Age of Big Brother (Video)
![]() Big Brother World Government By the Year 2015 The government is establishing a UNIVERSAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER! "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:16-18 The nation's largest discount retailer will quietly begin selling tracking-chipped products to clueless shoppers. The first volley in their war against our privacy is set to start at their Brockton, Massachusetts store. ![]() Wal-Mart will put Radio Frequency I.D. sensors on shelves stocked with RFID-tagged Gillette products, but they'd rather you didn't know about it. You might not like it, and then you might make noise and then they'd have a big PR mess on their hands. ![]() ![]() These chips are about the size of a grain of sand to keep track of inventory, that sends out radio waves to readers that not only identify the article, but where and with whom it's going. Wal-Mart's putting the pressure on its top 100 suppliers to make sure their inventory is all chipped. Brockton, Mass Walmart customers are typically lower income minorities who'd be less likely to be aware of the tracking devices. Retailers are SUPPOSED to alert their customers to the tracking chips and offer to kill the tags at the checkout counter, but what you don't know won't hurt you, right? ( ) Sources: Mary Starrett, talk show host and medical reporter. ![]() In Britain, Big Brother really is watching you almost everywhere, according to civil liberties campaigners alarmed by the proliferation of spying machines in trains, buses, high streets, sports stadiums and perhaps soon even in clothes. Millions to get ID cards within 3 years MILLIONS of people will be issued with identity cards within three years under David Blunketts plans for a national scheme announced yesterday. The first compelled to have a card from 2006 will be the countrys 4.6 million foreign citizens. ![]() 10,000 to test eye scan and fingerprint scheme The electronic biometric eye scans and fingerprints that lie at the heart of the new national identity card scheme are to be tested by 10,000 volunteers in a six month Home Office trial starting in the next few weeks. Unmanned Aerial Drones Raise Specter of Big Brother For some privacy advocates, the talk about civilian use of unmanned aircraft has raised a specter of Big Brother in the skies, and a new privacy debate is brewing. Shouting Telescreens Coming to Britain Tests in Nottingham have persuaded nine local schools to start the school year by installing the "talking eye" system, officially called public address voice activation. Security cameras are linked to loudspeakers and staff in a central control room who issue messages such as: "The police are coming." Big Brother's next weapon: Tracking your letters with microchip stamps Sending an anonymous love letter or an angry note to your congressman? The U.S. Postal Service will soon know who you are. Cellphone 'radar' tracks traffic flow Signals from cellphone masts can be used to track aircraft, monitor traffic congestion and spot speeding motorists without tipping them off that they are being watched. ![]() Who's watching you? Today, it's hard to escape those eyes in the sky Improving technology and security concerns are nudging society into a state of varied and constant surveillance, meaning people are being watched more than they may realize. Cameras under black plastic domes survey Publix frozen foods aisles, Wuesthoff hospital lobbies, the marked-down jeans at Dillard's, the PlayStation 2 games at Blockbuster, highways, airports, casinos and offices. It's a black-dome world we're living in. Depending on whom you ask, the domes and the vigiliance they represent are a boon to safety, invisible background props or a source of the willies. Officials in Hot Springs Are Issuing ID Cards For Kids Officials in Hot Springs kicked off a new statewide service, issuing I.D cards to children as young as five years old. The state legislature passed a law in the spring that allows parents to get their child a card that looks just like a driver's license. The child's vital information will be stored in a statewide database. Terror checks for all air passengers Pacific Rim countries will share a database of all passengers flying between their airports. The details of every passenger will be forwarded to the destination country and a "red flag" will flash whenever a person has a criminal history or any suspected link to terrorism. Secret go-ahead for ID card database The cabinet has secretly given the go-ahead to the chancellor, Gordon Brown, to set up Britain's first national population computer database that is the foundation stone for a compulsory identity card scheme. Organizers say 'Matrix' Big Brother database would be tied in with CIA The project is billed as a tool for state and local police, but organizers are considering giving access to the Central Intelligence Agency, said Phil Ramer, special agent in charge of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's intelligence office. Scots teenagers to be issued with ID cards EVERY secondary school pupil in Scotland is to be issued with an ID card bearing his or her name, age and address, under a controversial government scheme branded last night as an assault on privacy. U.S. schools resort to security cameras A digital camera hangs over every classroom here, silently recording students' and teachers' every move. The surveillance system is at the leading edge of a trend to equip U.S. public schools with the same cameras that Wal-Mart stores use to catch thieves. Web Cameras Monitor Class Activity A school district in Biloxi, Miss. is the first to install Web cameras in the classroom. The video is fed live to the Internet where the principal can monitor the activities of the students and teachers with the click of a mouse. ![]() U.S. Develops Urban Surveillance System The Pentagon is developing an urban surveillance system that would use computers and thousands of cameras to track, record and analyze the movement of every vehicle in a foreign city. Police, scientists and privacy experts say the unclassified technology could easily be adapted to spy on Americans. The project's centerpiece is groundbreaking computer software that is capable of automatically identifying vehicles by size, color, shape and license tag, or drivers and passengers by face. The Pentagon's Plan for Tracking Everything That Moves The cameras are already in place. The computer code is being developed at a dozen or more major companies and universities. And the trial runs have already been planned. ![]() The Matrix: U.S. Backs Fla. Counterterrorism Database The system, which is called Matrix or Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange, reportedly allows investigators to find patterns and links among people and events faster than ever before. It combines, police records with commercially available collections of personal information about most American adults, according to the Post. Reference Links ... *Signs Of The Times ![]() *Disinformation *Big Brother Links ![]() *Prophecy Watcher ![]() Labels: Armageddon, Bible Prophecy, Bush Brotherhood of Death ![]() |
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