the Unreported Wars of Ethnic Cleansing
Ethnic Cleansing Continued .... From the former Yugoslavia in the West, to Distant Russian Asia, to Pakistan, India, South East Asia, to Indonesia and beyond, to Northern and Central, and Eastern Africa; an unrelenting War of Ethnic Cleansing has begun and is continuing, much of it unreported. The East African nation of Ethiopia is the latest US Terror War ally to turn its guns on indigenous peoples in a zone coveted by corporate interests for its natural resources. Four months after armed forces of the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Defense Front (EPRDF) and settlers from the Ethiopian highlands initiated a campaign of massacres, repression and mass rape deliberately targeting the Anuak minority of Ethiopia's southwest, atrocities and killings continue--and the situation remains in whiteout by the Western media. *Anatomy of a War Crime Video references ... *ETHNIC CLEANSING IN ETHIOPIA *ANOTHER SECRET WAR FOR OIL? *Ongoing Crimes in Darfur Video From the bus Hindus were told to get down taken to a lonely place then tortured and killed. Even children, women and old men were not spared. Their only crime was that they were born Hindus. references ... Hindu minorities are subjected to great cruelties and discrimination. The current armed secessionist movement in Kashmir mostly derives its inspiration from these people. *Ethnic Cleansing of Kasmiri Pandits Videos *Kashmir Ethnic Cleansing *Kashmir Photo Gallery *War Crimes & Other Misdemeanors Islamic Fundamentalist Nazis After North Korea, what foreign crisis poses the greatest danger to the United States? It's surely not Bosnia, Haiti, or Rwanda. My candidate is Algeria. Algeria may lack the drama of nuclear weapons, besieged cities, or masses of starving refugees, and so we tend not to pay much attention to that country of 28 million Muslims on the southern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. But what happens there soon may have vast implications for Europe and the Middle East, two regions of central importance to Americans. references ... *Algerian Time Bomb Why It Matters to Us Arab World It is doubtful whether economic hardship, corruption and favoritism are the main causes of Islamic fundamentalism. Primarily, it is a reaction to attempts to introduce Western values in Moslem countries. CAIRO (Reuters) - In a long-awaited report contested by theUnited States and Egypt, Arab intellectuals and reformers saidthey saw no significant advances toward democracy in the Arabworld in the year after October 2003. reference ... *Arab Report Sees Little Reform, Faults U.S. Action For the past 10 years, Algeria has been wracked by a murderous spate of blood-letting by diehard Moslem fundamentalist guerrillas, directed mainly at the secular regime and costing thousands of civilian lives. The wave of violence began after January 1992, when the army stopped a general election a Moslem fundamentalist party was poised to win. According to official figures it has since claimed more than 100,000 lives. An unofficial toll based on press reports and official statements runs to 150,000 dead. Algeria achieved independence 40 years ago after a violent insurrection against French rule between 1954 and 1962. Between 200,000 and 400,000 lives were lost in the war, but the National Liberation Front (FLN), which fought French rule and was for years after independence the country's only political party, puts the figure at some 1.5 million. ... The assailants broke into seven houses and cut up 15 people, including seven women and three children, with a chainsaw. reference ... *Algerians killed in weekend massacres Serbs fleeing Kosovo The following is a selection of texts on Sarajevo and Sarajevans, a city and people that endured the longest siege in modern military history .... *Sarajevo Notes The Jihad in Afghanistan drew volunteers from all over the Muslim world. With American backing, the Mujahidin vanquished the Soviet Army. However, their Jihad did not stop there. Russia's political and military elite are systematically wiping Chechnya off the map.The Russian military has given people remaining in Grozny until Saturday to leave. reference ... *Chechnya War Photo Gallery *Chechnya:The endless war Then the Russian military warn all those remaining will be treated as "enemy targets" and the city systematically destroyed. Notwithstanding the growing number of refugees fleeing Chechnya (over 260,000 in neighbouring Ingushetia alone) references ... *Chechen War-Horror in Grozny *a Chechen militiaman tells his story Indonesia .... As ethnic violence flares in islands where Muslims and Christians have cohabited for centuries, many fear that the world’s fourth most populous country is in danger of dissolving into chaos. reference ... *Falling Apart? A welter of Islamist extremist groupings operate in the Indonesian archipelago of some 17,000 islands. *Indonesia's Dirty Little Holy War Huge domestic and foreign debt, compound the problems of strengthening Islamist fundamentalist movements in the world’s largest population of Muslims, who comprise 88 per cent of Indonesia’s 230 million people. reference ... *Indonesia: Hardening Stance "The nightmare scenario is that Indonesia goes up in flames and fragments like Yugoslavia," says one western diplomat in Jakarta. "If the world thought Yugoslavia was a problem, they haven’t seen anything yet," adds another. *Insults of the Obscene *FREE PALESTINE *Palestinian Territories *Ethnic Cleansing Holy Land Style *From Refugee to American Immigrant Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death Stumble It! |
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