief the country is being set up for martial law. First I am presenting this first series of videos .... We Are Now Under Passive Martial Law ![]() On May 9, 2007, our president signed a National Security Presidential Directive – an unconstitutional piece of paper – which gave to himself the powers of total dictatorship over the entire nation (NSPD-51) and CONgress has no say so whatsoever. Can you say “total dictatorship?” ![]() We know for a fact that the Civilian Labor Camps are up and readied; we know for a fact that disarmament is sneaking up on us like all global-political veils; we know for a fact that a shadow dictatorship manages our 2-Party system; we know for a fact that the largest global corporations in the world buy all laws into existence, AND we know for a fact that our FEAR is translating into a completely FRACTURED resistance to all-the-above. WE are in DEEP TROUBLE, America! The whole world is in deep trouble. It is this writer’s opinion that we ARE in a passive state of Martial Law RIGHT NOW. However, once the “BIG Emergency” is called into play and strategic reality, we WILL see the EXPECTED results of our 2-Party maneuvering, which is the permanent END of OUR FREEDOM AND NATION. Think, people think! What happens to the elderly, the infirmed, the “imperfect,” your pets, your infants, your autistic grandchildren, your school children, your homes, your possessions, your bank accounts, your automobiles, your health - when EVERYTHING YOU NOW DO AND KNOW BECOMES ILLEGAL AND MANAGED BY PARAMILITARY GROUPS? All of written history gives you the answer! ![]() Martial Law Directive 51 New legislation signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a "catastrophic event", the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power - Martial Law Directive 51. It is important to understand that, although these powers have been on the books for previous presidents, Bush is the first to openly brag of the fact that he will utilize them and officially become the supreme emperor of the United States in the aftermath of a catastrophe that the government itself has said will happen on innumerable occasions. - Terror Storm The Movie (112 min) - The new directive excludes Congress altogether from governance in a state of emergency. While alluding to the "enduring constitutional government", the directive actually ensures the end of constitutional government as each branch, the executive, legislative and judicial, are stripped of equal authority and must answer directly and solely to the President. - While No one was Looking, Bush Appoints Himself Dictator - The mainstream media has not reported on the directive and the White House has refused to comment. A high-level group of government and military officials has been quietly preparing an emergency survival program named "The Day After," which would effectively end civil liberties and implement a system of martial law in the event of a catastrophic attack on a U.S. city. The 26th Expeditionary Unit, an elite group of U.S. Marines is one of many special units that has conducted martial law training exercise at 26 “surrendered” locations in central Indiana. State officials and media did their best to assure the public that this military takeover of civilian property is somehow a good thing, ignoring the *Posse Comitatus Act which fundamentally prohibits these types of exercises. The two weeks of training are also a contradiction of military tradition against deployments among the civilian population dating back to the end of the Civil War. Why then are the citizens of Indianapolis and six other Indiana towns being made to take part in two weeks of patrols and ambushes? Martial Law Exercise In Indiana - June 4-19 2008 The real purpose is to condition the civilian population and military personnel to living under martial law. ![]() Local, state police and sheriff's office joined feds for "terror" sweeps that resulted in hundreds of citations for traffic violations. The operation, which involved police, deputies, the FBI, drug agents, gang units and even the coast guard, is just one example of how law enforcement at the state and local levels is being co-opted and centralized by the Department of Homeland Security via massive federal grants. It also highlights how the distinction between crime and terrorism is becoming irrelevant. Even members of Congress who serve on the who serves on the Homeland Security Committee are denied information as to how the government will be conducted after a significant attack. 1)Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy. Attacks on the people also other controlling acts, told we're in a ‘global war, the scare of vague ‘terrorist attacks to knock us off-balance and (run to the government)for protection. 2)Create a Gulag. Now that we're all scared so a prison system is made outside the ‘rule of Law. We support it because it's for “Them” but soon it becomes for “us”. Many are secret. Special ‘Court's develop and many of us could be caught without bail, lawyers or even trials) 3)Develop scary thugs.(have paramilitary scary men/contractors to intimidate people. Today these are to create fear. It's so-called ‘security to restore public order) 4)Set up an internal surveillance system.(spying on regular people. High visibility wiretaps, reading emails,tax intimidation and all for fabricated ‘national security) 5)Harass citizens groups.(Infiltrate normal citizens groups.Call them suspicious incidents and accuse them of potential terrorist's events which scares the hell out of regular people) ![]() 7)Target Key individuals (Threaten people with job loss that supports them. Launch attacks on university teachers if they don't support current ideological demands. This paves the way for the brutal ways that will follow soon and they are caught in a trap) 8)Control the press.(threats against life and limb if you don't toe the line…) often wounded or killed. Real news is supplanted by fake news and you must report what is given you or suffer consequences. It gets so crazy you soon can't sort out the real from unreal. Citizens can't tell either so give up in stages since it reaches a point when nothing is credible. 9)Dissent equals treason.(dissent is treason and being critical is espionage. Every "closing" society does this. Charges of treason for simple, and casual remarks. Criticism labels you as an enemy of the people. You can be labeled as an enemy combatant even when you've done nothing at all. Isolation and torture is used to create ‘psychosis where you'll admit to anything) 10)Suspend the Rule Of Law.(dictatorial laws are passed at night while we sleep. The laws preventing the military from getting involved in civilian affairs is gone. This had prevented the Military from acting as regular police. |
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
First Your Money Then Your Life
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Because You Are Stupid You Need These Videos
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The American Fourth Reich
Takeover of USA, Canada & Mexico ![]() THE ONE THING NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT The Plan To Replace The Dollar With The Amero This video highlights a very serious concern which none of our media is looking into. The Amero is being looked at as the defacto currency of the North American Community (or Union). The idea to form the North American Union as a super-NAFTA knitting together Canada, the United States and Mexico into a super-regional political and economic entity was a key agreement resulting from the March 2005 meeting held at Baylor University in Waco, Tex., between President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin. A joint statement published by the three presidents following their Baylor University summit announced the formation of an initial entity called, "The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" (SPP). The joint statement termed the SPP a "trilateral partnership" that was aimed at producing a North American security plan as well as providing free market movement of people, capital, and trade across the borders between the three NAFTA partners: We will establish a common approach to security to protect North America from external threats, prevent and respond to threats within North America, and further streamline the secure and efficient movement of legitimate, low-risk traffic across our borders. A working agenda was established: The creation of a Permanent Tribunal on Trade and Investment with the view that "a permanent court would lay the groundwork for North American business law." The intent is that this North American Union Tribunal would have supremacy over the U.S. Supreme Court on issues affecting the North American Union, to prevent U.S. power from "irritating" and retarding the progress of uniting Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. into a new 21st century super-regional governing body. ![]() ![]() ![]() Today the United States is becoming the Fourth Reich, the continuation of an ideology thought to have been vanquished more than a half century ago. This concept may seem absurd to those who cannot see past the rose-colored spin, hype, and disinformation poured out daily by the corporate mass media—most of which is owned by the very same families and corporations who supported the Nazis before World War II. But as Marrs precisely explains, National Socialism never died, but rather its insidious philosophy is alive and active in modern America. ![]() The North American Union (SPP) agreement was finalized without approval of the US Congress, the Canadian Parliament or the Mexican Congress. Rather, it was agreed to by President Bush, former President Fox of Mexico, and former Prime Minister Martin of Canada with only a handshake in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005. Bush and these leaders were not clever enough to devise this plan themselves – especially Bush! Corporations were behind the scenes. See *The Corporate Takeover Continues ![]() The SPP, sometimes called NAFTA-Plus, involves superhighways from Canada, through the U.S. to Mexico. It involves a “North American Army” and a North American Union like the European Union. Including spy planes and surveillance. It includes the loss of our democracy and our sovereignty, all replaced by corporate dominion over our lives, making a mockery of democracy and elections and local control! This constitutes the new face of the corporate-inspired military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned against. The corporate takeover has now advanced to another level, and the American Empire builders are on their way to their vision of supra-national corporate one-worldism. Funny thing, the right-wingers thought the UN was going to take over the world and create one government! We can now be sure progressives were correct all along when they said making the world safe for “democracy”(Wilson) and spreading “democracy” (Bush) was cover for what was really going on. ![]() Governments and nations are simply the front for the corporate enterprise. Making the world safe for democracy meant making the world safe for corporate interests–corporatization and privatization at the point of a gun, our guns and our soldiers doing the dirty work and all paid for by our tax dollars– a nifty racket. See *General Smedley Butler ![]() America loses one farm every 30 minutes due largely to intensifying corporate takeover of our food supply. Major agribusiness corporations exercise increasing control over what we eat, how it is made, how much it costs, who produces it, and who profits from it. The increasingly uneven balance of power between individual farmers and global firms, such as Cargill and ConAgra, leave individual farmers without the power to negotiate, accepting almost any contractual term and reduced payments in hopes to insure the survival of their farm. While farmers are losing their bargaining power and working for less, farms are closing at an alarming rate, over 20,000 farms go under each year, taking with them the social fabric of small towns and farming communities. ![]() There are over 300 initiatives in the SPP aimed at harmonizing North American policies on food, drugs, security, immigration, manufacturing, the environment and public health. As well as regular SPP updates, the site is full of reports, interviews and multimedia presentations critical of what's often called the "deep integration" of North America. See *SPP WATCH for the Canadian response and see *Fact Sheet: Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America for the official White House version. Because no one is above the law here is *Judicial Watch Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America ![]() In March 2005, as a result of intense lobbying from North America’s richest corporations, the leaders of Canada, Mexico and the United States met in Waco, Texas to shake hands on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP). The SPP was a pledge to speed up the corporate goal of continental economic integration by linking it to U.S. government security demands. In a post-9/11 world where, for the Bush administration, “security trumps trade,” the Canadian and Mexican governments have agreed to fully integrate their security apparatuses with the U.S. and fully participate in its “war on terror” in return for vague assurances of continued market access for their largest corporations. But the SPP goes much further than this. Plans for regulatory convergence, energy sector integration and a potential common external tariff will make independent Canadian policies on agriculture, the environment and energy impossible. Since March 2005, without public input and with little public awareness, all three North American governments have been moving quickly toward establishing a continental resource pact, a North American security perimeter, and common agricultural and other health, safety and environmental policies. Working groups comprised of government officials and corporate leaders are quietly putting this “partnership” into action, and to date only industry “stakeholders” have been consulted, often in private, closed-door meetings. Not even our elected Members of Parliament have been kept in the loop. Read more ... *Citizen's Guide to the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) the Truth .... SPP Protest in Ottawa - Feb 16 2008 A Big Easy North American Union Pt 1 Lou Dobbs reports on North American Union (SPP) 8.20.07 Pt 2 Lou Dobbs reports on North American Union (SPP) 8.20.07 the background .... Harper, Bush & Calderon on the SPP, Afghanistan,conspiracies Bush Family History ![]() |
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Corporate Takeover of America
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
An American War Crime That Has No End
Depleted Uranium The Biggest American Censored News Story by Mass Media News Story ... Hundreds of Thousands of American Troops Contaminated, dying, and disabled from Depleted Uranium by American Arms. Since 1991, the United States has staged four wars using depleted uranium weaponry, illegal under all international treaties, conventions and agreements, as well as under US military law. ![]() America’s Big Dirty Secret Depleted Uranium weapons are called "Dirty" because much of the uranium-235 isotope useful for nuclear power fuel and weapons has been separated. "Depleted" does not mean that its biological hazards have been made less harmful or reduced one iota. DU burns on impact, converting the uranium into lots of particles that are easily inhaled and can cause lung cancers. Uranium-238 has a half-life roughly as long as the Earth has been in existence. DU tipped weapons are the real "dirty bombs" and are a war crime to manufacture and use. ![]() Dirty DU Uranium from reactors, recycled for use in munitions, contains additional highly toxic elements, such as plutonium, 1.6 kilogrammes of which could kill 8 (eight) billion people. In a French TV documentary on Canal+ in January 2001, a team of researchers presented the results of an investigation into a gaseous diffusion recycling plant in Paducah, Kentucky, USA. According to the lawyer for 100,000 plaintiffs, who are past and present plant employees, they were contaminated because of flagrant non-compliance with basic safety standards; the entire plant is irrevocably contaminated, as is everything it produces. *Read More American War Crimes Depleted Uranium Videos Iraq conspiracy - Illegal DEPLETED URANIUM Videos Iraq War Crimes Videos (Next videos) US weapons causing Iraqi birth defects Depleted Uranium Videos are extremely scarce here are a few more See the Videos ... *Contaminated with Depleted Uranium *Depleted Uranium Problem *Depleted Uranium Secrecy *Depleted Uranium Study Military Secrecy The vast majority of servicemen and women in the U.S. military, and likely in the armed forces of other countries which are developing or have obtained depleted uranium munitions, are unaware of the use and dangers of depleted uranium munitions, or of the protective clothing and procedures which can minimize or prevent serious short-term exposures. The following military DU training videos sat on shelves seldom shown *Depleted Uranium Hazard Awareness *Standard DU Army Training Video The continued use of this illegal radioactive weaponry, which has already contaminated vast regions with low level radiation and will contaminate other parts of the world over time, is indeed a world affair and an international issue. The last Iraq war was about Iraq possessing illegal weapons of mass destruction yet we are using weapons of mass destruction ourselves. In June 2003, the World Health Organization announced in a press release that global cancer rates will increase 50 percent by 2020. What else do they know that they aren’t telling us? Read more ... *Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets *Depleted Uranium Ammunition:Nuclear Waste as a Weapon Children of the Gulf War Photo Exhibit Warning - Extreme Graphic Violence *Save the War Children *Children of the Gulf War From Gulf War I, fully 75% of our fighting men who were on the ground are now dead, dying, or sick from Depleted Uranium. There are reports that the Pentagon is preventing American soldiers from writing home to complain about the variety of illness afflicting them because of the deadly combination of Depleted Uranium and Toxic Vaccinations. The Pentagon is said to be threatening to muster out soldiers who complain, thus cutting off their medical care after they get out. However, when these men do return home and they are very ill from D.U. contamination, the Pentagon is refusing to *admit that these men are sick with D.U.! THE PENTAGON IS DENYING MEDICAL CARE FOR VETERANS STRICKEN BY DEPLETED URANIUM (D.U.) CONTAMINATION! Denial At the Top of the Administration Former Head Of Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project Says Thousands Of Troops Are Sick and Dying From Illegal DU Use and the Military's Failure To Admit Responsibility. aj. Rokke said his warnings as well as warnings from many other experts were not only dismissed by the military, but also by every other bigwig on Capital Hill, including President Clinton, Senator John Kerry and every other member of Congress, all very much aware of his position since he even addressed the 2000 Fall Congressional Coalition Leadership at its quarterly breakfast in Washington D.C. Read parts of the book ... *How the Pentagon Radiates Soldiers & Civilians with DU Weapons It is happening again to a new generation of veterans. Some of today's soldiers were in day care centers in 1991 when Dick Cheney first authorized the wholesale use of radioactive munitions. It is happening again despite the fact that 70% of all Gulf War I veterans are on medical disability fifteen years after the end of the first war against Saddam Hussein. We are witnessing the same symptoms of radioactive poisoning today as fifteen years ago. We are hearing the same denial of reality from Donald Rumsfeld's Department of Defense (DOD). What's worse is that, since 1998, veterans are eligible for free health care for only the first two years after being demobilized. After that, an ailing veteran has to prove his or her illness is service-connected. In the next article we'll describe what that burden has meant to ailing Iraq vets. A special report published by eminent scientist *Leuren Moret naming depleted uranium as the definitive cause of the Gulf War Syndrome has fed a *growing scandal about the continued use of uranium munitions by the US Military. The Veterans Administration acknowledged a third of all living Gulf War veterans, 181,996 were collecting *service-related disability pensions. Now the same thing is happening to veterans of "Operation Iraqi Freedom." Civilian populations in Afghanistan and Iraq and occupying troops have been *contaminated with astounding levels of radioactive depleted and non-depleted uranium as a result of post 9/11 United States’ use of tons of uranium munitions. Researchers say surrounding countries are bound to feel the effects as well. The Pentagon used its radioactive arsenal mainly in the *urban centers, rather than in desert battlefields as in 1991. Many hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people and U.S. soldiers, along with British, Polish, Japanese and Dutch soldiers sent to join the occupation, will suffer the consequences. The real extent of injuries, chronic illness, long-term disabilities and genetic birth defects won't be apparent for five to 10 years. Cancer, respiratory diseases and horrible birth defects have been widespread in Iraq even after Gulf War I and are bound to increase. While officially, only 467 soldiers were wounded during the first Gulf War, according to Terry Jemison at the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), of the more than 592,560 discharged personnel who served there, at least 179,310 - one third - are receiving disability compensation and over 24,760 additional cases were pending as of September 2004. Read more ... *Uranium Munitions Are Weapons of Mass Destruction This number of disabled veterans is shockingly high. Most are in their mid-thirties and should be in the prime of health. Before sending troops to the Gulf region, the military had already sifted out those with disabilities or chronic health problems from asthma, diabetes, heart conditions, cancers and birth defects. In 2003 scientists from the *Uranium Medical Research Center (UMRC) studied urine samples of Afghan civilians and found that 100% of the samples taken had levels of non-depleted uranium (NDU) 400% to 2000% higher than normal levels. The UMRC research team studied six sites, two in Kabul and others in the Jalalabad area. The civilians were tested four months after the attacks in Afghanistan by the United States and its allies. *NDU is more radioactive than depleted uranium (DU), which itself is charged with causing many cancers and severe birth defects in the Iraqi population, especially children over the past ten years. Four million pounds of radioactive uranium was dropped on Iraq in 2003 alone. Uranium dust will be in the bodies of our returning armed forces. Conducted at the request of The News, as the U.S. government considers the cost of $1,000 per affected soldier prohibitive, the test found that four of the nine men were contaminated with high levels of DU, likely caused by inhaling dust from depleted uranium shells fired by U.S. troops. Most American weapons (missiles, smart bombs, dumb bombs, bullets, tank shells, cruise missiles, etc.) contain high amounts of radioactive uranium. Depleted or non-depleted, these types of weapons, on detonation, release a radioactive dust which, when inhaled, goes into the body and stays there. It has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. Basically, it’s a permanently available contaminant, distributed in the environment, where dust storms or any water nearby can disperse it. Once ingested, it releases subatomic particles that slice through DNA. UMRC’s Field Team found several hundred Afghan civilians with acute symptoms of radiation poisoning along with chronic symptoms of internal uranium contamination, including congenital problems in newborns. Local civilians reported large, dense dust clouds and smoke plumes rising from the point of impact, an acrid smell, followed by burning of the nasal passages, throat and upper respiratory tract. Subjects in all locations presented identical symptom profiles and chronologies. The victims reported symptoms including pain in the cervical column, upper shoulders and basal area of the skull, lower back/kidney pain, joint and muscle weakness, sleeping difficulties, headaches, memory problems and disorientation. At the Uranium Weapons Conference held October 2003 in Hamburg, Germany, independent scientists from around the world testified to a huge increase in birth deformities and cancers wherever NDU and DU had been used. Professor Katsuma Yagasaki, a scientist at the Ryukyus University, Okinawa calculated that the 800 tons of DU used in Afghanistan is the radioactive equivalent of 83,000 Nagasaki bombs. The amount of DU used in Iraq is equivalent to 250,000 Nagasaki bombs. At the Uranium Weapons Conference, a demonstration by British-trained oncologist Dr. Jawad Al-Ali showed photographs of the kinds of birth deformities and tumors he had observed at the Saddam Teaching Hospital in Basra just before the 2003 war. Cancer rates had increased dramatically over the previous fifteen years. In 1989 there were 11 abnormalities per 100,000 births; in 2001 there were 116 per 100,000— an increase of over a thousand percent. In 1989 34 people died of cancer; in 2001 there were 603 cancer deaths. The 2003 war has increased these figures exponentially. At a meeting of the International Criminal Tribunal for Afghanistan held December 2003 in Tokyo, the U.S. was indicted for multiple war crimes in Afghanistan, among them the use of DU. Leuren Moret, President of Scientists for Indigenous People and Environmental Commissioner for the City of Berkeley, testified that because radioactive contaminants from uranium weapons travel through air, water, and food sources, the effects of U.S. deployment in Afghanistan will be felt in Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China and India. Countries affected by the use of uranium weapons in Iraq include Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Turkey, and Iran. Veterans groups blame depleted uranium contamination as a factor in Gulf War syndrome, the term for a host of ailments that afflicted thousands of vets from that war. "Anybody, civilian or soldier, who breathes these particles has a permanent dose, and it's not going to decrease very much over time," said Dietz, who retired in 1983 after 33 years as nuclear physicist. "In the long run ... veterans exposed to ceramic uranium oxide have a major problem." Shocking report reveals local troops to be victims of America's high-tech weapons Read more ... *Troops victims of America's high-tech weapons Depleted uranium, which does not occur in nature, is created as a waste product of uranium enrichment when some of the highly radioactive isotopes in natural uranium, U-235 and U-234, are extracted. In the Gulf War, Army brass did not warn soldiers about any risks from exploding DU shells. An unknown number of G.I.s were exposed by shrapnel, inhalation or handling battlefield debris. "A large number of American soldiers [in Iraq] may have had significant exposure to uranium oxide dust," ... "And the health impact is worrisome for the future." When DU shells explode, they permanently contaminate their target and the area immediately around it with low-level radioactivity. Birth defects may stem from his father's Gulf War service. But like many other families, American Vets face official stonewalling--and a frightening future. The use of depleted uranium weaponry by the United States, defying all international treaties, will slowly annihilate all species on earth including the human species, and yet this country continues to do so with full knowledge of its destructive potential. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- More Bombs Dropped On Iraq than were used in WW II At least 300 million grams of depleted uranium were deposited on central and southern Iraq during the Gulf War and subsequent bombings, over 100 million times the 0.023 gram maximum exposure dose permitted for workers in nuclear industry. Depleted uranium, because of its unique ratio of U-235 to U-238, can be readily identified and has been found in the urine of exposed individuals as long as 10 years after exposure. During the brief Gulf War, thousands of tons of bombs were dropped on Iraq, more than were used throughout World War II. By systematic intent, all electric power generating facilities, water treatment and pumping plants, sewage treatment facilities, and communication centers were bombed. References ... *Is The Pentagon Giving Our Soldiers Cancer? *Damage in Iraq during the Gulf War *U.S. Stocking Uranium-Rich Bombs? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Resources ... *Depleted Uranium Watch *The Doctor,Depleted Uranium, the Dying Children *Depleted Uranium and Other Uranium Weapons *War Crimes Committed *Women for a Better World *Peace Aware *US use of DU in Iraq war causes cancer *Concerns over military use of Depleted Uranium growing |