Martial Law Directive 51
- Congressman Ron Paul discusses 700 Billion Bailout (7.24 min) - Ron Paul Discusses Economic Crisis 2/3/2009 (10.00 min) - ![]() Setting the Stage For Martial Law It is my belief the country is being set up for martial law. First I am presenting this first series of videos .... We Are Now Under Passive Martial Law ![]() On May 9, 2007, our president signed a National Security Presidential Directive – an unconstitutional piece of paper – which gave to himself the powers of total dictatorship over the entire nation (NSPD-51) and CONgress has no say so whatsoever. Can you say “total dictatorship?” ![]() We know for a fact that the Civilian Labor Camps are up and readied; we know for a fact that disarmament is sneaking up on us like all global-political veils; we know for a fact that a shadow dictatorship manages our 2-Party system; we know for a fact that the largest global corporations in the world buy all laws into existence, AND we know for a fact that our FEAR is translating into a completely FRACTURED resistance to all-the-above. WE are in DEEP TROUBLE, America! The whole world is in deep trouble. It is this writer’s opinion that we ARE in a passive state of Martial Law RIGHT NOW. However, once the “BIG Emergency” is called into play and strategic reality, we WILL see the EXPECTED results of our 2-Party maneuvering, which is the permanent END of OUR FREEDOM AND NATION. Think, people think! What happens to the elderly, the infirmed, the “imperfect,” your pets, your infants, your autistic grandchildren, your school children, your homes, your possessions, your bank accounts, your automobiles, your health - when EVERYTHING YOU NOW DO AND KNOW BECOMES ILLEGAL AND MANAGED BY PARAMILITARY GROUPS? All of written history gives you the answer! ![]() Martial Law Directive 51 New legislation signed on May 9, 2007, declares that in the event of a "catastrophic event", the President can take total control over the government and the country, bypassing all other levels of government at the state, federal, local, territorial and tribal levels, and thus ensuring total unprecedented dictatorial power - Martial Law Directive 51. It is important to understand that, although these powers have been on the books for previous presidents, Bush is the first to openly brag of the fact that he will utilize them and officially become the supreme emperor of the United States in the aftermath of a catastrophe that the government itself has said will happen on innumerable occasions. - Terror Storm The Movie (112 min) - The new directive excludes Congress altogether from governance in a state of emergency. While alluding to the "enduring constitutional government", the directive actually ensures the end of constitutional government as each branch, the executive, legislative and judicial, are stripped of equal authority and must answer directly and solely to the President. - While No one was Looking, Bush Appoints Himself Dictator - The mainstream media has not reported on the directive and the White House has refused to comment. A high-level group of government and military officials has been quietly preparing an emergency survival program named "The Day After," which would effectively end civil liberties and implement a system of martial law in the event of a catastrophic attack on a U.S. city. The 26th Expeditionary Unit, an elite group of U.S. Marines is one of many special units that has conducted martial law training exercise at 26 “surrendered” locations in central Indiana. State officials and media did their best to assure the public that this military takeover of civilian property is somehow a good thing, ignoring the *Posse Comitatus Act which fundamentally prohibits these types of exercises. The two weeks of training are also a contradiction of military tradition against deployments among the civilian population dating back to the end of the Civil War. Why then are the citizens of Indianapolis and six other Indiana towns being made to take part in two weeks of patrols and ambushes? Martial Law Exercise In Indiana - June 4-19 2008 The real purpose is to condition the civilian population and military personnel to living under martial law. ![]() Local, state police and sheriff's office joined feds for "terror" sweeps that resulted in hundreds of citations for traffic violations. The operation, which involved police, deputies, the FBI, drug agents, gang units and even the coast guard, is just one example of how law enforcement at the state and local levels is being co-opted and centralized by the Department of Homeland Security via massive federal grants. It also highlights how the distinction between crime and terrorism is becoming irrelevant. Even members of Congress who serve on the who serves on the Homeland Security Committee are denied information as to how the government will be conducted after a significant attack. 1)Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy. Attacks on the people also other controlling acts, told we're in a ‘global war, the scare of vague ‘terrorist attacks to knock us off-balance and (run to the government)for protection. 2)Create a Gulag. Now that we're all scared so a prison system is made outside the ‘rule of Law. We support it because it's for “Them” but soon it becomes for “us”. Many are secret. Special ‘Court's develop and many of us could be caught without bail, lawyers or even trials) 3)Develop scary thugs.(have paramilitary scary men/contractors to intimidate people. Today these are to create fear. It's so-called ‘security to restore public order) 4)Set up an internal surveillance system.(spying on regular people. High visibility wiretaps, reading emails,tax intimidation and all for fabricated ‘national security) 5)Harass citizens groups.(Infiltrate normal citizens groups.Call them suspicious incidents and accuse them of potential terrorist's events which scares the hell out of regular people) ![]() 7)Target Key individuals (Threaten people with job loss that supports them. Launch attacks on university teachers if they don't support current ideological demands. This paves the way for the brutal ways that will follow soon and they are caught in a trap) 8)Control the press.(threats against life and limb if you don't toe the line…) often wounded or killed. Real news is supplanted by fake news and you must report what is given you or suffer consequences. It gets so crazy you soon can't sort out the real from unreal. Citizens can't tell either so give up in stages since it reaches a point when nothing is credible. 9)Dissent equals treason.(dissent is treason and being critical is espionage. Every "closing" society does this. Charges of treason for simple, and casual remarks. Criticism labels you as an enemy of the people. You can be labeled as an enemy combatant even when you've done nothing at all. Isolation and torture is used to create ‘psychosis where you'll admit to anything) 10)Suspend the Rule Of Law.(dictatorial laws are passed at night while we sleep. The laws preventing the military from getting involved in civilian affairs is gone. This had prevented the Military from acting as regular police. ![]() |
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